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The Young Turks - Comedy Special (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 22, 2021
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I've always enjoyed watching these guys make fools of themselves.

And all the while that Obama is touting more censorship, I wonder if he had these clowns in mind ?

I'll take some space to detail some of their better meltdowns.
This was one of the best ever.

She calls people "******* dumb" and then proceeds to show just how "******** dumb" she is.

This compilation was perfect.

Listen to the the first part.

Starting at 0.29.......

"I just couldn't take it anymore so, I turned around......."

She's lucky she didn't get a cane shoved up her ***.

The Young Turks blow it again.....and won't admit it.

This one plays out well for Anna, the moron.

They're talking heads.

Boring as hell. Sort of like a *slightly* less brain-damaged version of Tucker Carlson.

I actually enjoy watching them make asses out of themselves.

It's good to know this is the kind of "leadership" the left has. Makes it easier for conservatives.
I've always enjoyed watching these guys make fools of themselves.

And all the while that Obama is touting more censorship, I wonder if he had these clowns in mind ?

I'll take some space to detail some of their better meltdowns.
Uh, oh. Someone's having a midnight right-wing rage-fest :) There is no censorship my friend. When your Republican buddies say something horrible and break the rules, they face the same consequences and anyone else breaking rules.

Quit with the sour grapes.
I actually enjoy watching them make asses out of themselves.

It's good to know this is the kind of "leadership" the left has. Makes it easier for conservatives.
If you enjoy watching folks make total asses out of themselves you should watch "Gutfeld!" or "The Five". Nothing but border crisis all day long. I swear - I didn't know that Latinos were such a problem all of the sudden. Must be an election year for Republicans.
I actually enjoy watching them make asses out of themselves.

It's good to know this is the kind of "leadership" the left has. Makes it easier for conservatives.
Same. Watching Carlson advocate for frying your testicles was a particularly good moment.
If you enjoy watching folks make total asses out of themselves you should watch "Gutfeld!" or "The Five". Nothing but border crisis all day long. I swear - I didn't know that Latinos were such a problem all of the sudden. Must be an election year for Republicans.

Aren't Latin Americans moving to the right? As they get there, Rep/cons will be screaming for open borders and the Dems will be wanting to build The Wall. But then you'll have to convince white American males that Latin Hispanics are considered "white". So are those from North Africa and the Middle East. Just try and convince an "AllLivesMatter" advocate that in reality we're all one race. Hilarious.
If you enjoy watching folks make total asses out of themselves you should watch "Gutfeld!" or "The Five". Nothing but border crisis all day long. I swear - I didn't know that Latinos were such a problem all of the sudden. Must be an election year for Republicans.

Uh... I don't watch Fox.

You, apparently, do.
Uh, oh. Someone's having a midnight right-wing rage-fest :) There is no censorship my friend. When your Republican buddies say something horrible and break the rules, they face the same consequences and anyone else breaking rules.

Quit with the sour grapes.


I don't watch them. I just google where someone calls them stupid.

The election night meltdown is still my favorite. I know it is living in the past, but it's good for a pick-me-up.
I've always enjoyed watching these guys make fools of themselves.
And then you come here and make a fool of yourself. Win-win, I guess

I wouldn't watch the young Turks if you paid me
And all the while that Obama is touting more censorship, I wonder if he had these clowns in mind ?

I'll take some space to detail some of their better meltdowns.
I find it odd that a right winger has watched way more Young Turks than probably a bunch of the people here on the left...
And then you come here and make a fool of yourself. Win-win, I guess

The irony of this post is off the charts.

But, we'll try to stick to the subject.....The Young Turks.

First, who wants to watch a program where the commentators are so judgmental.

I've never seen a regular show.....just the shards of their stupidity.

But, when someone who is irritated because her girl didn't win calls the other side f******g dumb, I have to wonder who is dumber.

I don't watch them. I just google where someone calls them stupid.

The election night meltdown is still my favorite. I know it is living in the past, but it's good for a pick-me-up.
You mean the election might meltdown where trump didn't accept his loss? On that, we agree, my friend!

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