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They could put blue lights in gun shops (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 30, 2017
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Slightly Conservative
Supposedly blue lights at train stations prevent many train suicides as they're putting such lights in train stations in Japan. Anyway, one of the big issues on this forum is about how guns are so often used for suicide in the USA. Most gun deaths in the USA are in fact suicides. Anyway, they could put blue lights in gun shops to deter gun suicides. So that is the simple solution, put blue lights in gun shops and that way we will cut down on gun suicides while at the same time not making it harder for people who don't want to commit suicide but want to buy and own guns for other purposes such as hunting or defense to get guns. Here is the article on how blue lights prevent suicides.
BBC - Future - Can blue lights prevent suicide at train stations?
Supposedly blue lights at train stations prevent many train suicides as they're putting such lights in train stations in Japan. Anyway, one of the big issues on this forum is about how guns are so often used for suicide in the USA. Most gun deaths in the USA are in fact suicides. Anyway, they could put blue lights in gun shops to deter gun suicides. So that is the simple solution, put blue lights in gun shops and that way we will cut down on gun suicides while at the same time not making it harder for people who don't want to commit suicide but want to buy and own guns for other purposes such as hunting or defense to get guns. Here is the article on how blue lights prevent suicides.
BBC - Future - Can blue lights prevent suicide at train stations?
This is completely new to me but at least it adresses the problem, unlike 'assault weapon' bans and magazine capacity limits. I look forward to learning about it.

Oh, and, InB4 "wHaT aBoUt PrIvAtE sAlEs, Do YoU wAnT tO fOrCe PrIvAtE sElLeRs To ShOw A bLuE lIgHt" as if that's an intelligent argument.
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Supposedly blue lights at train stations prevent many train suicides as they're putting such lights in train stations in Japan. Anyway, one of the big issues on this forum is about how guns are so often used for suicide in the USA. Most gun deaths in the USA are in fact suicides. Anyway, they could put blue lights in gun shops to deter gun suicides. So that is the simple solution, put blue lights in gun shops and that way we will cut down on gun suicides while at the same time not making it harder for people who don't want to commit suicide but want to buy and own guns for other purposes such as hunting or defense to get guns. Here is the article on how blue lights prevent suicides.
BBC - Future - Can blue lights prevent suicide at train stations?

The only problem is, the blue lights at the train station deters poeple from jumping in front of a moving train right then and there. Nearly every suicide committed with a gun are done well after the purchase. However, I think it's a practical step in the right direction.
The only problem is, the blue lights at the train station deters poeple from jumping in front of a moving train right then and there. Nearly every suicide committed with a gun are done well after the purchase. However, I think it's a practical step in the right direction.

But they have to buy the gun first before they use it to kill themselves. So somebody whose got it on their mind to commit suicide and goes to a gun shop to buy a gun to do just that, by having blue lights at the gun shop that can deter them from committing suicide when they go to buy the gun to do it with.
Supposedly blue lights at train stations prevent many train suicides as they're putting such lights in train stations in Japan. Anyway, one of the big issues on this forum is about how guns are so often used for suicide in the USA. Most gun deaths in the USA are in fact suicides. Anyway, they could put blue lights in gun shops to deter gun suicides. So that is the simple solution, put blue lights in gun shops and that way we will cut down on gun suicides while at the same time not making it harder for people who don't want to commit suicide but want to buy and own guns for other purposes such as hunting or defense to get guns. Here is the article on how blue lights prevent suicides.
BBC - Future - Can blue lights prevent suicide at train stations?

It actually has to be a specific type of deep indigo blue, the kind which is so deep it almost makes your eyes water.
They installed them at every fire box and fire station all over NYC and Long Island fifty years ago. I don't know if they still use them or not.

It's one of my earliest childhood memories.
But they have to buy the gun first before they use it to kill themselves. So somebody whose got it on their mind to commit suicide and goes to a gun shop to buy a gun to do just that, by having blue lights at the gun shop that can deter them from committing suicide when they go to buy the gun to do it with.

How many people buy a gun at a gun store specifically to commit suicide compared to the number who do it with a gun they already have access to?
How many people buy a gun at a gun store specifically to commit suicide compared to the number who do it with a gun they already have access to?

Im not sure but making guns harder to get will not do anything to cut down on the number of people who commit suicide with guns that they already have.
Supposedly blue lights at train stations prevent many train suicides as they're putting such lights in train stations in Japan. Anyway, one of the big issues on this forum is about how guns are so often used for suicide in the USA. Most gun deaths in the USA are in fact suicides. Anyway, they could put blue lights in gun shops to deter gun suicides. So that is the simple solution, put blue lights in gun shops and that way we will cut down on gun suicides while at the same time not making it harder for people who don't want to commit suicide but want to buy and own guns for other purposes such as hunting or defense to get guns. Here is the article on how blue lights prevent suicides.
BBC - Future - Can blue lights prevent suicide at train stations?
Might work if the person intends to commit suicide in the gun shop. :cool:
Might work if the person intends to commit suicide in the gun shop. :cool:

