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Three Chemotherapies Down... (1 Viewer)

I have a 4-hour chemo treatment every three weeks. Still feeling great except for 3 days or so around my treatment. The main side effect is extreme tiredness, and that passes in 3-4 days. Next week, I have a body scan to determine if they will stop treatment, continue as is or change the chemistry. Since I still feel good, I'm hoping they can continue.

Ive manages to, as I've said before, get all my personal affairs in order. Some of you may remember mom's John. I've taken him to the Atty and my cousin is stepping up for him as HCPOA and Financial POA with some backup from Tom. That's my final gift to mom. I know she is happy about that.

He just turned 89. Getting confused and losing his short term memory. Still a jerk underneath it all just like he was thirty years ago. But, as my atty told me, "Don't let how John acts define who you are." I like that a lot. Works.

As I've said before, I'm blessed. Trips to Florida...one coming up end of the month, Lord willing, with cousin Sue. Friends coming from SC to visit in a few weeks. A Christmas Lights Trolly Ride planned in Chicago's Loop with friends. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners with good friends and family. Too many kindnesses to list, big and small...magnificent and tiny.

Tom is wonderful. Sometimes I'm crabby. He understands. I sense many of you here may understand as well. ;)

Its really not not so bad, actually. I'm kind of amazed. Don't worry about commenting. This is my therapy. ;) ;)

I'll let let you know how my my scan turns out.

Is that's the worst, you're good.

I have to say, you are one strong woman. Tom is a lucky guy, you got mojo where other women don't even have places.

Fight this, you can so win.

You have my prayers.

I still haven't found a solution to these cluster migraines and I get down; hearing from you on this will keep ME going..,..thanks.
You are such a strong woman. I'm glad you're finding a way to see the bright side in so many things with everything going on.
Hang in there, Maggie, you're doing well. Treat yourself to some ice cream, youve earned it! :)
They say having the right attitude is important, and you sound like you have what it takes.
I hope you keep feeling well! God Bless!
Good to hear you are feeling well. Keep it up!
Hoping for a Festivus Miracle for you young lady. If anybody can do this - its you. If anybody deserves a break on this - its you.

All my positive thoughts being sent your way.
Imagine how great it's going to be when the final gift and kindness you get after all this is a clean bill of health!!

Always in my thoughts and prayers - God bless and keep feeling great.
You've been on my mind. I love your deep, warm, tender soul. When I grow up, I want to be just like you.

Keep fighting!
Hopefully the chemo will do its job and wont get much worse than it is now
Maggie, you are the best.
Wish you were within hugging range.
I'll be cheering for body scan excellent results!

You're one tough cookie and you will beat this thing Maggie :yes:

Blessings to you and yours always!
Keeping the line open for good vibes.
All the love in the world for you, Maggie.:mrgreen:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenancec upon you and give you peace.

Many positive thoughts sent your way!

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