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This Is Serious Dems, Vote In Person November 3rd (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2019
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The Old Country
Political Leaning
With, currently, 72 % of democrats planning to vote by mail in the General Election versus only 22% of republicans doing the same, dems are playing into Trump's plan to discount their vote. The chaos is already underway to lose, destroy, or holdup your vote until after November 3rd thereby invalidating it to not be counted.
How much more does Trump have to say in this regard? His latest hoax is saying it's actually the democrats that are stealing the election by using the tried and true vote by mail option, available this year without having to give an excuse due to the pandemic. Meanwhile it's actually Trump that is committing a federal crime by admitting he is tampering with the U.S. Postal Service under the guise of reforming it. It's time to wake up to Trump's historic corruption from the office of the U.S. presidency. Vote in person on November 3rd, if humanly possible, to give the best chance of your vote counting.

Vote in person November 3rd!
With, currently, 72 % of democrats planning to vote by mail in the General Election versus only 22% of republicans doing the same, dems are playing into Trump's plan to discount their vote. The chaos is already underway to lose, destroy, or holdup your vote until after November 3rd thereby invalidating it to not be counted.
How much more does Trump have to say in this regard? His latest hoax is saying it's actually the democrats that are stealing the election by using the tried and true vote by mail option, available this year without having to give an excuse due to the pandemic. Meanwhile it's actually Trump that is committing a federal crime by admitting he is tampering with the U.S. Postal Service under the guise of reforming it. It's time to wake up to Trump's historic corruption from the office of the U.S. presidency. Vote in person on November 3rd, if humanly possible, to give the best chance of your vote counting.

Vote in person November 3rd!

It's good advice but also hard not to think the GOP have played opposition voters into a corner. Vote by mail and they'll find a way to discount, disqualify or lose the ballots; wait to turn up in person and you'll find the polling places closed or moved or the lines too long or your name was struck off the rolls.

If they're determined to stop people from voting they have every means at their disposal.

Welcome to Putin's Amerika.
With, currently, 72 % of democrats planning to vote by mail in the General Election versus only 22% of republicans doing the same, dems are playing into Trump's plan to discount their vote. The chaos is already underway to lose, destroy, or holdup your vote until after November 3rd thereby invalidating it to not be counted.
How much more does Trump have to say in this regard? His latest hoax is saying it's actually the democrats that are stealing the election by using the tried and true vote by mail option, available this year without having to give an excuse due to the pandemic. Meanwhile it's actually Trump that is committing a federal crime by admitting he is tampering with the U.S. Postal Service under the guise of reforming it. It's time to wake up to Trump's historic corruption from the office of the U.S. presidency. Vote in person on November 3rd, if humanly possible, to give the best chance of your vote counting.

Vote in person November 3rd!

The strategy should be to force Trumps hand, if he wants to go down that way let him. Make no mistake if Trump does manipulate our election it will be the end of him, not our democracy.

What you are proposing is for us to do is give in to Trump. Doing so would only bolster his false claims.
The strategy should be to force Trumps hand, if he wants to go down that way let him. Make no mistake if Trump does manipulate our election it will be the end of him, not our democracy.

What you are proposing is for us to do is give in to Trump. Doing so would only bolster his false claims.

The reason I suggest this is that it has been shown there is no effective way to stop Trump from doing anything since he is supported by a corrupt republican party that controls the Executive Branch, and Senate plus has majority in the Supreme Court, and has said nothing about Trump's history-making corrupt, and illegal, rhetoric and actions concerning the U.S Post Office. They have done nothing to save thousands of Americans from dying from the pandemic, the election is smaller potatoes, so I'm not proposing giving into Trump, because that would be to use mail-in balloting. If you face some of these other issues mentioned, such as polling stations closed or severe health concerns, then vote by mail-in ballot as a last resort, but please vote.
With, currently, 72 % of democrats planning to vote by mail in the General Election versus only 22% of republicans doing the same, dems are playing into Trump's plan to discount their vote. The chaos is already underway to lose, destroy, or holdup your vote until after November 3rd thereby invalidating it to not be counted.
How much more does Trump have to say in this regard? His latest hoax is saying it's actually the democrats that are stealing the election by using the tried and true vote by mail option, available this year without having to give an excuse due to the pandemic. Meanwhile it's actually Trump that is committing a federal crime by admitting he is tampering with the U.S. Postal Service under the guise of reforming it. It's time to wake up to Trump's historic corruption from the office of the U.S. presidency. Vote in person on November 3rd, if humanly possible, to give the best chance of your vote counting.

Vote in person November 3rd!

