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They’ve Marginalized Bernie At Every Turn (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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Ask a conservative about socialism and most will tell you such governments are oppressive, commit numerous human rights violations, levy exorbitant taxes on their citizenry, are a threat to world peace, force the people to live in poverty, stifle creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit, and a host of other tidbits of misinformation.

In the first article in the included links, Anu Partanen, a journalist from Finland, explains the many errors American conservatives have concerning the socialist governments of that region. She also explains the errors Bernie Sanders and his followers have about the “one for all and all for one” altruism of the Nordic people.

While the conservatives views are all nonsense, Bernie must come to understand the reality of the Nordics. Taxes for the middle class in Finland are roughly the same as those paid by middle income Americans. However, the taxes paid by the Finns benefit all citizens, not just one segment of the population. What Bernie’s supporters see as altruism in Finland is actually the self interest of all members of the Finnish public.

But don’t waste time trying to explain this to the U.S. right wing, the vast majority will insist they know more about the Nordic style of socialism than the Nordic people. (This will be seen in the conservatives’ responses to this post, since few will take time to read the following article before they leap to prove their ignorance on the subject. Or, they will instead focus on the author becoming an American journalist and U.S. citizen. Her move to the U.S. is understandable, since there is a much greater readership in the U.S. than Finland.)

What Americans don't understand about Nordic countries - Business Insider

Despite his misunderstanding of the Nordic peoples’ motivation for embracing socialist methods, Bernie is the only candidate from either party who speaks for the best interests of average Americans. He doesn’t advocate racial hatred. He doesn’t preach religious intolerance.

But, Bernie is marginalized by the press because the very rich own the news media. All the remaining presidential hopefuls imply Bernie is a dreamer, and is out of touch with the American people. However, his many millions of followers prove these are lies.

Conservatives misunderstanding of socialism , their hatred for anything non-white and non-Christian, and right wing’s worship of the “job creators” (the same job creators who moved millions of high-paying jobs to China, India, Mexico, etc.) blind them to the truth. While at the same time, the Democrats’ insiders just want Bernie to go away so Hillary can be their nominee.

Bernie’s integrity is another political liability, adding this to his socialist beliefs makes conservatives really hate his guts.

So, marginalized or not, the voter suppression laws in a number of red states rigging elections there and the traditional low turnout of Democrats on Election Day, coupled with Trump’s promises to “make America great (white) again”, his total lack of detailed policies, and his open fascism, pretty much guarantee a Trump Presidency. It also guarantees the U.S. will be circling the bowl by March 2017. April at the latest.

Bernie, thanks for your genuine attempt to make America great again, but it just isn’t in the cards.

Robert Reich: They?ve marginalized Bernie at every turn - Salon.com

Conservatives misunderstanding of socialism , their hatred for anything non-white and non-Christian...

These are unfair criticisms/generalisations, particularly the latter part. But even of the former, Partanen's Business Insider article notes that the misleading representation/understanding of 'socialism' goes both ways:

This is all as it should be in free-market, capitalist economies—which is what Nordic countries are. In fact, as capitalist economies the Nordic countries have proven that capitalism works better when it’s accompanied by smart, universal social policies that are in everyone’s self-interest. . . .

The problem is the way Sanders has talked about it. The way he’s embraced the term socialist has reinforced the American misunderstanding that universal social policies always require sacrifice for the good of others, and that such policies are anathema to the entrepreneurial, individualistic American spirit. It’s actually the other way around. For people to support a Nordic-style approach is not an act of altruism but of self-promotion. It’s also the future.​

Nordic countries are mixed economies - capitalist in general, but some products and services which could be run as private businesses are partly or wholly owned by society. The US is a mixed economy also; most countries are, and all developed countries are! Sanders wants America to move marginally more towards the 'socialist' end. It's not dishonest to call himself a democratic socialist (any more than its dishonest for folk in favour of public schools and roads to call themselves capitalist!), and may have been an important element in generating media attention for himself: But it's hardly fair to criticise conservatives for missing the nuances here when the basic concepts are not clearly and repeatedly laid out for them by the Fox network :lol:

An excellent article well worth the read however.
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Ask a conservative about socialism and most will tell you such governments are oppressive, commit numerous human rights violations, levy exorbitant taxes on their citizenry, are a threat to world peace, force the people to live in poverty, stifle creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit, and a host of other tidbits of misinformation.

In the first article in the included links, Anu Partanen, a journalist from Finland, explains the many errors American conservatives have concerning the socialist governments of that region. She also explains the errors Bernie Sanders and his followers have about the “one for all and all for one” altruism of the Nordic people.

