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This Poll Of Latino Voters Should Terrify The Republican Party (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 13, 2011
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The Republican presidential nominee will need as many as 40 percent of Latino voters in some states to clinch a win in November. But ever since Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump built his campaign on promises to deport the country’s 11.3 million undocumented population and claims of Mexican immigrant rapists and drug dealers, his unpopularity has soared among Latinos.And now there’s evidence that Latino voters may be “enthusiastic” to hit the polls in November to defeat Trump’s anti-immigrant, anti-Latino agenda.
A national poll released Thursday by America’s Voice and Latino Decisions found that 79 percent of voters had a “very unfavorable” opinion of Trump, with a total of 87 percent of Latinos finding him generally unfavorable. When asked about Trump’s policy plan to deport the country’s 11.3 million undocumented population, 80 percent of Latino voters indicated that they were “much less likely to vote for Trump,” with a total of 87 percent of voters less likely to vote for Trump generally.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), another Republican presidential candidate who endorses deporting the country’s undocumented population, followed behind with a 34 percent “very unfavorable” rating among Latino voters, with a total of 52 percent unfavorable rating. Even when voters were told that Cruz supports deporting the country’s undocumented population, 61 percent of Latino voters were “much less likely to vote for Cruz,” with a total of 74 percent of voters less likely to vote for him generally.

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Another huge reason why the Republican party will not be occupying the White House come January 20, 2017.....
Read more @: This Poll Of Latino Voters Should Terrify The Republican Party

Another huge reason why the Republican party will not be occupying the White House come January 20, 2017..... [/FONT][/COLOR]

Trump was refering to illegal immigrants not all migrants, and he was referring to the ones Mexico sends. Do you think Mexico sends the best and the brightest? Why haven't there been any nobel prize or poet laurete winning illegal immigrants? Then I guess Trump was right, Mexico isn't sending their best are they?
So basically the article is claiming that republicans should suck the testicles of the illegal alien lobby and sell out the country like liberal democrats do in order to get votes.

No, but we should be smarter about the way that we go about this. If we let Democrats lock Hispanics in like they have African Americans, then we are sorta screwed for a generation at the national level.

As for the Group doing the poll itself:

...Latino Decisions is the leader in Latino political opinion research. Founded by professors of political science, Dr. Gary M. Segura and Dr. Matt Barreto, our firm leverages a unique combination of analytical expertise and cultural competencies that are unparalleled in the industry. Our team is comprised exclusively of credentialed research scientists with established publication records, rigorous methodological training, and experience with large-scale collaborative research projects. We employ our professional insights and specialized technical skills to produce the most accurate information about Latino political attitudes, experiences and engagement. In 2015, Barreto and Segura were hired by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to run polling and focus groups on Latino voters....

I wonder what happens to the numbers when you run the fact that Ted Cruz would be the first Hispanic President by them.
Trump was refering to illegal immigrants not all migrants, and he was referring to the ones Mexico sends. Do you think Mexico sends the best and the brightest? Why haven't there been any nobel prize or poet laurete winning illegal immigrants? Then I guess Trump was right, Mexico isn't sending their best are they?

None of which does anything to answer the reality that Trump is causing Hispanics to fold into the Democrat party as solidly as African Americans already are, helping to ensure his wipeout (if he is the nominee), the loss of the Senate, and that the GOP loses national elections for a decade or more.
None of which does anything to answer the reality that Trump is causing Hispanics to fold into the Democrat party as solidly as African Americans already are, helping to ensure his wipeout (if he is the nominee), the loss of the Senate, and that the GOP loses national elections for a decade or more.

Yea we should probably just go ahead and vote for the Hildebeast. 8)
Trump was refering to illegal immigrants not all migrants, and he was referring to the ones Mexico sends. Do you think Mexico sends the best and the brightest? Why haven't there been any nobel prize or poet laurete winning illegal immigrants? Then I guess Trump was right, Mexico isn't sending their best are they?

Tump has a major problem, "A national poll released Thursday by America’s Voice and Latino Decisions found that 79 percent of voters had a “very unfavorable” opinion of Trump, with a total of 87 percent of Latinos finding him generally unfavorable. When asked about Trump’s policy plan to deport the country’s 11.3 million undocumented population, 80 percent of Latino voters indicated that they were “much less likely to vote for Trump,” with a total of 87 percent of voters less likely to vote for Trump generally."
So basically the article is claiming that republicans should suck the testicles of the illegal alien lobby and sell out the country like liberal democrats do in order to get votes.

Latino voters are the "illegal alien lobby"? Remember after the 2012 election with the Republican "rebranding" and attempting to "appeal to the Latino community"? Well no wonder they cant....
Trump was refering to illegal immigrants not all migrants, and he was referring to the ones Mexico sends. Do you think Mexico sends the best and the brightest? Why haven't there been any nobel prize or poet laurete winning illegal immigrants? Then I guess Trump was right, Mexico isn't sending their best are they?

