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the War on TERROR IS A LIE (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Lakeport CA
Political Leaning
The Patriot Act doesn't mention Jihadists.

It only says, those who would attack our form of Government, but our leaders aren't following the Constitution...so who is attacking our form of government?

The war on Terror is for creating global police state, not for fighting said "terrorists"

Besides the FBI has already come out and labelled "PATRIOTS" "UN PROTESTERS" and "Christians via label" as the terrorists suspects, funny no mention of Jihadists.

See the FBI flier yourself
Robodoon said:
The Patriot Act doesn't mention Jihadists.

It only says, those who would attack our form of Government, but our leaders aren't following the Constitution...so who is attacking our form of government?

The war on Terror is for creating global police state, not for fighting said "terrorists"

Besides the FBI has already come out and labelled "PATRIOTS" "UN PROTESTERS" and "Christians via label" as the terrorists suspects, funny no mention of Jihadists.

See the FBI flier yourself

Would you be happy if it said "Jihadists" and thereby not be a tool against people who are not "Jihadists" that want to cause destruction? Hint....it doesn't take a "Jihadist" to cause harm on American soil.

Mr. Bush still ignores the primary grievance of bin Laden and his network, as well as now, the Saudi regime and its people. By not getting American soldiers out of the two Holy Lands. Mr. Bush feels he cannot budge to any request, not even one from a beleagured ally.

[The] Washington Post, no less, has reported that the Saudis want the Americans to quit and the commentators are silent. Not so US Secretary of State Colin Powell. For him, the American presence in Saudi Arabia may last until the world turns into "the kind of place we dreamed of." American troops in Saudi are a "symbol" of American influence. Could al-Qa'ida have a more potent reason for continued resistance? The "occupation" of Saudi Arabia remains the cornerstone of Osama bin Laden's battle against the United States, the original raison d'etre of his merciless struggle against America. And here is Mr. Powell proving, in effect, that Washington had ulterior motives for sending him into the Gulf. When he added that "we shouldn't impose ourselves on the Government beyond the absolute minimum requirement that we have," the phrase "beyond the absolute minimum" tells it all. The United States will decide how long it stays in Saudi Arabia? not the Saudis; which is exactly what Mr. bin Laden has been saying all along.
- Craig B. Hulet, The Hydra of Carnege
Robert Frisk: Congratulations, America. You have made bin Laden a happy man. 'We are turning ourselves into the kind of deceitful, ruthless people whom bin Laden imagines us to be' - The Independent, UK, 22 January 2002
The only way to stop the war on terror is to take away the reason's for the hatred.
Billo_Really said:
The only way to stop the war on terror is to take away the reason's for the hatred.

Yes let's do that.....

- Let's remove Israel from Muslim lands. (After all, Muslim land is for Muslims. Silly us for sharing our lands this whole time.)

- Let's change our religions to Islam. Let's restrict our freedoms of the press. (Wouldn't want to "sin" against Allah with our evil cartoons.)

- Of course, if it weren't for cartoons they'd just find another reason to cast smug sentaments towards the "infidels," so we might as well restrict what we read, say, and think.

- Let's turn back the clock and oppress our women since gender equality is also a direct defiance to Radical Islam.

- Let's flip the entire world upside down by getting out of Saudi Arabia and letting the Radical hordes tear at each others throats. Then when the Radicals assume the power over their oil...we'll do business with them and set the world economies at ease. (At least until the next Radical group decides that they want to be in charge.)

- Let's get completely out of Muslim affairs and entertain ourselves by watching them destroy and murder in North Africa, Southern Europe, and Western Asia. (The "Global Left" won't mind. They never speak up until after America gets involved anyway. Then it's all about our "attrocities.")

Maybe after all of this, they won't hate us anymore. Of course, after we are done appeasing, turning our backs on our allies, and conforming to what "won't make them hate us," we'll still have to worry about being hated, because we don't believe in "Allah" enough. (Want proof? They kill each other simply based on tribes and sects.) When are you going to get it? These people are not rational. Do you want to conduct an experiment? Draw a funny cartoon of their "Prophet" and show it to them. Oops....already been done. What is it going to take for you to realize that it doesn't matter what we do? They are determined to hate us and use us for every one of their self-inflicted failures. Their failures will not cease just because we bow to their every wish simply because we don't want to antagonize the temper tantrumed Muslim world.
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Originally posted by GySgt:
Yes let's do that.....

- Let's remove Israel from Muslim lands. (After all, Muslim land is for Muslims. Silly us for sharing our lands this whole time.)
Why don't we just let Israel take care of Israel?