While the conservatives views are all nonsense, Bernie must come to understand the reality of the Nordics. Taxes for the middle class in Finland are roughly the same as those paid by middle income Americans. However, the taxes paid by the Finns benefit all citizens, not just one segment of the population. What Bernie’s supporters see as altruism in Finland is actually the self interest of all members of the Finnish public.

But don’t waste time trying to explain this to the U.S. right wing, the vast majority will insist they know more about the Nordic style of socialism than the Nordic people. (This will be seen in the conservatives’ responses to this post, since few will take time to read the following article before they leap to prove their ignorance on the subject. Or, they will instead focus on the author becoming an American journalist and U.S. citizen. Her move to the U.S. is understandable, since there is a much greater readership in the U.S. than Finland.)

What Americans don't understand about Nordic countries - Business Insider

Despite his misunderstanding of the Nordic peoples’ motivation for embracing socialist methods, Bernie is the only candidate from either party who speaks for the best interests of average Americans. He doesn’t advocate racial hatred. He doesn’t preach religious intolerance.

But, Bernie is marginalized by the press because the very rich own the news media. All the remaining presidential hopefuls imply Bernie is a dreamer, and is out of touch with the American people. However, his many millions of followers prove these are lies.

Conservatives misunderstanding of socialism , their hatred for anything non-white and non-Christian, and right wing’s worship of the “job creators” (the same job creators who moved millions of high-paying jobs to China, India, Mexico, etc.) blind them to the truth. While at the same time, the Democrats’ insiders just want Bernie to go away so Hillary can be their nominee.

Bernie’s integrity is another political liability, adding this to his socialist beliefs makes conservatives really hate his guts.

So, marginalized or not, the voter suppression laws in a number of red states rigging elections there and the traditional low turnout of Democrats on Election Day, coupled with Trump’s promises to “make America great (white) again”, his total lack of detailed policies, and his open fascism, pretty much guarantee a Trump Presidency. It also guarantees the U.S. will be circling the bowl by March 2017. April at the latest.

Bernie, thanks for your genuine attempt to make America great again, but it just isn’t in the cards.

Robert Reich: They?ve marginalized Bernie at every turn - Salon.com


No - our countrymen understand our owncountrymen very well. It would go the way of Venezuela. It does't matter what happens in these successful-socialism countries. They're a different culture.
Bernie never held a real job, any thoughts he has on the middle class or working americans is just theoretical.
No - our countrymen understand our owncountrymen very well. It would go the way of Venezuela. It does't matter what happens in these successful-socialism countries. They're a different culture.

So your saying Americans are more like Venezuelans than they are like Nordics?

Venezuela is arguably a Dictatorship, where the Dictator hides under a thin veil of Democracy. Perhaps that is the common theme in all those awful historical examples and not the communist/socialist economic models they adopted.

And then you have the success stories, where socialism proved beneficial when not under the thumb of a dictator.

Honestly, its looking more and more like we'd find the success the Nordics have, rather than meet with the disaster the Venezuelans did. What makes you think we'd meet with a Venezuelan style disaster, specifically?
Ask a conservative about socialism and most will tell you such governments are oppressive, commit numerous human rights violations, levy exorbitant taxes on their citizenry, are a threat to world peace, force the people to live in poverty, stifle creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit, and a host of other tidbits of misinformation.

In the first article in the included links, Anu Partanen, a journalist from Finland, explains the many errors American conservatives have concerning the socialist governments of that region. She also explains the errors Bernie Sanders and his followers have about the “one for all and all for one” altruism of the Nordic people.

While the conservatives views are all nonsense, Bernie must come to understand the reality of the Nordics. Taxes for the middle class in Finland are roughly the same as those paid by middle income Americans. However, the taxes paid by the Finns benefit all citizens, not just one segment of the population. What Bernie’s supporters see as altruism in Finland is actually the self interest of all members of the Finnish public.

But don’t waste time trying to explain this to the U.S. right wing, the vast majority will insist they know more about the Nordic style of socialism than the Nordic people. (This will be seen in the conservatives’ responses to this post, since few will take time to read the following article before they leap to prove their ignorance on the subject. Or, they will instead focus on the author becoming an American journalist and U.S. citizen. Her move to the U.S. is understandable, since there is a much greater readership in the U.S. than Finland.)

What Americans don't understand about Nordic countries - Business Insider

Despite his misunderstanding of the Nordic peoples’ motivation for embracing socialist methods, Bernie is the only candidate from either party who speaks for the best interests of average Americans. He doesn’t advocate racial hatred. He doesn’t preach religious intolerance.