The left believe that Biden will win, basically admitting that this whole Trump cheating thing is a political hoax. The whole spiel behind this vote by mail thing is Democrats are buying an insurance policy in case Trump should win. If Biden wins then he wins. If Biden loses then the left can claim Trump/post office collusion, form another Mueller investigation, and impeach Trump. The deep state is at work yet again. The funny thing though is the left don't realize that their actions, as you pointed out, may actually help Trump win when he might not have but for THEIR collusion. They simply have no clue that their TDS may actually cause voters to vote the other way. The left would rather have their insurance policy in place to challenge the election results than actually win so they continue with their vote by mail campaign even as they say that Trump is going to use it to cheat, while saying that masks work but masks won't work at voting places so you must vote by mail.
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With, currently, 72 % of democrats planning to vote by mail in the General Election versus only 22% of republicans doing the same, dems are playing into Trump's plan to discount their vote. The chaos is already underway to lose, destroy, or holdup your vote until after November 3rd thereby invalidating it to not be counted.
How much more does Trump have to say in this regard? His latest hoax is saying it's actually the democrats that are stealing the election by using the tried and true vote by mail option, available this year without having to give an excuse due to the pandemic. Meanwhile it's actually Trump that is committing a federal crime by admitting he is tampering with the U.S. Postal Service under the guise of reforming it. It's time to wake up to Trump's historic corruption from the office of the U.S. presidency. Vote in person on November 3rd, if humanly possible, to give the best chance of your vote counting.

Vote in person November 3rd!

Your post seems to be relying on flagrantly false assumptions.
i'll be voting by mail regardless of whether or not the Republican voter suppression works. do not gather in crowds during a pandemic.
It's good advice but also hard not to think the GOP have played opposition voters into a corner. Vote by mail and they'll find a way to discount, disqualify or lose the ballots; wait to turn up in person and you'll find the polling places closed or moved or the lines too long or your name was struck off the rolls.

If they're determined to stop people from voting they have every means at their disposal.

Welcome to Putin's Amerika.

You're funny. How many countries has Putin invaded since the Big 0 left office.

The difference is this: When the Bg 0 was in office, the Big 0 was the one hiding under his bed wetting his pants. Now it's Putin's turn.

Orange Man Scary is not just the image held by Democrat-Socialists. It's the image held by Socialists around the world.
The strategy should be to force Trumps hand, if he wants to go down that way let him. Make no mistake if Trump does manipulate our election it will be the end of him, not our democracy.

What you are proposing is for us to do is give in to Trump. Doing so would only bolster his false claims.

Are the examples of REPUBLICAN officials producing boxes of ballots out of the trunk of their care just when their candidate needs them to win?
The reason I suggest this is that it has been shown there is no effective way to stop Trump from doing anything since he is supported by a corrupt republican party that controls the Executive Branch, and Senate plus has majority in the Supreme Court, and has said nothing about Trump's history-making corrupt, and illegal, rhetoric and actions concerning the U.S Post Office. They have done nothing to save thousands of Americans from dying from the pandemic, the election is smaller potatoes, so I'm not proposing giving into Trump, because that would be to use mail-in balloting. If you face some of these other issues mentioned, such as polling stations closed or severe health concerns, then vote by mail-in ballot as a last resort, but please vote.

What is illegal about his rhetoric?

In what way and by what manner does the Federal Government impact locally conducted elections?

Do you understand any part of the polling process?
Your post seems to be relying on flagrantly false assumptions.

Got all the info from Trump's mouth. He actually does tell the truth occasionally. Why else would he be removing sorting machines that would be used to sort mail-in ballots 3 months before an election? Oh, wait, I guess you didn't hear that on Fox news? I also listen to the postal workers that have spoken out. False assumptions my...
What is illegal about his rhetoric?

In what way and by what manner does the Federal Government impact locally conducted elections?

Do you understand any part of the polling process?

The next thing you will say will probably be the democrats are trying to steal the election by exercising their right to vote!
The left believe that Biden will win, basically admitting that this whole Trump cheating thing is a political hoax. The whole spiel behind this vote by mail thing is Democrats are buying an insurance policy in case Trump should win. If Biden wins then he wins. If Biden loses then the left can claim Trump/post office collusion, form another Mueller investigation, and impeach Trump. The deep state is at work yet again. The funny thing though is the left don't realize that their actions, as you pointed out, may actually help Trump win when he might not have but for THEIR collusion. They simply have no clue that their TDS may actually cause voters to vote the other way. The left would rather have their insurance policy in place to challenge the election results than actually win so they continue with their vote by mail campaign even as they say that Trump is going to use it to cheat, while saying that masks work but masks won't work at voting places so you must vote by mail.

I look at all of this and it looks pretty funny.

When the challenging candidate names his running mate, it usually prompts a pretty big bump in the polling. This announcement was more like a speed bump than a ground swell.