Originally posted by GySgt:
- Let's change our religions to Islam. Let's restrict our freedoms of the press. (Wouldn't want to "sin" against Allah with our evil cartoons.)
How about just looking at the situation as adults sans the sarcasm. As for restricting freedoms of the press, I'm will be satisfied if we stop shooting them.

Originally posted by GySgt:
- Of course, if it weren't for cartoons they'd just find another reason to cast smug sentaments towards the "infidels," so we might as well restrict what we read, say, and think.
I have to admit, you got me there. Rioting over cartoons is pretty dumb and immature.

Originally posted by GySgt:
- Let's turn back the clock and oppress our women since gender equality is also a direct defiance to Radical Islam.
We won't oppress women, but we have no problem oppressing muslim's.

Originally posted by GySgt:
- Let's flip the entire world upside down by getting out of Saudi Arabia and letting the Radical hordes tear at each others throats. Then when the Radicals assume the power over their oil...we'll do business with them and set the world economies at ease. (At least until the next Radical group decides that they want to be in charge.)
Didn't we put the radical el Sabah family back in power. Nations have a right to their soveriegnty. If we don't respect that, how can you expect others to treat us the same way.

Originally posted by GySgt:
- Let's get completely out of Muslim affairs and entertain ourselves by watching them destroy and murder in North Africa, Southern Europe, and Western Asia. (The "Global Left" won't mind. They never speak up until after America gets involved anyway. Then it's all about our "attrocities.")
When things get out of hand, we have the UNSC to deal with it. When we commit atrocities, we should, as patriots to our country, speak out against these injustices. We want to have a good country. It's not like I like saying bad things about my country. I didn't just get up and decide one day I didn't like something and go make some noise about it. Nor am I like KC and go, "Oh, conservatives are for that? OK, then I'm against it!" It took a lot of bricks in the wall before I started voicing my disdain. I don't hate Bush for no reason. He's givin' me plenty.

Originally posted by GySgt:
Maybe after all of this, they won't hate us anymore. Of course, after we are done appeasing, turning our backs on our allies, and conforming to what "won't make them hate us," we'll still have to worry about being hated, because we don't believe in "Allah" enough. (Want proof? They kill each other simply based on tribes and sects.) When are you going to get it? These people are not rational. Do you want to conduct an experiment? Draw a funny cartoon of their "Prophet" and show it to them. Oops....already been done. What is it going to take for you to realize that it doesn't matter what we do? They are determined to hate us and use us for every one of their self-inflicted failures. Their failures will not cease just because we bow to their every wish simply because we don't want to antagonize the temper tantrumed Muslim world.
You always got to demonize the other group. That makes it easy to hate, doesn't it? It's just the right thing to do to have American troops on American soil until we are provoked. Putting our troops on their soil is oppression. We stop being the oppressors, then I could care less about what they think of us. And if, after that, they still press the issue and do something on our soil, then we simply bomb them for 30 straight days and go in and kick their asses.
Billo_Really said:
Why don't we just let Israel take care of Israel?

Because while not meaning anything to some European nations, the word "ally" should mean something to America. Besides that, nobody should choose America's allies, especially a bunch of thugs in turbans declaring some devine right to murder "infidels."

Billo_Really said:
How about just looking at the situation as adults sans the sarcasm. As for restricting freedoms of the press, I'm will be satisfied if we stop shooting them.

Who cares about your satisfaction? They don't. We are talking about satisfying the Muslim hordes that are destroying and murdering over a cartoon. It appears that rifles are needed to antagonize their tantrums.

Billo_Really said:
I have to admit, you got me there. Rioting over cartoons is pretty dumb and immature.

This is the "clash of civilization" I have stated over and over for months. Our freedoms do not allow for a co-existence of a civilization that is stagnate and is looking backwards.

Billo_Really said:
We won't oppress women, but we have no problem oppressing muslim's.

Where? How? They are oppressing themselves. If their government and religious leaderships decided to build universities, libraries, allowed for the unrestricted flow of information, freed their women to be as equals and not what "god" wants them to be.....would America stop them? No.

Billo_Really said:
Didn't we put the radical el Sabah family back in power. Nations have a right to their soveriegnty. If we don't respect that, how can you expect others to treat us the same way.

Yes...we've all read your statements about how "sovereignty" trumps military action to help people. If only Hitler knew the rules and merely slaughtered Jews within his "soveriegn" borders he would have been safe. Stability in the Middle East is a global importance. If they are unavble to co-exist without destroying each other over who believes in "Allah" more than we will provide them with that stability. When they run out of oil, they may murder each other over the contents of cracker jack boxes for all we care.

