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Thomas Noe of Ohio Charged with 53 Felonies - Looking at 175 Years in Prison (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
They just nabbed Noe for Coingate. There is much, much more to the culture of corruption than just Jack Abramoff.

Article is here.
Hopefully they'll nab the Ohio Attorney General for obstruction of justice for refusing to hand over doccuments concerning coingate despite a court order.
KCConservative said:
Which helps to prove this:

you need to read the rules of this forum again. It is a big no no to bring anything from the basement upstairs.

Mods, please delete his link.
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KCConservative said:
Which helps to prove this:
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basement rules said:
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mixedmedia said:
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Please refrain from commenting on or providing links to basement threads in the upper levels. Thank you.
Oops. Sorry, mixedmedia.
Old news.

And if you think the Democrats have the standing to claim the moral hig ground when it comes to corruption, you're dreaming.
Goobieman said:
Old news.

And if you think the Democrats have the standing to claim the moral hig ground when it comes to corruption, you're dreaming.
Actually, its not old news. He was indicted today. The old news is the Federal charges he was indicted on before, which related to his fundraising for Bush.
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Goobieman said:
Old news.

And if you think the Democrats have the standing to claim the moral hig ground when it comes to corruption, you're dreaming.
Um...you do know that Noe sold his soul to the Republicans years ago, right? Not that I'm denying the corruption of the democrats...but the republicans are the ones in power. It's hard to be as corrupt when you're out of power, simply because you lack the implements to dig yourself deeper. And can anyone honestly expect any politician to not kick dirt down on an opponent who's dug themself deeper? It's got something to do with that whole 'sour grapes' mentality.

Good ol' Ohio, "the heart of it all." :lol:

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