the range I shoot at has been around 44 years or so-there have been 2-3 suicides in it or in the parking lot. the first one was about 40 years ago. Slow afternoon-no one else on the range. Guy rented a revolver and bought a box of Winchester Silver-tips. Shot five rounds down range-last round through his eye. IIRC he had recently been diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer or ALS. The RO was a CSM then in the reserves. The CSM had seen combat in the pacific, Korea, Vietnam and had shot a guy during the race riots in Detroit when he was head of security at Detroit General Hospital. He calls the po po and tells them there is a "minor incident" at the range. They send a rookie officer. the CSM was looking at the body-it was face down on the floor. The rookie cop is panicking and the CSM said-damn, those silver tips aren't all they are made out to be-it didn't even blow out the back of the guy's head as he turned the body over. The cop puked on the range. The CSM said-hey at least he didn't do this at home where his wife would have to find him.
Might work if the person intends to commit suicide in the gun shop. :cool:

The blue light might deter the person from buying the gun in the first place, if the only reason they're buying the gun is to commit suicide.
The blue light might deter the person from buying the gun in the first place, if the only reason they're buying the gun is to commit suicide.

I guess that's possible, but the story seems to infer that the light works at the point where the actual attempt was planned.
I guess that's possible, but the story seems to infer that the light works at the point where the actual attempt was planned.

And lots of people who plan to commit suicide with guns first have to buy a gun which means they have to go to a place that sells guns just like people who plan to commit suicide by train first have to go to a place where there's trains.
And lots of people who plan to commit suicide with guns first have to buy a gun which means they have to go to a place that sells guns just like people who plan to commit suicide by train first have to go to a place where there's trains.
Yeah, I get that. And the lights are on the ramps next to trains they're going to use to kill themselves. I don't think the premise is if we just put blue lights everywhere no one will ever commit suicide again.
I don't think the premise is if we just put blue lights everywhere no one will ever commit suicide again.

No, however it does help to have blue lights at places where people go to commit suicide and where people go to get the tools to commit suicide such as train stations and gun shops.
No, however it does help to have blue lights at places where people go to commit suicide and where people go to get the tools to commit suicide such as train stations and gun shops.
The train station is where they go to commit suicide, not where they go to get anything.
And lots of people who plan to commit suicide with guns first have to buy a gun which means they have to go to a place that sells guns just like people who plan to commit suicide by train first have to go to a place where there's trains.

Who says? Do you have a source for that?

There's just as good a chance that a person chooses the method based on what they have access to. Including train stations.
Who says? Do you have a source for that?
My source? The gun control crowd. The gun control crowd likes to talk about how a waiting period to buy guns is a good thing because that way people who want to buy guns to commit suicide with, by waiting they will have time to think it over.

There's just as good a chance that a person chooses the method based on what they have access to. Including train stations.
And they've got train stations in the USA just as they do in Japan.
My source? The gun control crowd. The gun control crowd likes to talk about how a waiting period to buy guns is a good thing because that way people who want to buy guns to commit suicide with, by waiting they will have time to think it over.

Anti-gun people's lack of knowledge on the subject of guns is well-known. So sorry, that's not a legitimate source to me.

And they've got train stations in the USA just as they do in Japan.

And what is your point here, relevant to my statement?
No, however it does help to have blue lights at places where people go to commit suicide and where people go to get the tools to commit suicide such as train stations and gun shops.

So, the freaking idiots will be less likely to commit suicide in a gun shop.

Brilliant work here.
I guess that's possible, but the story seems to infer that the light works at the point where the actual attempt was planned.
I think that is correct as far as your inference,that it would be a proximity device. Or your brain is permanently altered or close to it and someone just made a big fortune.
I don’t think the evidence is strong enough to make it mandatory but it is an interesting concept. I know that blue,lights calm me. One of the most relaxing things is staring at blue police lights at night time...assuming they aren’t coming for you, of course.
=DebateChallenge;1069588882]My source? The gun control crowd. The gun control crowd likes to talk about how a waiting period to buy guns is a good thing because that way people who want to buy guns to commit suicide with, by waiting they will have time to think it over.
I always heard the waiting period was a cooling off period. For example: John and Jane get into it,one of them goes down to buy a handgun comes home and hits their spouse over the head with it.
And they've got train stations in the USA just as they do in Japan.
Sounds like Japan has a train problem. Ban them. OORRRR have a suicide ticket window for track #3 at time to be specified. Just my sense of humor.:twocents:
I don’t think the evidence is strong enough to make it mandatory but it is an interesting concept. I know that blue,lights calm me. One of the most relaxing things is staring at blue police lights at night time...assuming they aren’t coming for you, of course.
Well I find the sounds of the seashore and babbling brooks to be relaxing but if I was going to use lead mouthwash I'll go out on a limb here and say it would suck to be me. I just don't buy into the blue light. It will take more then a few studies in random places in Japan.

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