Billo_Really said:
You always got to demonize the other group. That makes it easy to hate, doesn't it? It's just the right thing to do to have American troops on American soil until we are provoked. Putting our troops on their soil is oppression. We stop being the oppressors, then I could care less about what they think of us. And if, after that, they still press the issue and do something on our soil, then we simply bomb them for 30 straight days and go in and kick their asses.

It's pretty easy to do. The world is a stage and the Muslim world is making a gory mess of it and their religion. Are we oppressing the Germans, Italians, Brits, Japanese, Spanish, Chadians, Georgians, Taiwanese, South Koreans, or Australians? We are in these places at their request. For having forward bases we have quick reaction time, the host nations have protection, and the local economies benefit. In the entire world where we have bases, where else are the people being oppressed? Where do we instruct the host nations on their governance of their people? No where. The Muslim world is oppressing itself. We are not doing it. We do business with their elite and they have ignored their people. You think that if the Saudi people ever overthrew their elite, that Saudi Arabia would turn into a humanitarian nation? Hell no. It would continue to be ****ked up and we would instead be dealing with a different elite.
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GySgt said:
Would you be happy if it said "Jihadists" and thereby not be a tool against people who are not "Jihadists" that want to cause destruction? Hint....it doesn't take a "Jihadist" to cause harm on American soil.


Who are these other Terrorits? The Grassroot threat like Tim Mcvey, were stet ups, FBI Gary E. reported theat there was zero threat from "white seperatists groups, that that lie was hoisted on we the people to get Bill Clintongs Domestic terrorist bill through congress. And besides its the CIA and friends who have empowered and have ramped up the Jihadists in the first place.
I guess you feel good that anyone can be labelled a terrorists for opposing government will. Well thats the game, the real meaning of a terrorist is anyone who opposes the NEW WORLD ORDER, the vision of the rich.

And we are to stupid as a people to understand this set up

Who created the terrorist movement that threatens America today? The Central Intelligence Agency recruited thousands of Arabs from Muslim countries during the 1980s, and sent them to Afghanistan where they were trained by our Special Forces units in military tactics, and the "methods of murder" needed to defeat the Soviet invaders. [27] The Muslims we trained, trained others, and when the Afghan war ended, many of them joined al Qaeda. [28] Why did the Holy Warriors embrace radical Islam? Because the CIA, the Pakistani Intelligence agency (ISI), and Saudi Arabia established Islamic schools and indoctrinated them in Wahhabism, the religion of Saudi Arabia. The Afghans and Afghan Arab warriors were taught they would go to heaven if they killed infidels and died fighting for Allah. The CIA printed thousands of copies of the Koran in Virginia and sent them to the Middle East where they were used to indoctrinate the Mujahideen. [29] The AAE created the CIA, and the CIA created the Islamic terrorists that threaten us today
Billo_Really said:
The only way to stop the war on terror is to take away the reason's for the hatred.

Well the AAE actions have been hoisted on the American people, but the American people don't know who the AAE is. Not to mention the Muslims are being told "christian" america is out to get them, but here at home we are told we aren't a christian nation, and that the muslims are a peaceful religion.

We are being set up and so are the Muslims by our common enemy. The AAE
Originally posted by GySgt:
Yes...we've all read your statements about how "sovereignty" trumps military action to help people.
Taking military action against a sovereign nation without a UN sanctioned coalition is not helping, it's aggression.
GySgt said:
Would you be happy if it said


Nothing said can make Robodoon happy

GySgt said:
- Let's remove Israel from Muslim lands.

To make Billo Really happy you don't have to remove Israel from Muslim lands.
Removing Bill O'Reilly from Billo's TV will do.
Originally Posted by justone
To make Billo Really happy you don't have to remove Israel from Muslim lands.
Removing Bill O'Reilly from Billo's TV will do.
Why would anyone think that I wanted Israel removed from muslim lands? Why would I want Bill O removed from my TV? I like to laugh, and he's a perfect joke.

You want to know what would make me happy? I'll tell ya.
It would make me happy:
  • If we stopped using snipers in Iraq that shoot everything that moves.
  • If we stop driving over wounded Iraqis with our tanks.
  • If we stop shooting residents because they don't speak English.
  • If we stop looting the Iraqi houses that we raid.
  • If we stop torturing people as a matter of standard policy throughout Iraq.
  • If we stop sealing off roads that lead to hospitals preventing wounded innocent Iraqis from receiving medical care.
  • If we stop shooting people carrying "white flags".
  • If we stop lying to ourselves about what is really going on in Iraq, and it's not called re-construction; it's genocide and crimes against humanity.

