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This is exactly why I'm glad jury is all female... (1 Viewer)


Battle Ready
DP Veteran
Jul 29, 2009
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Southwestern U.S.
Political Leaning
I tend to trust the integrity of females over males... Men, especially those with a political/personal agenda, are far more low down and slimy as this Martin supporter proved this week...

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Whoa....he gained a lot of weight!
I tend to trust the integrity of females over males... Men, especially those with a political/personal agenda, are far more low down and slimy as this Martin supporter proved this week...
IME, women are no better than men. they just do different things.
Jail food, yum!
I thought GZ made bail.
IME, women are no better than men. they just do different things.
I thought GZ made bail.

George did make bail.. twice.

I think George has always had a weight problem.. In 2010 he weighed 255.. and you should see his brother's DUI mugshot.
Does that stealth juror in the video remind anyone else of some of the Martin supporters around here?
Too many people care about their side rather than justice. I'm subbing at a local police academy right now. Dang if a good number of these future impartial cops don't have him convicted in their minds. No amount of discussion or evidence changes their minds.
I'm glad they caught this douche. The only way that our legal system works is if the Jury is impartial.

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