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"they knew the risk". (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Any time a policeman is shot and killed the left says they knew the risk, but they still took the job.

In turn I say when a criminal gets shot dead while committing a crime, they knew the risks, but they still committed the crime. Why the riots?????
Any time a policeman is shot and killed the left says they knew the risk, but they still took the job.

In turn I say when a criminal gets shot dead while committing a crime, they knew the risks, but they still committed the crime. Why the riots?????

Because the law treats people differently based on their skin tone.
Any time a policeman is shot and killed the left says they knew the risk, but they still took the job.

In turn I say when a criminal gets shot dead while committing a crime, they knew the risks, but they still committed the crime. Why the riots?????

OMG! How very profound of you to come to that conclusion. Why are we so blessed to get such brilliant philosophy every morning?
Any time a policeman is shot and killed the left says they knew the risk, but they still took the job.

In turn I say when a criminal gets shot dead while committing a crime, they knew the risks, but they still committed the crime. Why the riots?????

What crime did Breonna Taylor commit?
I generally don't agree with L1, yet I found the post today to express some of my feelings.
Where is the outrage when the two sheriffs sitting in their patrol car were shot without warning or provocation ?
Yes, there are bad cops that treat people differently based on their skin tone. What happened to GF and others in inexcusable. So is the shooting of the two sheriffs.
They didn't even execute thieves in Jesus' times.
OMG! How very profound of you to come to that conclusion. Why are we so blessed to get such brilliant philosophy every morning?

Just lucky I guess. Count it among your blessings!!!!! :)
Just lucky I guess. Count it among your blessings!!!!! :)

Explain this then? Why in the hell aren't all you NRA types OUTRAGED about a lawful gun owner does comply with police and gets killed for his abiding the law? Where in the hell is your outrage?

Yeah, I'm sure if you were the officer's supervisor, you'd have given him a raise. :roll:

Bet you have no problem with the officer's conduct?
OMG! How very profound of you to come to that conclusion. Why are we so blessed to get such brilliant philosophy every morning?

And we get it for free!
BS!!!!! A criminal is a criminal no matter what color!!!!

Yes, And there is no reason to feel sorry for the criminals. However, is not that criminals get shot, but the problem is that innocent people, unarmed people and people that need help get shot by the police. And a majority of these people are also non-whites.

And back to your criminals; Everybody, even a criminal, has the right to a fair trial. The police should not be acting as a judge.

I read a couple of days ago that 20% of the people who get shot and killed by the police have a mental disability. That is quite high, don't you think. Now mind you, this same report did not mention whether these same people were criminals or not, but it still appears to be a rather high number.

I remember when I first travelled to the US I got a warning how to behave if I got pulled over by the police. Because it is obviously not the same as in Europe. In Europe I do not have to worry about the police if I have not done anything wrong or if I am not white. In the UK I believe the police does not even carry a gun.

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Yes, And there is no reason to feel sorry for the criminals. However, is not that criminals get shot, but the problem is that innocent people, unarmed people and people that need help get shot by the police. And a majority of these people are also non-whites.

And back to your criminals; Everybody, even a criminal, has the right to a fair trial. The police should not be acting as a judge.

I read a couple of days ago that 20% of the people who get shot and killed by the police have a mental disability. That is quite high, don't you think. Now mind you, this same report did not mention whether these same people were criminals or not, but it still appears to be a rather high number.

I remember when I first travelled to the US I got a warning how to behave if I got pulled over by the police. Because it is obviously not the same as in Europe. In Europe I do not have to worry about the police if I have not done anything wrong or if I am not white. In the UK I believe the police does not even carry a gun.


The terminally angry old men are very selective in their fauxrage....

Explain this then? Why in the hell aren't all you NRA types OUTRAGED about a lawful gun owner does comply with police and gets killed for his abiding the law? Where in the hell is your outrage?

Yeah, I'm sure if you were the officer's supervisor, you'd have given him a raise. :roll:

Bet you have no problem with the officer's conduct?

I have a problem with the police officers conduct, but was it a crime on his part im not so sure. Accidents happen, and a single anecdote doesn't make it likely or common. So one incident does what to the larger topic at hand?
The terminally angry old men are very selective in their fauxrage....


It is about finding a balance. You have more freedom, more Covid-19, and more crime. I have less freedom, less Covid-19 and less crime. We both do the math for ourselves. Ok?

Any time a policeman is shot and killed the left says they knew the risk, but they still took the job.

In turn I say when a criminal gets shot dead while committing a crime, they knew the risks, but they still committed the crime. Why the riots?????

There have been very few blacks killed by police who were not criminals and resisting arrest.
It is about finding a balance. You have more freedom, more Covid-19, and more crime. I have less freedom, less Covid-19 and less crime. We both do the math for ourselves. Ok?


Clearly my post....

I have a problem with the police officers conduct, but was it a crime on his part im not so sure. Accidents happen, and a single anecdote doesn't make it likely or common. So one incident does what to the larger topic at hand?

I just find it REALLY odd the NRA folks weren't outraged by it. It largely went by quietly AFAIK, except with BLM supporting people.
I just find it REALLY odd the NRA folks weren't outraged by it. It largely went by quietly AFAIK, except with BLM supporting people.

To me its just like the Breana Taylor incident (which was an accident), its the message from the BLM folks. Their message is really off putting so people turn a blind eye to it. Instead of using it as a common ground situation where we can talk and maybe come up with clear message that resonates with a lot of people. Like plain clothes officers making arrests, we should demand that an arresting officer be wearing a uniform and badge. And no knock warrants, there is a reason to have this as an option, but it should be very restrictive in its use, more so then it is now. If the message is lets come together as commoners and demand this we can get our legislators to act. But that’s not being asked for is it? Its about racism, defunding police, or general hatred towards cops. So no we can’t come together over that.
Fellow thinking DB posters; quit responding to this troll.

troll spray.jpg
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