Along with the daily publication of photos documenting the atrocities occuring in Abu Ghraib, stories like these underscore what most people in Iraq now believe-that the liberators have become no more than brutal imperialist occupiers of their country.

Navy Pride said:
I guess 9/11/01 was just a figment of our imagination...:roll:

Its called Created Crisis for Wanted Solution.

Just like Pearl Harbor, that was allowed for the same reasons 911 was allowed and helped to happen.

"When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader."
Plato: The Republic.
"The other day a reporter friend told me that one of the highest ranking CIA officials had said to him, off the record, that when the dust finally clears, Americans will see that September 11 was a triumph for the intelligence
community, not a failure." Robert Baer, See No Evil, Preface XIX

"The Bush administration will not abuse these far-reaching powers,. . . . 'I think security exists for liberty to flourish and liberty cannot exist without order and security.'"
Assistant U.S. Attorney General Viet Dinh, Sept. 11, 2002.


Bush and Kerry are Cousins, Blue Bloods, Globalists, Agenda 21 Supporters, and BONES MEN
On film from TV

Both Bush and Kerry are the same, Members of a Secret Society that pushes for WORLD GOVERNMENT...and an END TO FREE AMERICA.
Billo_Really said:
Why would anyone think that I wanted Israel removed from muslim lands? Why would I want Bill O removed from my TV? I like to laugh, and he's a perfect joke.

You want to know what would make me happy? I'll tell ya.
It would make me happy:
  • If we stopped using snipers in Iraq that shoot everything that moves.
  • If we stop driving over wounded Iraqis with our tanks.
  • If we stop shooting residents because they don't speak English.
  • If we stop looting the Iraqi houses that we raid.
  • If we stop torturing people as a matter of standard policy throughout Iraq.
  • If we stop sealing off roads that lead to hospitals preventing wounded innocent Iraqis from receiving medical care.
  • If we stop shooting people carrying "white flags".
  • If we stop lying to ourselves about what is really going on in Iraq, and it'
    s not called re-construction; it's genocide and crimes against humanity.

What a whiney sap. The above are exaggerations, lies, embellishments, isolated occurences, and BS. All militaries have their unproffesional element. You seem to salivate over celebrating ours.
Billo_Really said:
Why would anyone think that I wanted Israel removed from muslim lands? Why would I want Bill O removed from my TV? I like to laugh, and he's a perfect joke.

You want to know what would make me happy? I'll tell ya.
It would make me happy:
  • If we stopped using snipers in Iraq that shoot everything that moves.
  • If we stop driving over wounded Iraqis with our tanks.
  • If we stop shooting residents because they don't speak English.
  • If we stop looting the Iraqi houses that we raid.
  • If we stop torturing people as a matter of standard policy throughout Iraq.
  • If we stop sealing off roads that lead to hospitals preventing wounded innocent Iraqis from receiving medical care.
  • If we stop shooting people carrying "white flags".
  • If we stop lying to ourselves about what is really going on in Iraq, and it's not called re-construction; it's genocide and crimes against humanity.

So it's 8 altogether, - and we are not doing anything with Israel? You mean nothing at all regarding Israel?
GySgt said:
What a whiney sap. The above are exaggerations, lies, embellishments, isolated occurences, and BS. All militaries have their unproffesional element. You seem to salivate over celebrating ours.

the elites created Israel for evil

God meant it for good. IMO.

I stand with the Jewish people and am very tired of Islam...a pagan..religion...that has murdered and enslaved Christians and Jews since its Birth 550 years after Jesus Christ.

we are deep into tricks, tricks upon tricks.

ie we are in mud up to our eyeballs and are having a very hard time seeing...today.

Christians are the completion of the Jews, Islam is the counterfeit of the Jews.

But everything in the world is based around the Jews, God's people who will awake soon.

All Christians show mercy to the Jew before the Muslim, Mercy should be show to all...but first to the Jew and then to the gentile.

I'm not making this stuff up.

In all fairness, All Christians, Jews and Muslims need to understand we have a common enemy who is planning to remove all of us, for their new religion of the world.

So it does no good to fight between "monotheists" for our enemy is the same one, and that enemy is the one empower all the killing between us. :3oops:

All of us have been tricked and on this trend....... :3oops: SHAME ON US!
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Originally posted by GySgt:
What a whiney sap. The above are exaggerations, lies, embellishments, isolated occurences, and BS. All militaries have their unproffesional element. You seem to salivate over celebrating ours.
That's not the kind of response from someone you would expect that professes to be a "Liberator." You cared so much to go 8,000 miles to save them from Hussein, but now look the other way when we start doing the same things he did with our puppet government and their death squads.
Originally posted by justone
So it's 8 altogether, - and we are not doing anything with Israel? You mean nothing at all regarding Israel?
What about Israel? I don't have anything against them. I think they are more than capable of defending themselves. They have shown that, time and time again. They even shot up one of our warships. And they know, that if anything happens to them, that we would be there to help and all they have to do is ask. With that being said, what the hell has Israel got to do with this discussion? I'm talking about the US and Iraq. One thing at a time.

