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The wife and I got our second boosters yesterday (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 5, 2009
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Political Leaning
Free and no appointment although the wife did make one. I did become nauseated, headache, couldn't stay warm during the night, and the shoulder where the shot went in was sore, but 2 Ibuprofen's and more sleep and all is well. I think this one effected me more than the previous three.
So totally wrong. You should have, if you had half a brain, which would be the max requirement, to organize a troupe of ignoramus of 90% vax to protest that second booster. It works.
Free and no appointment although the wife did make one. I did become nauseated, headache, couldn't stay warm during the night, and the shoulder where the shot went in was sore, but 2 Ibuprofen's and more sleep and all is well. I think this one effected me more than the previous three.
Free and no appointment although the wife did make one. I did become nauseated, headache, couldn't stay warm during the night, and the shoulder where the shot went in was sore, but 2 Ibuprofen's and more sleep and all is well. I think this one effected me more than the previous three.

We get ours on the 23rd,
They are taking walk-ins at the local CVS pharmacy.

I have to plan in advance. These shots put me in bed for a couple of days and I have to have food on hand that everyone can make for themselves while I'm out of it. And, I've gotten every shot on the 23, so this makes it easier to remember when I got it.
Free and no appointment although the wife did make one. I did become nauseated, headache, couldn't stay warm during the night, and the shoulder where the shot went in was sore, but 2 Ibuprofen's and more sleep and all is well. I think this one effected me more than the previous three.
Free only to YOU.
Free and no appointment although the wife did make one. I did become nauseated, headache, couldn't stay warm during the night, and the shoulder where the shot went in was sore, but 2 Ibuprofen's and more sleep and all is well. I think this one effected me more than the previous three.

Significant and I are going Wednesday.
Kaching! Kaching for Bog Pharm paid for by the taxpayers
You mean, I as a taxpayer, paid for the vaccines that they are saying are free? That can't be right. You better recheck your sources. You might be getting lied to.
Please list what brand(s) you got for each. We took two Moderna full-strength, one Moderna booster, and we want to get Moderna boosters. They only had Pfizer when I went to the pharmacy, and my doctor's office said they didn't have any available and didn't know if/when they might. Anyone know if it's harder to get Moderna, now?
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OMG!! A fourth booster. Holy Moley.

So much for the vaccine working. Big Pharm is luvin it.

The flu shot works for about the same period of time. Flu season is short; Covid season has been long.

Yes, wealth is being transferred from taxpayers to Big Pharma.
Free and no appointment although the wife did make one. I did become nauseated, headache, couldn't stay warm during the night, and the shoulder where the shot went in was sore, but 2 Ibuprofen's and more sleep and all is well. I think this one effected me more than the previous three.
Good for you and your wife. I had the two Moderna vaccines and a Moderna booster, I do intend to get the second booster but I haven't done so yet. My spouse had the Johnson and Johnson and a Moderna booster. we both plan to get the Pfizer for our next booster. What vaccine did you take for your second booster?
Free and no appointment although the wife did make one. I did become nauseated, headache, couldn't stay warm during the night, and the shoulder where the shot went in was sore, but 2 Ibuprofen's and more sleep and all is well. I think this one effected me more than the previous three.
Wow. Congratulations!!!
You mean, I as a taxpayer, paid for the vaccines that they are saying are free? That can't be right. You better recheck your sources. You might be getting lied to.
That is, IF you pay taxes. I just read well over 50% do NOT pay any tax.
Good for you and your wife. I had the two Moderna vaccines and a Moderna booster, I do intend to get the second booster but I haven't done so yet. My spouse had the Johnson and Johnson and a Moderna booster. we both plan to get the Pfizer for our next booster. What vaccine did you take for your second booster?
FREE shots are leading to government debt and inflation.
I have to plan in advance. These shots put me in bed for a couple of days and I have to have food on hand that everyone can make for themselves while I'm out of it. And, I've gotten every shot on the 23, so this makes it easier to remember when I got it.
I would have to plan, too. Unfortunately.
That is, IF you pay taxes. I just read well over 50% do NOT pay any tax.
LOL... Amazing how uninformed Republicans are...Fox has done a number on you guys..

Over 50% don't pay Federal taxes... Everyone pays taxes... Sales, property, tolls, school, gas, etc...
Good for you and your wife. I had the two Moderna vaccines and a Moderna booster, I do intend to get the second booster but I haven't done so yet. My spouse had the Johnson and Johnson and a Moderna booster. we both plan to get the Pfizer for our next booster. What vaccine did you take for your second booster?
All have been Moderna.

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