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Three moms attack McDonald's service worker for being too slow (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 13, 2016
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I worked in food service when I was younger and it's quite a challenge. Although I never worked in a McDonald's franchise, it seems like McDonald's is supposed to be fast (even for fast food). I've seen online videos over the course of the past year where many different people, male and female attack McDonald's workers for various reasons. Usually it's just a young man or a young woman acting out, though in this case it seems like it was a concerted effort.

Do people work at McDonald's risk coordinated assault in their line of work, or is this just an anomaly? What steps can be taken to stop this kind of behavior from happening? Why would anyone disrespect the person cooking their food? Is this attack fair, if the woman was serving food too slowly?

Women attack McDonald's worker for being too slow, plead not guilty | WKYC.com
The best thing we can do to stop incidents like this is to make bloody examples of the cretins that attack fast food workers.
I worked in food service when I was younger and it's quite a challenge. Although I never worked in a McDonald's franchise, it seems like McDonald's is supposed to be fast (even for fast food). I've seen online videos over the course of the past year where many different people, male and female attack McDonald's workers for various reasons. Usually it's just a young man or a young woman acting out, though in this case it seems like it was a concerted effort.

Do people work at McDonald's risk coordinated assault in their line of work, or is this just an anomaly? What steps can be taken to stop this kind of behavior from happening? Why would anyone disrespect the person cooking their food? Is this attack fair, if the woman was serving food too slowly?

Women attack McDonald's worker for being too slow, plead not guilty | WKYC.com

Fast food (and minimum wage earners) are maligned in this country, it's not surprising the public looks at them as less than human at times. My son's first job was at McDonald's (he was 14) and he had to deal with more than his fair share of assholes and never wanted to work during the summer there again. Interestingly he got more "perfect till" awards than any other register operator the summer he worked.
I worked in food service when I was younger and it's quite a challenge. Although I never worked in a McDonald's franchise, it seems like McDonald's is supposed to be fast (even for fast food). I've seen online videos over the course of the past year where many different people, male and female attack McDonald's workers for various reasons. Usually it's just a young man or a young woman acting out, though in this case it seems like it was a concerted effort.

Do people work at McDonald's risk coordinated assault in their line of work, or is this just an anomaly? What steps can be taken to stop this kind of behavior from happening? Why would anyone disrespect the person cooking their food? Is this attack fair, if the woman was serving food too slowly?

Women attack McDonald's worker for being too slow, plead not guilty | WKYC.com

I notice the worker is still recovering and the assault charges against the three bimbos are misdemeanors. Also notice their smart assed poses in their mugshots. I hope they get the maximum sentences and fines...end up in contempt of court and spend a year in jail or more.

WTF is wrong with people today?
This is one of the mug shots?


If you assaulted and injured someone then have the ovaries to pose for your mug shot you deserve whatever the judge hands down.

As an aside, I can't believe that the cops allowed these kind of antics.
I hope she isn't smiling like that when she gets her sentence. Bitch.
This is one of the mug shots?


If you assaulted and injured someone then have the ovaries to pose for your mug shot you deserve whatever the judge hands down.

As an aside, I can't believe that the cops allowed these kind of antics.

What were the cops going to do? Smack her around?
I do hope the judge has copies of those mug shots when they are handing down sentences.

**** me. The whole world is going to hell. More than ever...self, family, and immediate community.
This is one of the mug shots?


If you assaulted and injured someone then have the ovaries to pose for your mug shot you deserve whatever the judge hands down.

As an aside, I can't believe that the cops allowed these kind of antics.

The cops were probably loving it. Wait till she tries to tell a jury, judge, or a parole officer how "remorseful she was about the whole incident".
Fast food (and minimum wage earners) are maligned in this country, it's not surprising the public looks at them as less than human at times. My son's first job was at McDonald's (he was 14) and he had to deal with more than his fair share of assholes and never wanted to work during the summer there again. Interestingly he got more "perfect till" awards than any other register operator the summer he worked.

I worked at Burger King for 2 weeks. I think I took a job at Woolworth's after that. Not easy. Those 3 really need some heavy fines and community service, like preparing and delivering food to the elderly.
Be honest here, but how many others before seeing the picture of the flake assumed they were black women?
Be honest here, but how many others before seeing the picture of the flake assumed they were black women?

