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These people are complicit in Trump's negligent genocide (1 Viewer)


Gadfly Extraordinaire
DP Veteran
Mar 3, 2018
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San Diego
Political Leaning
Trump withheld vital information in the incipient stages of the virus which caused thousands of people to be complacent, thus not taken precautions which they would have and should have had Trump not withheld vital information and playing it down, this is dereliction of duty, conduct so egregious that it could be called negligent genocide, and it's now a hashtag on twitter.

These people are complicit.

Trump withheld vital information in the incipient stages of the virus which caused thousands of people to be complacent, thus not taken precautions which they would have and should have had Trump not withheld vital information and playing it down, this is dereliction of duty, conduct so egregious that it could be called negligent genocide, and it's now a hashtag on twitter.

These people are complicit.

View attachment 67294724

Ha! A hashtag on Twitter. Well, that cinches it. #Bring back our girls. Worked great.
Ir's way too early for the left to start calling anybody who disagrees a moron. They'll wake up eventually.

Woodward has always been a cowardly sniper, so he fits right in with the usual liberal noise making.
Woodward has always been a cowardly sniper, so he fits right in with the usual liberal noise making.

Woodward is vainly trying to repeat his early in life success. I'm sure he's making money, but so does the National Enquirer. Such stuff appeals to those with only a loose association with reality.
Woodward is vainly trying to repeat his early in life success. I'm sure he's making money, but so does the National Enquirer. Such stuff appeals to those with only a loose association with reality.

The difference between Woodward and the National Enquirer is he actually has recordings.... Don't worry if you haven't heard them yet, they will be ALL OVER THE AIRWAVES between now and Nov 3rd.
The difference between Woodward and the National Enquirer is he actually has recordings.... Don't worry if you haven't heard them yet, they will be ALL OVER THE AIRWAVES between now and Nov 3rd.

Woodward is an assassin, like the Goebbelsian news
This assumes that Renfield would have not pretended that there wasn't a virus had Biff been justly convicted. I haven't noticed Renfield going out of his way to contradict Dear Leader.
Woodward is an assassin, like the Goebbelsian news

And the idiot we have for president gave him 18 interviews...... All recorded... This should settle the jeanyush debate once and for all... :lol:
The difference between Woodward and the National Enquirer is he actually has recordings.... Don't worry if you haven't heard them yet, they will be ALL OVER THE AIRWAVES between now and Nov 3rd.

I see no difference. What I do see is leftist desperation to confirm a false narrative. Those of us with eyes can see what happened, and even demented old Biden is echoing what Trump actually did, as if it's something new. Besides, most of y'all panicked anyway, and then decided there was perhaps political ground to gain, so states like PA, CA, and MI remain shut down. All of that and more while Pelosi blocks assistance to people suffering from such insanity. You leftists are insufferable.
I see no difference. What I do see is leftist desperation to confirm a false narrative. Those of us with eyes can see what happened, and even demented old Biden is echoing what Trump actually did, as if it's something new. Besides, most of y'all panicked anyway, and then decided there was perhaps political ground to gain, so states like PA, CA, and MI remain shut down. All of that and more while Pelosi blocks assistance to people suffering from such insanity. You leftists are insufferable.

I'm sure you see no difference... you better hope those in the middle view it the same way... I suspect that won't be the case...
The difference between Woodward and the National Enquirer is he actually has recordings.... Don't worry if you haven't heard them yet, they will be ALL OVER THE AIRWAVES between now and Nov 3rd.

the slime that supports the slime can't make the tapes go away.

but damn if they haven't been trying. these people are worse than John Gotti's slimy lawyer.
I see no difference. What I do see is leftist desperation to confirm a false narrative. Those of us with eyes can see what happened, and even demented old Biden is echoing what Trump actually did, as if it's something new. Besides, most of y'all panicked anyway, and then decided there was perhaps political ground to gain, so states like PA, CA, and MI remain shut down. All of that and more while Pelosi blocks assistance to people suffering from such insanity. You leftists are insufferable.

Those states are shut down because Trump lied about putting testing in place.

The country as a whole did not panic. Trump panicked. Over the stock market.
Woodward is an assassin, like the Goebbelsian news

i love that you're still posting. not only do you suck at math, Trump's on words on tape now show that you also suck at sensing when a President is conning you about a Pandemic. that you swallowed the hook, line and sinker is just so you.
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Meanwhile, Fauci disagrees with this.

That was a response to a question from Roberts regarding comments Fauci was purported to have made regarding Trump's attention span. John Robert's threw Fauci a lifeline which he feverishly leaped at. Effectively it was a non-denial denial if you actually review what Roberts asked and what Fauci said.

"Fauci denies hearing Trump distort facts on coronavirus"

We don't need to refer to what Fauci denies on that score. Trump's own taped account damns him. I suspect Fauci needs hearing aids.
That was a response to a question from Roberts regarding comments Fauci was purported to have made regarding Trump's attention span. John Robert's threw Fauci a lifeline which he feverishly leaped at. Effectively it was a non-denial denial if you actually review what Fauci said.

"Fauci denies hearing Trump distort facts on coronavirus"

We don't need to refer to what Fauci denies on that score. Trump's own taped account damns him. I suspect Fauci needs hearing aids.

they're actually trying to explain away Trump's own words on tape by saying "well, somebody else said something".

they have NO integrity.
Woodward has always been a cowardly sniper, so he fits right in with the usual liberal noise making.

Trump agreed to sit down with your “assassin” over a dozen times. That’s not how a sniper operates.........:gunner:
they're actually trying to explain away Trump's own words on tape by saying "well, somebody else said something".

they have NO integrity.

Just in case nobody has heard it...

Trump agreed to sit down with your “assassin” over a dozen times. That’s not how a sniper operates.........:gunner:

Didn't we always know that Donald Trump's giant lying mouth was gonna bring down Donald Trump? It always does.

Hell, US banks know he's a massive liar. It's only Trump Republicans that don't (or dig his lies).
Trump withheld vital information in the incipient stages of the virus which caused thousands of people to be complacent, thus not taken precautions which they would have and should have had Trump not withheld vital information and playing it down, this is dereliction of duty, conduct so egregious that it could be called negligent genocide, and it's now a hashtag on twitter.

These people are complicit.

View attachment 67294724

Thanks, it's post like yours who turn moderates and Independents off to go vote for the other side. Keep it up.
And the idiot we have for president gave him 18 interviews...... All recorded... This should settle the jeanyush debate once and for all... :lol:

We'll see how the assassin spins it.

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