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They Found the Proof II, Electric Boogaloo (1 Viewer)


The sound of one chao mooing.
DP Veteran
Sep 17, 2013
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Political Leaning
Trump says Charlie Kirk and some voting goofs have FINALLY blown the lid off what exactly happened in 2020, and also there's a movie coming out!!!

How is this not a bigger story!? They've got the proof! And a movie!

Can't wait to get this critical information to the courts!

The jury can just watch the movie and convict Biden, and his punishment could be to witness a second Trump administration.

we can keep on pretending we are surprised by what they say or we can stop them.
Trump says Charlie Kirk and some voting goofs have FINALLY blown the lid off what exactly happened in 2020, and also there's a movie coming out!!!

How is this not a bigger story!? They've got the proof! And a movie!

Can't wait to get this critical information to the courts!

The jury can just watch the movie and convict Biden, and his punishment could be to witness a second Trump administration.

Why did they make a movie instead of heading to court?
Why did they make a movie instead of heading to court?

Think of how much time they'll save!

They can just hand the movie to a judge, and then stand back and watch the justice happens!
Finally, its all going to come out.

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