Didn't even occur to me. I only jump to that conclusion when people are abusing the 911 system.
Shocking. Universal disgust for perps and invariably...someone will slime in and make it be about race. I'd say un****ingbelievable but sadly....it's all to the ****ingbelievable. Expected even.

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Matter of fact I was just at Churches Fried chicken. The workers were aged 25-40 (in other words excessive youth is not a valid defense), slow and either not well trained or did not follow their training. I get the anger that bubbles up from crap customer service, but physical violence is not the answer.

Maybe 10% of the time I get good service at a fast food place. last time I had great service was 7 months ago at a McD's near the VA in Seattle. Back 30 years ago it was about 90%. Add this to the long list of things that Americans do poorly most of the time now.
Shocking. Universal disgust for perps and invariably...someone will slime in and make it be about race. I'd say un****ingbelievable but sadly....it's all to the ****ingbelievable. Expected even.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not, "will"..."did"
Matter of fact I was just at Churches Fried chicken. The workers were aged 25-40 (in other words excessive youth is not a valid defense), slow and either not well trained or did not follow their training. I get the anger that bubbles up from crap customer service, but physical violence is not the answer.

Maybe 10% of the time I get good service at a fast food place. last time I had great service was 7 months ago at a McD's near the VA in Seattle. Back 30 years ago it was about 90%. Add this to the long list of things that Americans do poorly most of the time now.

But at least we're still not communists, right :lol:
But at least we're still not communists, right :lol:

What? I am sure that I could have gotten better quality work out of half the number of North Koreans.

Jeez, the American worth ethic is shot to hell.
What? I am sure that I could have gotten better quality work out of half the number of North Koreans.

Jeez, the American worth ethic is shot to hell.

It's not just work ethic. People are making sacrifices in some areas of their life to compensate for others.

Now, it would be really ironic if the worker was a parent herself. Parenting is tiring. Three moms attacking another mom, that compounds the insensitivity.
I worked in food service when I was younger and it's quite a challenge. Although I never worked in a McDonald's franchise, it seems like McDonald's is supposed to be fast (even for fast food). I've seen online videos over the course of the past year where many different people, male and female attack McDonald's workers for various reasons. Usually it's just a young man or a young woman acting out, though in this case it seems like it was a concerted effort.

Do people work at McDonald's risk coordinated assault in their line of work, or is this just an anomaly? What steps can be taken to stop this kind of behavior from happening? Why would anyone disrespect the person cooking their food? Is this attack fair, if the woman was serving food too slowly?

Women attack McDonald's worker for being too slow, plead not guilty | WKYC.com

Worked in food service for around ten years.
People are entitled pricks, regardless of age, race, class, etc.

Been nearly assaulted, had charities who wrote bad checks regularly, routine scammers, etc.
Food service workers are considered peasants.
I worked at Burger King for 2 weeks. I think I took a job at Woolworth's after that. Not easy. Those 3 really need some heavy fines and community service, like preparing and delivering food to the elderly.

I wouldn't let them near other people's food.
I worked in food service when I was younger and it's quite a challenge. Although I never worked in a McDonald's franchise, it seems like McDonald's is supposed to be fast (even for fast food). I've seen online videos over the course of the past year where many different people, male and female attack McDonald's workers for various reasons. Usually it's just a young man or a young woman acting out, though in this case it seems like it was a concerted effort.

Do people work at McDonald's risk coordinated assault in their line of work, or is this just an anomaly? What steps can be taken to stop this kind of behavior from happening? Why would anyone disrespect the person cooking their food? Is this attack fair, if the woman was serving food too slowly?

Women attack McDonald's worker for being too slow, plead not guilty | WKYC.com

The prosecutor should offer no other evidence at sentencing than their mug shots. It's all they need to get the maximum sentence.

And then the victim can file a civil suit and again provide the mug shots.

These women need to feel the pain.
The prosecutor should offer no other evidence at sentencing than their mug shots. It's all they need to get the maximum sentence.

And then the victim can file a civil suit and again provide the mug shots.

These women need to feel the pain.

We all know that's not how justice works.

We don't know what level of involvement each suspect engaged in and we don't know the extent of the victims wounds.

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