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The worst lie Trump ever told was fake news, And now it is spreading across the world. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2020
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Political Leaning
I have no idea what's going on here.
Let's all calm down.
I don't know. What are we talking about?
I think I know.

Trump's methodical undermining of reliable news as 'fake' if was detrimental to Trump. That was and is poison injected into the very heart of this nation. How can we talk through our differences if we can't even agree on basic facts?
I think I know.

Trump's methodical undermining of reliable news as 'fake' if was detrimental to Trump. That was and is poison injected into the very heart of this nation. How can we talk through our differences if we can't even agree on basic facts?
I was talking about tea. Makes more sense and it's better for the soul.
Yes some tea would be good. And a realization how the fake news meme has screwed up our country and now the world
Here is my take on why Trump came into power. Those without voices were heard by a conman, true, but at least they were heard. Now they are forgotten again, being belittled, being made fun of, called idiots. It isn't Trump, with all his faults, who is the poison. It is the selective compassion fueled by endless partisan hunger for power that is the real poison. Trump is just one dimwitted pawn caught up in a game he knew little about.
Here is my take on why Trump came into power. Those without voices were heard by a conman, true, but at least they were heard. Now they are forgotten again, being belittled, being made fun of, called idiots. It isn't Trump, with all his faults, who is the poison. It is the selective compassion fueled by endless partisan hunger for power that is the real poison. Trump is just one dimwitted pawn caught up in a game he knew little about.
No. You excuse the idiots that amplified him. Demagogies are dangerous but those support them are worse,
Here is my take on why Trump came into power. Those without voices were heard by a conman, true, but at least they were heard. Now they are forgotten again, being belittled, being made fun of, called idiots. It isn't Trump, with all his faults, who is the poison. It is the selective compassion fueled by endless partisan hunger for power that is the real poison. Trump is just one dimwitted pawn caught up in a game he knew little about.
No. Our country runs pretty well until a conman beguiles innocent people and endangers our democracy and betrays our country.
I think I know.

Trump's methodical undermining of reliable news as 'fake' if was detrimental to Trump. That was and is poison injected into the very heart of this nation. How can we talk through our differences if we can't even agree on basic facts?
It's an obvious sign of a Narcissist and there's no fixing it. If he was your husband the psychologist would tell you to leave as there's no cure, but our country can't seem to save themselves from him.
It's an obvious sign of a Narcissist and there's no fixing it. If he was your husband the psychologist would tell you to leave as there's no cure, but our country can't seem to save themselves from him.
Sure, it's a narcissist's natural response, but the way he embedded it into all his communications and repeated it over and over, I think it was more deliberate than that. I think there are enemies with an agenda that used Trump's Achilles heel to transform information sources in this country. They knew our 1A would make it impossible to shut down inconvenient news, so they did the next best thing--they built their own alternate reality with a host of media to carry it. And a whole lot of people bought it. Poison. Pure propaganda and lies.
You're absolutely correct. All anyone has to do to refute anything they don't like is say "fake news".

Imagine if Hitler or Stalin had figured that out.
Here is my take on why Trump came into power. Those without voices were heard by a conman, true, but at least they were heard. Now they are forgotten again, being belittled, being made fun of, called idiots. It isn't Trump, with all his faults, who is the poison. It is the selective compassion fueled by endless partisan hunger for power that is the real poison. Trump is just one dimwitted pawn caught up in a game he knew little about.
So you think Trump was caught up in the whirlwind of history and is not culpable?

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