But, Bernie is marginalized by the press because the very rich own the news media. All the remaining presidential hopefuls imply Bernie is a dreamer, and is out of touch with the American people. However, his many millions of followers prove these are lies.

Conservatives misunderstanding of socialism , their hatred for anything non-white and non-Christian, and right wing’s worship of the “job creators” (the same job creators who moved millions of high-paying jobs to China, India, Mexico, etc.) blind them to the truth. While at the same time, the Democrats’ insiders just want Bernie to go away so Hillary can be their nominee.

Bernie’s integrity is another political liability, adding this to his socialist beliefs makes conservatives really hate his guts.

So, marginalized or not, the voter suppression laws in a number of red states rigging elections there and the traditional low turnout of Democrats on Election Day, coupled with Trump’s promises to “make America great (white) again”, his total lack of detailed policies, and his open fascism, pretty much guarantee a Trump Presidency. It also guarantees the U.S. will be circling the bowl by March 2017. April at the latest.

Bernie, thanks for your genuine attempt to make America great again, but it just isn’t in the cards.

Robert Reich: They?ve marginalized Bernie at every turn - Salon.com


What a load of dog**** in a wall of text.

Socialism isn't good for the Average American, it's a false promise of free stuff in return for giving up freedom and liberty. A giant bribery scam to keep politicians in office.
So your saying Americans are more like Venezuelans than they are like Nordics?

Venezuela is arguably a Dictatorship, where the Dictator hides under a thin veil of Democracy. Perhaps that is the common theme in all those awful historical examples and not the communist/socialist economic models they adopted.

And then you have the success stories, where socialism proved beneficial when not under the thumb of a dictator.

Honestly, its looking more and more like we'd find the success the Nordics have, rather than meet with the disaster the Venezuelans did. What makes you think we'd meet with a Venezuelan style disaster, specifically?

I'm saying those who are corrupt and in power are more aligned with the corruption in South American countries like Venezuela, yep.
When it comes to winning an election, what matters is how many VOTES from Common Citizens you can attract.

Bernie is from the LEFT.

The Lefties are supporters of Blatant Anti-White Discrimination Policies, which do not effect the wealthy-Elite White-Americans in a detrimental way, but have a devastating effect on Poverty-Low-Middle-Income Americans, particularly in a period of economic distress.

The Lefties are supporters of massive Immigration of people who "Qualify" for the Racial Preference Pandering, making the new-comers job and education takers from the Native Born Americans.

There are still enough of those Native-Born Americans, (63%!) that when they get sufficiently Pissed-Off about the Importation of people who will be given Racial-Preferences to displace in education and replace them in jobs, the Angry-Disenfranchised group votes the Discriminatory-Leftie-Scum out of office!

Bernie is seen by a majority of Working Class Whites as part of the Discriminatory-Leftie-Scum!

Bernie has Marginalized himself!

As long as the Lefties support Racial-Pandering-Preferences and Massive Immigration of Select Racial Pandering Groups, the current majority of the Voting Public are going reject you!

Live By Race-Card, Die by the Race-Card!

Hey BERNIE! We're NOT With YOU!

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When it comes to winning an election, what matters is how many VOTES from Common Citizens you can attract.

Bernie is from the LEFT.

The Lefties are supporters of Blatant Anti-White Discrimination Policies, which do not effect the wealthy-Elite White-Americans in a detrimental way, but have a devastating effect on Poverty-Low-Middle-Income Americans, particularly in a period of economic distress.

The Lefties are supporters of massive Immigration of people who "Qualify" for the Racial Preference Pandering, making the new-comers job and education takers from the Native Born Americans.

There are still enough of those Native-Born Americans, (63%!) that when they get sufficiently Pissed-Off about the Importation of people who will be given Racial-Preferences to displace in education and replace them in jobs, the Angry-Disenfranchised group votes the Discriminatory-Leftie-Scum out of office!

Bernie is seen by a majority of Working Class Whites as part of the Discriminatory-Leftie-Scum!

Bernie has Marginalized himself!

As long as the Lefties support Racial-Pandering-Preferences and Massive Immigration of Select Racial Pandering Groups, the current majority of the Voting Public are going reject you!

Live By Race-Card, Die by the Race-Card!

Hey BERNIE! We're NOT With YOU!


Could you be more race-obsessed?
Could you be more race-obsessed?

For the Last Four Decades, our entire nation, particularly our higher education and government hiring has been "Race-Obsessed"!

Did you think that there would never be a back-lash?!

