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Titanium-Gold Alloy 4x Harder Than Titanium (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Scientists have developed an alloy 4x harder than Titanium, by combining it with Gold:

Super-hard metal 'four times tougher than titanium' - BBC News

The new alloy is said to be exceptionally biocompatible.

High hardness in the biocompatible intermetallic compound ?-Ti3Au | Science Advances

Incidentally, Marvel Comics' fictional Tony Stark's Iron Man Mark-III armor was also made of Titanium-Gold alloy:

Iron Man armor (Mark III) - Marvel Movies - Wikia

It's not the first time science follows fiction because it can't escape reality.
Well I am sure it is expensive as all get out and gold will just shoot through the roof on this news.
Gold has little industrial value but if this actually work gold and titanium will climb.
Potentially useful coating for medical implants but I suspect this will be used to justify a huge price increase on the already ludicrously overpriced implants.

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