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This administration has some odd positions on immigration and public safety (1 Viewer)


The tolerant left? I'm the intolerant left.
DP Veteran
Dec 11, 2020
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Political Leaning
What's up with the CDC? It's OK for immigrants from South and Central America to come into the country without vaccinations, but I'm fully vaccinated and double boosted and I have to show proof of a negative covid test to fly back to the US?

C'mon Joe, this makes absolutely zero sense.

What's up with the CDC? It's OK for immigrants from South and Central America to come into the country without vaccinations, but I'm fully vaccinated and double boosted and I have to show proof of a negative covid test to fly back to the US?

C'mon Joe, this makes absolutely zero sense.

Got a link?
They have to be tested did you miss that? Also, they aren't immigrants, but tourists
They have to be tested did you miss that? Also, they aren't immigrants, but tourists
There are hundreds of thousands of "tourists" moving toward the border right now, since Title 42 has been trashed.
What's up with the CDC? It's OK for immigrants from South and Central America to come into the country without vaccinations, but I'm fully vaccinated and double boosted and I have to show proof of a negative covid test to fly back to the US?

C'mon Joe, this makes absolutely zero sense.

They aren't flying.

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