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To All "Liberal Media" Conspiracy Theorists (1 Viewer)


Active member
Nov 17, 2004
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I was there, now I'm here
Political Leaning
Dear "Liberal Media" Conspiracy Theorist,

Please answer the following questions:

1. Is there such a thing as conservative media bias?

2. Is it bias per se that irks you, or only the supposed liberal kind?

3. Have you defined exactly what you mean by “liberal,” “media” and “bias”?

4. Has it occurred to you that “the media” is actually the corporate media, and encompasses print, radio (dominated by right wing blowhards), TV, film, music, and now video games and the Internet?

5. If “the media” does indeed have a “liberal bias,” can you explain why the capitalist plutocrats who own these media corporations would want to promote a liberal agenda?

6. Is your evidence for this alleged liberal bias purely anecdotal, or can you prove systemic, institutionalized, industry-wide media bias?

7. Isn’t bias in the eye of the beholder, and thus ultimately not provable?

8. Isn’t the charge of liberal bias simply specious claptrap meant to deflect justified and necessary criticism of the Republican Party?
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I dont believe there is a bias. I consider myself centerist. To be honest i dont see why people have to be so ridgid in there views in terms of freedom of speech etc i side more towards liberal ideas. where as in issues such as crime i believe in more conservative ideas.

I think in general in america the split is widening hense conservatives are becoming too right wing and liberals too left wing.

I know it seems i have gone of the subject but surely there is room in all areas for give and take.
mikhail said:
I think in general in america the split is widening hense conservatives are becoming too right wing and liberals too left wing.
I very much agree. Its painful to see the terrible split between the two sides, with both resorting to namecalling, or the usual copout to any argument, "liberal/conservative media bias." The need to stop blaming the damn media for everything that goes against their line of thought and embrace debate and tolerance.
mikhail said:
I dont believe there is a bias. I consider myself centerist. To be honest i dont see why people have to be so ridgid in there views in terms of freedom of speech etc i side more towards liberal ideas. where as in issues such as crime i believe in more conservative ideas.

I think in general in america the split is widening hense conservatives are becoming too right wing and liberals too left wing.

I know it seems i have gone of the subject but surely there is room in all areas for give and take.

Yes exactly being center is a safe place to be. To far either way is too far into the extremes. Biased in the news though I beleive is not even present comparing to Canada. lol
Yep we lost balanced media groups ages ago, but I believe there are only a few that remain.
stsburns said:
Yep we lost balanced media groups ages ago, but I believe there are only a few that remain.

Well at least you had it up here there only ever has been liberal CBC
FOX News is fairly biased.
Well I think overall, the media has a net bias of about 0. That doesn't mean there aren't biases. The NYT does lean left, while Fox News and The New York Post leans right. These are slightly leaning news organizations, mind you. The biases didn't prevent the NYT from covering the Clinton scandal, nor did it keep FOX News from covering what has been happening with Rove-Gate, but when it comes to the more topical issues, like the Catholic church or family values, the tilt shows through.

Yes thats true everywhere though in respect to newspapers they will be bias.

e.g for you future reference the UK media

The sun - most read paper in the UK - Some very right wing views but a paper written for idiots

The daily mirror- A paper for idiots who think they are some what intelligent some very left wing views.

The daily mail- A right wing newspaper but more intelligently written out

The guardian- A very left wing newspaper but more intelligently written out (although i consider myself centrist this paper is read by the biggest pricks Ive ever met)

The times - One of the best. center right slightly but one i read every other day and overall is fair

The independent - also one of the best. center left though probably further left than the times is center right.

The point is i think bias in the media evens out.
1. Is there such a thing as conservative media bias?
Absolutely! Clinton got put through the ringer for cheating on his wife, but Bush's appointee Phillip A. Cooney doctored environmental reports a couple months ago and there was barely a whisper about that in the media. Conservative media bias shows that blow jobs and cigars are more important than environmental problems that concern all life as we know it. :spin:
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I'll give my opinion anyway.

I think its great in this information age that we can get all sorts of different takes on the same story. That's why I'm not worried about what people call "the power of the media." With more access to more people, that power is being diffused amongst the people.

Like I said, I don't believe in a liberal conspiracy or anything like that, but I've been in many situations where I've seen a "liberal" culture. That means people are assumed to support the democratic candidate (or you could be a "friendly rebel" and support the Green party), and there is a liberal set of opinions on various different topics that everyone is expected to have. In all of these cases, members of the liberal culture will assume that I am "one of them." I wouldn't be surprised if there are many news companies with a left-wing culture.

argexpat said:
5. If “the media” does indeed have a “liberal bias,” can you explain why the capitalist plutocrats who own these media corporations would want to promote a liberal agenda?

