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This Missile Has A Cannon (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Political Leaning

The missile must fire bullets...
... and the bullets must fire lasers...
... and those lasers must open portals...
.... through which more missiles must be fired...

This Missile Has A Cannon

Can we say OVERKILL...
"I'm too close for missiles! Switching to missiles with guns!"

"You can be my wingman anytime!"

The missile must fire bullets...
... and the bullets must fire lasers...
... and those lasers must open portals...
.... through which more missiles must be fired...

The real secret to the weapon are the bayonets inside, should the bomb and the bullets not work. /s
So does it fire large rounds at its target and then blow it up?
Seems like you could just save the rounds.

The missile must fire bullets...
... and the bullets must fire lasers...
... and those lasers must open portals...
.... through which more missiles must be fired...

Hey if it can be operated at a distance and reduces risks to our own pilots/air crews why not give it a shot?

The missile must fire bullets...
... and the bullets must fire lasers...
... and those lasers must open portals...
.... through which more missiles must be fired...

Isn't the fact that the missile's impact will cause widespread devastation, not enough ?

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