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thieves in the night (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Yes my dear friends u are just like the Jews u stole that land from the people
who allways lived there,u all come from other parts of the world like thieves in the night, the greed is breath taking.

regards mikeey
mikeey said:
Yes my dear friends u are just like the Jews u stole that land from the people
who allways lived there,u all come from other parts of the world like thieves in the night, the greed is breath taking.

regards mikeey
Very funny way to address your "dear friends"

Anyway, there's no debate here- just bellyaching. Off to The Basement it is then.
Simon u are bad to put me in Dungeon,but i will for give U.

my kind regards

mikeey said:
Simon u are bad to put me in Dungeon,but i will for give U.

my kind regards


It appears I must work harder to be the ultimate "driver of threads to the basement" ah...guy.

And Simon,

If I post something that banishes a thread to the basement, can't you just delete my post and keep it upstairs? I mean, you know me after all. I got no problem with that. I'm nothing if not nuts, I mean fair. God I wish I could delete that.

And thanks mikeey, for teaching me how to spell "you" with two less letters.

You rock. But not as much as galenrox.

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