It's the fact that they're capitalists. If the corporation is making money, why change it?
I Think there is media bias, and I think it is on both sides. I think different media has different bias as the predominant ones.

I also agree with someone else, major things still get covered on both sides by both the ones with biased. Certain issues may be downplayed by it, but its there.

As well you must remember on top of conservative bias or liberal bias there is one key factor...Ratings.

I'll take the clinton example someone brought up earlier. This can actually show both liberal bias AND the ratings factor. If Fox News was prominant during that time you would likely hear a decent bit more about Clinton's problem with Purgery then you did during the time it happened. The majority of stations focused no the cheating on the wife and other such things...why you ask?

What's easier for the liberals to spin and make it look overblown...The president performing a federal crime, or the president just getting some action on the side? Think on that a moment and then ask yourself if the fact it focused on the affair was because of conservative bias? But it also shows the rating factor. Average joe person won't really care to much about political things, but give them some nice juicy gossip and drama that is almost out of a typical TV show and you're going to get them watching a lot more.

I'll come out and easily admit that i lean more conservative. I enjoy fox news. Its my 24/7 station of choice. I think hannity, while abrassive and insultive at times, is one of the more intellegent guys out there in presenting his arguments. I think if people would watch bill o'reily more then just condemn him after watching a show or two or just seeing him from some years ago will realize he's a lot closer to the center...or at least not a huge bush lover...that people paint him to be. However I'll be the first to admit that Fox is more biased to the Right and is straight down the middle. However I don't think there is a station out there that is completely straigth down the middle and for myself I would rather watch something and get my news from a thing that is slightly slanted in the direction I go then completely the other way. I still switch to the others at time to get another view, but I kind of like watching fox some times and finding places where I even disagree with them.

All in all the media is biased. If its more liberal then conservative....I think a bit in the overall scheme of political media...but I think its not nearly as huge as it once was.
While I appreciate all the excellent and illuminating responses so far to this post, I find it interesting that not a single "liberal media" conspiracy theorist has taken me up on my challenge and replied to my questions. What's the matter, "liberal media" conspiracy theorists, cat got your canard?


The people in power are bias!
At the moment this is the Right Wing Conservative capitalists

They will use the means that are disposable to them to maintain their money making...(Media, advertising, govt lobbying and funding)
(simplistic but structurally true)
This is objectively obvious...

This is not a conspiracy theory. It is obvious.
The Aristocracy and ruling class always made sure that a rebellion did not occur.
By controlling the masses through the police, wealth and incentives given to the people, they sometimes kept the masses 'happy'.
This may appear over simplistic with there being internet and global media...But the structures of power remain... Nothing has changed...the landowners are still in power?

The media is a powerful and useful toll to ALL, why wouldnt they want to control it???????? :cool:
Binary_Digit said:
Absolutely! Clinton got put through the ringer for cheating on his wife, but Bush's appointee Phillip A. Cooney doctored environmental reports a couple months ago and there was barely a whisper about that in the media. Conservative media bias shows that blow jobs and cigars are more important than environmental problems that concern all life as we know it. :spin:
Yep that same bias is attacking bush too! So its all fair game!
AliG said:


The people in power are bias!
At the moment this is the Right Wing Conservative capitalists

They will use the means that are disposable to them to maintain their money making...(Media, advertising, govt lobbying and funding)
(simplistic but structurally true)
This is objectively obvious...

This is not a conspiracy theory. It is obvious.
The Aristocracy and ruling class always made sure that a rebellion did not occur.
By controlling the masses through the police, wealth and incentives given to the people, they sometimes kept the masses 'happy'.
This may appear over simplistic with there being internet and global media...But the structures of power remain... Nothing has changed...the landowners are still in power?

The media is a powerful and useful toll to ALL, why wouldnt they want to control it???????? :cool:
Who ownz the media, look it up yourself genius, they have websites that lead you to their parent corporations! DUH! Also your fear of "Republican Corporate Capitalists" is entertainingly funny! The only person you should fear is yourself!
It's pretty simple minded to think that only one side is doing what "your" side isn't doing.

I can name plenty of liberals who are Left Wing Capitalists such as Geroge Soros, who if memory serves me correctly practically bank rolled Moveon.org (who had no problem comparing Bush to a Nazi).

And maybe you should pay attention to the recent story about Air America and where they got their funding from.
SixStringHero said:
It's pretty simple minded to think that only one side is doing what "your" side isn't doing.

I can name plenty of liberals who are Left Wing Capitalists such as Geroge Soros, who if memory serves me correctly practically bank rolled Moveon.org (who had no problem comparing Bush to a Nazi).