We got a big problem in this country. We are so detached from the rest of the world that we cannot relate to the cries and suffering of people half the world away. We don't know what it is like having the entire city were living in destroyed. Do you have any clue as to what that would be like? Your entire city destroyed. Even if you found out ahead of time and were trying to get away, but the roads were sealed off and everyone trying to cross them was being shot! Do you have any idea what that is like?
Billo_Really said:
That's not the kind of response from someone you would expect that professes to be a "Liberator." You cared so much to go 8,000 miles to save them from Hussein, but now look the other way when we start doing the same things he did with our puppet government and their death squads.

Argueing with lies and exxagerations won't get you far Billo.
Billo_Really said:
What about Israel? I don't have anything against them.
it's OK, no need to explain.

So it's just the 8 wishes above? you don't need anything more to make you happy? The 8 above will do?
Billo_Really said:
What about Israel? I don't have anything against them. I think they are more than capable of defending themselves. They have shown that, time and time again. They even shot up one of our warships. And they know, that if anything happens to them, that we would be there to help and all they have to do is ask. With that being said, what the hell has Israel got to do with this discussion? I'm talking about the US and Iraq. One thing at a time.

We got a big problem in this country. We are so detached from the rest of the world that we cannot relate to the cries and suffering of people half the world away. We don't know what it is like having the entire city were living in destroyed. Do you have any clue as to what that would be like? Your entire city destroyed. Even if you found out ahead of time and were trying to get away, but the roads were sealed off and everyone trying to cross them was being shot! Do you have any idea what that is like?

Look who's talking. Some Americans are so detached that they think the American mentality of morality prevails all over the world. Some are so detatched that they have no idea what other civilizations look like and what they are capable of, despite never-ending demonstrations in the news in innumerable countries over plenty of years. Some are so detatched that they use "Hitler" as a definition of "evil" and they can't contimplate that evil exists far beyond his death in other cultures. Some are so detatched that they don't care what goes on in the world until America gets involved and then it's all about "American tyranny and imperialism" and evil "American soldiers." Some are so detatched that they can't understand the problems that exist, but instead focus on our inevitable reactions to these problems.
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Originally posted by justone
it's OK, no need to explain.

So it's just the 8 wishes above? you don't need anything more to make you happy? The 8 above will do?
Now that you mentioned it, I would also like:
  • A corvetter convertable.
  • A condo on the beach.
  • A bonifide center for the Lakers.
  • FX to bring back "Son of the Beach."
  • A George Bush impeachment party.
  • A Congress with a set of balls.
  • And an America that would stop watching so much TV.
Feel free to had your own things too. Why should I be the only one happy!
Originally posted by GySgt:
Look who's talking. Some Americans are so detached that they think the American mentality of morality prevails all over the world. Some are so detatched that they have no idea what other civilizations look like and what they are capable of, despite never-ending demonstrations in the news in innumerable countries over plenty of years. Some are so detatched that they use "Hitler" as a definition of "evil" and they can't contimplate that evil exists far beyond his death in other cultures. Some are so detatched that they can't understand the problems that exist, but instead focus on our inevitable reactions to these problems.
I understand enough to live and let live. As long as they are not in my face, I don't care what their doing. But the minute they start sticking their nose into my business, IT'S ON! Until then, I'm not going to go start a fight. Which is what were doing.
Billo_Really said:
I understand enough to live and let live. As long as they are not in my face, I don't care what their doing. But the minute they start sticking their nose into my business, IT'S ON! Until then, I'm not going to go start a fight. Which is what were doing.

They started the fight long before we decided to allow 9/11 to wake us up. It is always better to be pro-active than to be reactive. If we were pro-active during the 90's instead of ignoring this growing threat, 9/11 would only exist in a nightmare.

How many 9/11s in the future are we preventing? (Of course, we all know your sentiments. Better to do something after we've been attacked first...right?)
Originally posted by GySgt:
They started the fight long before we decided to allow 9/11 to wake us up. It is always better to be pro-active than to be reactive. If we were pro-active during the 90's instead of ignoring this growing threat, 9/11 would only exist in a nightmare.

How many 9/11s in the future are we preventing? (Of course, we all know your sentiments. Better to do something after we've been attacked first...right?)
Don't change the subject. We were talking about Iraq.

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