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This Is Priceless (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Applause to this woman for telling Rick Scott shame on you and confronting him with the truth of what he has done to the people of his state.

The coward turned tail and ran out.


It's looks more like he just walked out, but other then that. This looks like any other Karen, doing her best to have her 15sec of fame.
Applause to this woman for telling Rick Scott shame on you and confronting him with the truth of what he has done to the people of his state.

The coward turned tail and ran out.


How do you respond to the unhinged fouled mouth Karen's in your little utopia?
Idiot leftist can go buy 12 dollar coffee at Starbucks but cant afford to buy healthcare...and then other leftists cheer her on.

Yep...be proud, leftists...

This Is Priceless​

Priceless? An unhinged lunatic throwing a hissy fit? Worthless, maybe. The wifi she was mooching is sorta "priceless" though.
Applause to this woman for telling Rick Scott shame on you and confronting him with the truth of what he has done to the people of his state.

The coward turned tail and ran out.


We need to see a lot more of this. Citizens are well within their rights to take politicians to task for screwing them over.
Applause to this woman for telling Rick Scott shame on you and confronting him with the truth of what he has done to the people of his state.

The coward turned tail and ran out.



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