And maybe you should pay attention to the recent story about Air America and where they got their funding from.
I love politics! Anyone wanna get paid by the Republican and Democrat underground organizations! :2wave:
The Left uses the media too, they just don't use it as effectively...

Every group uses the media to the best of their capability, the right wing at the moment in the West has more influence.

This is not to say that the Left to not use propaganda but their influence is less due to the right wing nature of big business and its influences on Global media

It is democracy we can critise the merits of Capitalism and its problems..if theres a problem why not speak out......
SixStringHero said:
It's pretty simple minded to think that only one side is doing what "your" side isn't doing.


SixStringHero said:
I can name plenty of liberals who are Left Wing Capitalists such as Geroge Soros, who if memory serves me correctly practically bank rolled Moveon.org (who had no problem comparing Bush to a Nazi).

And yet you only name one, but what the hell does George Soros have to do with anything. Are you claiming corporate plutocrats are liberal? You've got to be kidding me.

SixStringHero said:
And maybe you should pay attention to the recent story about Air America and where they got their funding from.

Who cares where they got their funding? Air America is a corporation. If they don't sell advertising time, they go under. That's called capitalism.
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Exactly, we are in the Capitalist system...all corporations have to make profit..
It just that some abuse more than others-Air America has lot less power than Fox News Channel..i'm sorry but there is a difference.
Its healthy to criticise the media even in War time situations and question their motives.
Fox News Channel saying that its 'fair and balanced' when the agenda is all set -to protect the Republicans and tow the party line and find dirt on anything liberal and democrat...this is wrong, objectively and morally!

There is no 'conspiracy theory', this is a phrase carefully crafted to make it seem all dark and disconnected from the public realm, its balantly obvious if you look at the MAINSTREAM media that it is owned by the right wing.
First off, I don't like the extreme nature of either side. I was merely pointing out that most people are so biased that they only criticise the side who has differing viewpoints from themselves. Liberals will immediately discount anything that FOX NEWS says, and look at Ali G, he proved my point. Likeswise, conservatives will discount anything that the New York Times or CNN will say. Sure, these are generalizations, but it seems to hold true for most people on here. Everyone is such a cynic these days that they resort to ad hominem attacks on everyhing.

I only brought up Soros becasue someone stated that only corporate capitalists are right wing conservatives. They were making a generalization, nothing more.

Once again, I don't agree with the ideologues on either side. I will however point out the hypocrisy and inconsistentcies of all sides.
I'm hearing you SixStringHero, i can understand completely that there are bias on both sides and that the ideologes are the ones always in conflict.
I tryed to compare the two different stations Fox and Air America to show that there are differences of strength and influence.
For the left to concentrate on Fox is natural due to its levels of hypocrisy..i just felt that Air America has such less influence and that the two are not in the same league-
one being mass media empire owned by Murdoch and the other more likened to 'underground'.
argexpat said:
1. Is there such a thing as conservative media bias??

yes. It is evidenced by Fox news at times.
argexpat said:
2. Is it bias per se that irks you, or only the supposed liberal kind???
argexpat said:
3. Have you defined exactly what you mean by “liberal,” “media” and “bias”???

Liberal means "soft on crime." Soft on drugs. Soft on communism. Soft on defense. And we're gonna tax you back to the stone age because people shouldn't have to go to work if they don't want to. ...Bruno

Media-A means of mass communication, such as newpapers, magazines, radio, television, internet, billboards, cell phone displays, etc.

Bias-A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment.

argexpat said:
4. Has it occurred to you that “the media” is actually the corporate media, and encompasses print, radio (dominated by right wing blowhards), TV, film, music, and now video games and the Internet??


argexpat said:
5. If “the media” does indeed have a “liberal bias,” can you explain why the capitalist plutocrats who own these media corporations would want to promote a liberal agenda??

Sure. It is called giving someone enough rope to hang themselves. The last dozen years have proven that constant liberal bombardment merely drives the voters into the arms of the Republican party. It is really too bad liberals have hijacked the democratic party. It used to be fun but now its just annoying.

argexpat said:
6. Is your evidence for this alleged liberal bias purely anecdotal, or can you prove systemic, institutionalized, industry-wide media bias? ?
some examples

Another example is above. You cant just communicate. You have to toss in a snide comment(right wing blowhards). You cant NOT be biased even in a basic post. We all do it.

argexpat said:
7. Isn’t bias in the eye of the beholder, and thus ultimately not provable? ?

No. Pick a side any side. Left right center. It isnt that hard. I think of myself as middle right.

argexpat said:
8. Isn’t the charge of liberal bias simply specious claptrap meant to deflect justified and necessary criticism of the Republican Party?

No. Even if it was or was not so what? How would political manuevering be any different than any administration's actions in the last 50 years?
The people upset about it and many other things are not looking at the big picture anyway.

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