Did you think that the Obama Administration, tingling-legs, Beer-Gates, Andy Van Jones, Eric Holder My-People, Loretta Lynch voter ID, NASA Muslim Outreach, ObamaCare Racial Preferences, Mexican Waves and Somali Imports would not TRIGGER such a back-lash?!

Live By the Race-Card, Die by the Race-Card!

For the Last Four Decades, our entire nation, particularly our higher education and government hiring has been "Race-Obsessed"!

Did you think that there would never be a back-lash?!

Did you think that the Obama Administration, tingling-legs, Beer-Gates, Andy Van Jones, Eric Holder My-People, Loretta Lynch voter ID, Mexican Waves and Somali Imports would not TRIGGER such a back-lash?!

Live By Race-Card, Die by the Race-Card!


Yanno who played the "race card" in this thread? YOU. It's the only card you ever play.
Yanno who played the "race card" in this thread? YOU. It's the only card you ever play.


I played "Bernie is of the Race-Card Crowd, therefore he is automatically rejected!"

Though I suspect you lack the intellect to understand the difference.

Poverty-Low-Mid Income White Americans do NOT want White-Preferences, they want Race-Neutrality!

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Bernie never held a real job, any thoughts he has on the middle class or working americans is just theoretical.

**** we can say that about 99% of politicians. What puts Bernie ahead of the rest for me at least is that he's not a sociopath, he clearly displays altruistic traits. He's not in it for himself. He truly cares about people which is contrary to the nature of politicians.

I played "Bernie is of the Race-Card Crowd, therefore he is automatically rejected!"

Though I suspect you lack the intellect to understand the difference.

Poverty-Low-Mid Income White Americans do NOT want White-Preferences, they want Race-Neutrality!


I don't think you have the first clue about electoral politics if you think Bernie is being "rejected" because of the "race card."
Ask a conservative about socialism and most will tell you such governments are oppressive, commit numerous human rights violations, levy exorbitant taxes on their citizenry, are a threat to world peace, force the people to live in poverty, stifle creativity and the entrepreneurial spirit, and a host of other tidbits of misinformation.

In the first article in the included links, Anu Partanen, a journalist from Finland, explains the many errors American conservatives have concerning the socialist governments of that region. She also explains the errors Bernie Sanders and his followers have about the “one for all and all for one” altruism of the Nordic people.

While the conservatives views are all nonsense, Bernie must come to understand the reality of the Nordics. Taxes for the middle class in Finland are roughly the same as those paid by middle income Americans. However, the taxes paid by the Finns benefit all citizens, not just one segment of the population. What Bernie’s supporters see as altruism in Finland is actually the self interest of all members of the Finnish public.

But don’t waste time trying to explain this to the U.S. right wing, the vast majority will insist they know more about the Nordic style of socialism than the Nordic people. (This will be seen in the conservatives’ responses to this post, since few will take time to read the following article before they leap to prove their ignorance on the subject. Or, they will instead focus on the author becoming an American journalist and U.S. citizen. Her move to the U.S. is understandable, since there is a much greater readership in the U.S. than Finland.)

What Americans don't understand about Nordic countries - Business Insider

Despite his misunderstanding of the Nordic peoples’ motivation for embracing socialist methods, Bernie is the only candidate from either party who speaks for the best interests of average Americans. He doesn’t advocate racial hatred. He doesn’t preach religious intolerance.

But, Bernie is marginalized by the press because the very rich own the news media. All the remaining presidential hopefuls imply Bernie is a dreamer, and is out of touch with the American people. However, his many millions of followers prove these are lies.

Conservatives misunderstanding of socialism , their hatred for anything non-white and non-Christian, and right wing’s worship of the “job creators” (the same job creators who moved millions of high-paying jobs to China, India, Mexico, etc.) blind them to the truth. While at the same time, the Democrats’ insiders just want Bernie to go away so Hillary can be their nominee.

Bernie’s integrity is another political liability, adding this to his socialist beliefs makes conservatives really hate his guts.

So, marginalized or not, the voter suppression laws in a number of red states rigging elections there and the traditional low turnout of Democrats on Election Day, coupled with Trump’s promises to “make America great (white) again”, his total lack of detailed policies, and his open fascism, pretty much guarantee a Trump Presidency. It also guarantees the U.S. will be circling the bowl by March 2017. April at the latest.

Bernie, thanks for your genuine attempt to make America great again, but it just isn’t in the cards.