I am not Trump fan but anyone with a brain in their head knows Trump was talking about illegals.Had it not been for anti-Americans trying to make Trump's comments about illegals apply to all Mexicans Trump probably would have gotten his ass handed to him in the primary as soon as he started. The pro-illegals lobby inadvertently painted Trump as this Pro-American who will boot illegals out of the country and crack down on illegal immigration.
I wonder what happens to the numbers when you run the fact that Ted Cruz would be the first Hispanic President by them.

I somehow believe Hillary wins in that instance too. I get the feeling that if you put the Virgin of Guadalupe in that function machine, you get Hillary as the winner.
Latino voters are the "illegal alien lobby"? Remember after the 2012 election with the Republican "rebranding" and attempting to "appeal to the Latino community"? Well no wonder they cant....

The gist of the article is republicans should suck the dicks of the illegal alien lobby like many anti-American liberals do in order to get the Latino vote.The article implies that all or most Hispanics support illegal immigration.

John McCain in 2008 kissed the asses of the illegal alien lobby and it did not help him. All it did was give a huge middle finger to the pro-Americans in the republican party who do not want illegal immigration.
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I wonder what happens to the numbers when you run the fact that Ted Cruz would be the first Hispanic President by them.
I suspect it depends on how much they know about him. I don't know for certain, but I suspect a Hispanic born in Canada who doesn't speak Spanish very well and supports mass deportation probably doesn't exactly excite the Hispanic population.
None of which does anything to answer the reality that Trump is causing Hispanics to fold into the Democrat party as solidly as African Americans already are, helping to ensure his wipeout (if he is the nominee), the loss of the Senate, and that the GOP loses national elections for a decade or more.

Unlike the Black community which was driven away because of overtly racist language, the hispanic is being driven away because they're not being promised the sun, the moon, and the stars. We have an obligation in this country to enforce our laws and we should not being giving hispanic preferetial treatment over Chinese immigrants, Russian immigrants, or African immigrants. Hispanics are going to the Democratic party because they're promising to allow hispanics to cut in line. How insulting to those who followed the rules to come here legally.
The gist of the article is republicans should suck the dicks of the illegal alien lobby like many anti-American liberals do in order to get the Latino vote.(John McCain tried sucking the testicles of the illegal alien lobby in 08 and still lost)The article implies that all or most Hispanics support illegal immigration.

:lamo Yea! Stick to that! Stick to the divisive rhetoric and really stick it to those "anti-American liberals"! Just as you do this the GOP can kiss the White House goodbye!
Tump has a major problem, "A national poll released Thursday by America’s Voice and Latino Decisions found that 79 percent of voters had a “very unfavorable” opinion of Trump, with a total of 87 percent of Latinos finding him generally unfavorable. When asked about Trump’s policy plan to deport the country’s 11.3 million undocumented population, 80 percent of Latino voters indicated that they were “much less likely to vote for Trump,” with a total of 87 percent of voters less likely to vote for Trump generally."

They want preferential treatment. They want to jump ahead of the line and get citizenship benefits ahead of Australians, Nigerians, Canadians, and other people who played by the rules.
They want preferential treatment. They want to jump ahead of the line and get citizenship benefits ahead of Australians, Nigerians, Canadians, and other people who played by the rules.

You do realize the poll is citizens right?
Trump was refering to illegal immigrants not all migrants, and he was referring to the ones Mexico sends. Do you think Mexico sends the best and the brightest? Why haven't there been any nobel prize or poet laurete winning illegal immigrants? Then I guess Trump was right, Mexico isn't sending their best are they?

What a ****ing absurd argument.

:lamo Yea! Stick to that! Stick to the divisive rhetoric and really stick it to those "anti-American liberals"! Just as you do this the GOP can kiss the White House goodbye!
John McCain pushed for the anti-American McCain,Bush and Kennedy amnesty plan, and campaigned for amnesty for illegals in his presidential run. It did not help him at all with the Hispanic vote.All it did was piss off the republican base who saw McCain's sucking the testicles of the illegal alien lobby as treasonous. So either Hispanics in general do not support amnesty for illegals or there are other issues they care more about than amnesty for illegals or a combination of the two.
So basically the article is claiming that republicans should suck the testicles of the illegal alien lobby and sell out the country like liberal democrats do in order to get votes.

If you don't want to represent the interests of a majority of your constituents, then you should expect to lose the election.

You call it selling it out, I call it losing.
John McCain pushed for the anti-American McCain,
John McCain pushed for himself?
Whats up with all this bull**** "anti-Americanism" being thrown around? Is someone who is "anti-American" simply someone who has a different view/policy proposal on immigration?

So either Hispanics in general do not support amnesty for illegals or there are other issues they care more about than amnesty for illegals or a combination of the two.
From the poll linked in the article:
:lamo Yea! Stick to that! Stick to the divisive rhetoric and really stick it to those "anti-American liberals"! Just as you do this the GOP can kiss the White House goodbye!

Except that is apparently what they seem to want. If you don't support people breaking the law then apparently you're against them.

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