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tivodan1116 (1 Viewer)



Hi all, just thought i'd introduce myself.

My name is Dan, I'm 27 years old. I own a historic home in Brockport, NY, USA where I live with my wife and son. Brockport is a nice little town on the Erie Canal in western NY. I work part time for a small Verizon Wireless store. I enjoy homebrewing beer and woodworking. I play some computer games when I get the chance.

I received a BS in Criminal Justice from SUNY College at Brockport in May of 2005. In the fall I will start the J.D. program at University at Buffalo. In three years I will take the Bar and hopefully pass and be admitted as an attorney.

I am a libertarian, skeptic, and student of classical thought. I am one of a small minority of people in this country that realize that we have been sold a (nearly identical) bill of goods by both major parties. I think that Rush Limbaugh IS a big fat jerk, AND that Al Franken is a pretentious limosuine liberal. I don't like the texture of onions. Other then that I like all food.
tivodan1116 said:
Hi all, just thought i'd introduce myself.

My name is Dan, I'm 27 years old. I own a historic home in Brockport, NY, USA where I live with my wife and son. Brockport is a nice little town on the Erie Canal in western NY. I work part time for a small Verizon Wireless store. I enjoy homebrewing beer and woodworking. I play some computer games when I get the chance.

I received a BS in Criminal Justice from SUNY College at Brockport in May of 2005. In the fall I will start the J.D. program at University at Buffalo. In three years I will take the Bar and hopefully pass and be admitted as an attorney.

I am a libertarian, skeptic, and student of classical thought. I am one of a small minority of people in this country that realize that we have been sold a (nearly identical) bill of goods by both major parties. I think that Rush Limbaugh IS a big fat jerk, AND that Al Franken is a pretentious limosuine liberal. I don't like the texture of onions. Other then that I like all food.

Hi:2wave: And welcome. I'm going for my law degree too. Well, once I get my BA of course. What type of law are you interested in?

Onions rule.:2razz:
Welcome to Debate Politics!

What kind of computer games?
I need to break out World of Warcraft again - summers are so BUSY! lol
i'm mostly interested in criminal law. Ultimately I'd like to be a judge at some appeals level of court. I'd even want to be an appeals lawyer. my advice on applying to law schools is make sure you do very well on your LSAT.

I mostly play FPS, roleplaying, I'm thinking about getting into some of the MM games out there. I also like sim games. Really, I just like a diversion from my usual area of thinking.

I should also mention I supposed my favorites...

Favorite food: Pumpkin pie
Favorite Drink: any homebrew I make.
Favorite movie: tie - Lawrence of Arabia and This Is Spinal Tap
Favorite TV Show - Stargate SG-1 or anything that begins with an announcer saying, "And now, the SCI-FI channel original series..."

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