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This is an OUTRAGE, REDICULOUS (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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I think this adminstration is now stepping way over the line:

Cheney Pushes Senate for CIA Exemption By DAVID ESPO
1 hour, 24 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney made an unusual personal appeal to Republican senators this week to allow CIA exemptions to a proposed ban on the torture of terror suspects in U.S. custody, according to participants in a closed-door session.

Cheney told his audience the United States doesn't engage in torture, these participants added, even though he said the administration needed an exemption from any legislation banning "cruel, inhuman or degrading" treatment in case the president decided one was necessary to prevent a terrorist attack.

McCain, who was tortured while held as a prisoner during the Vietnam War, is the chief Senate sponsor of an anti-torture provision that has twice cleared the Senate and triggered veto threats from the White House.

Additionally, human rights organizations contend the United States turns detainees over to other countries that it knows will use torture to try and extract intelligence information.

The White House initially tried to kill the anti-torture provision while it was pending in the Senate, then switched course to lobby for an exemption in cases of "clandestine counterterrorism operations conducted abroad, with respect to terrorists who are not citizens of the United States." The president would have to approve the exemption, and Defense Department personnel could not be involved. In addition, any activity would have to be consistent with the Constitution, federal law and U.S. treaty obligations, according to draft changes in the exemption the White House is seeking.

TimmyBoy said:
I think this adminstration is now stepping way over the line:

TimmyBoy, they have been stepping over the line since Bush took office in January 2001.

I hope that as a result of the Libby indictment, Cheney will lose credibility.
aps said:
TimmyBoy, they have been stepping over the line since Bush took office in January 2001.

I hope that as a result of the Libby indictment, Cheney will lose credibility.

I voted for Bush on both terms mainly because he is able to make a decision and stick with it. But the notion of allowing the CIA to torture, or to support torture is out of the question and I simply cannot support an adminstration advocates this.

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