Robert Reich: They?ve marginalized Bernie at every turn - Salon.com


Nobody marginalized him, because he isn't a nice guy that probably wants the best. The thing is, that his misunderstanding of sociology and economics is so devastating, that nobody can really take what he says seriously. He is stuck in intellectual muck that was tried in many different variants in the last century. Each and every experiment has failed. The more coercive ones and those of a greater degree of planning went first and the others later, while ones with substantial market sectors and social inequalities are keeping their heads above water better, but failing none the less. So, he is a nice guy that only those love, that do not understand the consequences that his ideology, were it to become policy, would bring down on them and their kids.
Bernie never held a real job, any thoughts he has on the middle class or working americans is just theoretical.

More make believe than theoretical. The theory was disproven years ago.
**** we can say that about 99% of politicians. What puts Bernie ahead of the rest for me at least is that he's not a sociopath, he clearly displays altruistic traits. He's not in it for himself. He truly cares about people which is contrary to the nature of politicians.


You'd not feel that way if Bernie was coming for your hard earned property.
**** we can say that about 99% of politicians. What puts Bernie ahead of the rest for me at least is that he's not a sociopath, he clearly displays altruistic traits. He's not in it for himself. He truly cares about people which is contrary to the nature of politicians.

You state he is Altruistic, yet, he is of the Democratic Party, which holds a universal policies of litmus testing their Altruistic Programs based on RACE.

It doesn't matter how "Giving" (of other people's money) the Bernie Programs are going to be, 54% of the American Voters who are Poverty-Low-Mid Income Whites, will NOT "Qualify" on account of their "Racial Birth Guilt".

What does it matter how generous Bernie Programs are... Poverty Whites don't "Qualify" and 'We' won't get none!

( But, to pay for it all, we WILL be given the Tax-Bill! )
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You'd not feel that way if Bernie was coming for your hard earned property.

Oh you wacky right wingers and your even wackier understanding of socialism.

I played "Bernie is of the Race-Card Crowd, therefore he is automatically rejected!"

Though I suspect you lack the intellect to understand the difference.

Poverty-Low-Mid Income White Americans do NOT want White-Preferences, they want Race-Neutrality!



Fox News is bad for you.
Nobody marginalized him, because he isn't a nice guy that probably wants the best. The thing is, that his misunderstanding of sociology and economics is so devastating, that nobody can really take what he says seriously. He is stuck in intellectual muck that was tried in many different variants in the last century. Each and every experiment has failed. The more coercive ones and those of a greater degree of planning went first and the others later, while ones with substantial market sectors and social inequalities are keeping their heads above water better, but failing none the less. So, he is a nice guy that only those love, that do not understand the consequences that his ideology, were it to become policy, would bring down on them and their kids.

The OP suggests that the 'socialism' of Bernie Sanders is basically that of the Scandinavian countries (which frankly aren't much different from Australia or Canada from what I've seen, and in some ways are less government-oriented; eg. strong unions negating the need for a legislated minimum wage in at least some of them). I don't know what his policies are, but assuming that's the case...

Could you explain how those countries have 'failed'?

Or are they the ones that are 'keeping their heads above water,' but somehow perceptibly(?) failing in a way that the United States is not?
Fox News is bad for you.

Making assumptions is bad for your political campaign. I don't watch any TV, my set broke 8 months ago, and there is no money to replace it!

Bernie has made numerous statements in support of Racial Preferences and Affirmative Action.

Bernie is running for the Democratic Party nomination, and the official platform of the Democratic Party supports:
Official Differential Treatment by Government based on Race,
Racial Preference Pandering,
the Concept of White-Privilege, and
Blatant Anti-Working-White Discrimination and Denial.

In short, The Democratic Party, is the Party for Official Racial Discrimination.

The Republican Party is the Party who stands for Race-Neutrality.

In 2016, Working Whites have been facing not only a bad economy, but 8 years of Racial Pandering in Obama OverDrive Mode! ENOUGH ALREADY!

Dr. King was a Conservative Republican!

Among Most Working Whites, Bernie is auto-Rejected because he is a Democrat!

Making assumptions is bad for your political campaign. I don't watch any TV, my set broke 8 months ago, and there is no money to replace it!

Bernie has made numerous statements in support of Racial Preferences and Affirmative Action.

Bernie is running for the Democratic Party nomination, and the official platform of the Democratic Party support Racial Preference Pandering, the Concept of White-Privilege, and Blatant Anti-Working-White Discrimination and Denial.

In short, The Democratic Party, is the Party for Official Racial Discrimination.

The Republican Party is the Party who stands for Race-Neutrality.

In 2016, Working Whites have been facing not only a bad economy, but 8 years of Racial Pandering in Obama OverDrive Mode! ENOUGH ALREADY!

Among Most Working Whites, Bernie is auto-Rejected because he is a Democrat!


Did you even read the text in the image I've posted (for the fifth time)...?

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