In the mean time, the president is showing restraint and calm efficiency dong his job domestically and around the world. Obama said that Middle East Peace was a dead issue. Yesterday the UAE and Israel declared peace.

It was funny watching the report of this on NBC. They managed to tell the sorry without saying the word "Trump" even one time. That alone is high comedy.

The various Stock Markets are lazily moving toward record high territories about 5 months after the crash. The Obama pace was about 5 years. The Democrat-Socialists are either burning our cities or cheering on the arsonists.

The citizens, in the mean time, are horrified by the destruction and look to the President for help against the Democrat-Socialists who are helping the arsonists and removing the police who should be the shields against crime.

Gun sales on a monthly basis are up between 50% and 100% bec ause the citizens are terrified by the Democrat-Socialist mayhem. In the face of this, the Democrat-Socialists want to outlaw guns.

Kneeling athletes are featured in athletic events. Outraged former fans are turning the channel to a hallmark movie.

The presidential polling is tightening up as the Democrat-Socialists continue to assert 50 year old solutions to 50 year old problems.

It's starting to look like the President is going to win with Reagan type numbers.
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With, currently, 72 % of democrats planning to vote by mail in the General Election versus only 22% of republicans doing the same, dems are playing into Trump's plan to discount their vote. The chaos is already underway to lose, destroy, or holdup your vote until after November 3rd thereby invalidating it to not be counted.
How much more does Trump have to say in this regard? His latest hoax is saying it's actually the democrats that are stealing the election by using the tried and true vote by mail option, available this year without having to give an excuse due to the pandemic. Meanwhile it's actually Trump that is committing a federal crime by admitting he is tampering with the U.S. Postal Service under the guise of reforming it. It's time to wake up to Trump's historic corruption from the office of the U.S. presidency. Vote in person on November 3rd, if humanly possible, to give the best chance of your vote counting.

Vote in person November 3rd!

Too soon.

What we should do will vary by state, maybe even by county.

Some Rethuglican states will continue to institute more voter suppression for people who are in non-white districts.

Also don't count out the possibility that the worst of those thugs will coordinate violence against Democratic voters.

The key is to vote as early as you can if your state allows it.
i'll be voting by mail regardless of whether or not the Republican voter suppression works. do not gather in crowds during a pandemic.

I just love it when the Democrat-Socialist drones repeat the word de jour they've been programmed to parrot. :)
Got all the info from Trump's mouth. He actually does tell the truth occasionally. Why else would he be removing sorting machines that would be used to sort mail-in ballots 3 months before an election? Oh, wait, I guess you didn't hear that on Fox news? I also listen to the postal workers that have spoken out. False assumptions my...

The next thing you will say will probably be the democrats are trying to steal the election by exercising their right to vote!

As I said. You have absolutely no understanding of our election process.

Democrat-Socialists: The ignorance that never stops growing.
Too soon.

What we should do will vary by state, maybe even by county.

Some Rethuglican states will continue to institute more voter suppression for people who are in non-white districts.

Also don't count out the possibility that the worst of those thugs will coordinate violence against Democratic voters.

The key is to vote as early as you can if your state allows it.

Is "Rethuglican" a typo or does it mean something?
Too soon.

What we should do will vary by state, maybe even by county.

Some Rethuglican states will continue to institute more voter suppression for people who are in non-white districts.

Also don't count out the possibility that the worst of those thugs will coordinate violence against Democratic voters.

The key is to vote as early as you can if your state allows it.

Maybe, but the mail-in vote suppression threat also cannot not be denied.
Maybe, but the mail-in vote suppression threat also cannot not be denied.

I know. But it's mid-August. Over two months until the election. We have a little bit of time to figure out workarounds, and we need to use this time. The clock is ticking.
Maybe, but the mail-in vote suppression threat also cannot not be denied.

We'll see where we are in October. Ideally, people should vote in first 2 weeks of October by mail I'd think. If you procrastinate until second half of October, then perhaps voting in person makes more sense if USPS is having issues.

I also wonder if USPS will allow package tracking on ballot mail to make sure our mail gets there on time.
It's good advice but also hard not to think the GOP have played opposition voters into a corner. Vote by mail and they'll find a way to discount, disqualify or lose the ballots; wait to turn up in person and you'll find the polling places closed or moved or the lines too long or your name was struck off the rolls.

If they're determined to stop people from voting they have every means at their disposal.

Welcome to Putin's Amerika.

So, you're saying you think Trump will win.
The strategy should be to force Trumps hand, if he wants to go down that way let him. Make no mistake if Trump does manipulate our election it will be the end of him, not our democracy.

What you are proposing is for us to do is give in to Trump. Doing so would only bolster his false claims.

LOL. You guys have been saying that for four years now while you had that big blue wave in 2018.

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