Billo_Really said:
Why don't we just let Israel take care of Israel?
Because while not meaning anything to some European nations, the word "ally" should mean something to America. Besides that, nobody should choose America's allies, especially a bunch of thugs in turbans declaring some devine right to murder "infidels."
Billo_Really said:
How about just looking at the situation as adults sans the sarcasm. As for restricting freedoms of the press, I'm will be satisfied if we stop shooting them.
Who cares about your satisfaction? They don't. We are talking about satisfying the Muslim hordes that are destroying and murdering over a cartoon. It appears that rifles are needed to antagonize their tantrums.
Billo_Really said:
I have to admit, you got me there. Rioting over cartoons is pretty dumb and immature.
This is the "clash of civilization" I have stated over and over for months. Our freedoms do not allow for a co-existence of a civilization that is stagnate and is looking backwards.
Billo_Really said:
We won't oppress women, but we have no problem oppressing muslim's.
Where? How? They are oppressing themselves. If their government and religious leaderships decided to build universities, libraries, allowed for the unrestricted flow of information, freed their women to be as equals and not what "god" wants them to be.....would America stop them? No.
Billo_Really said:
Didn't we put the radical el Sabah family back in power. Nations have a right to their soveriegnty. If we don't respect that, how can you expect others to treat us the same way.
Yes...we've all read your statements about how "sovereignty" trumps military action to help people. If only Hitler knew the rules and merely slaughtered Jews within his "soveriegn" borders he would have been safe. Stability in the Middle East is a global importance. If they are unavble to co-exist without destroying each other over who believes in "Allah" more than we will provide them with that stability. When they run out of oil, they may murder each other over the contents of cracker jack boxes for all we care.
Billo_Really said:
You always got to demonize the other group. That makes it easy to hate, doesn't it? It's just the right thing to do to have American troops on American soil until we are provoked. Putting our troops on their soil is oppression. We stop being the oppressors, then I could care less about what they think of us. And if, after that, they still press the issue and do something on our soil, then we simply bomb them for 30 straight days and go in and kick their asses.
It's pretty easy to do. The world is a stage and the Muslim world is making a gory mess of it and their religion. Are we oppressing the Germans, Italians, Brits, Japanese, Spanish, Chadians, Georgians, Taiwanese, South Koreans, or Australians? We are in these places at their request. For having forward bases we have quick reaction time, the host nations have protection, and the local economies benefit. In the entire world where we have bases, where else are the people being oppressed? Where do we instruct the host nations on their governance of their people? No where. The Muslim world is oppressing itself. We are not doing it. We do business with their elite and they have ignored their people. You think that if the Saudi people ever overthrew their elite, that Saudi Arabia would turn into a humanitarian nation? Hell no. It would continue to be ****ked up and we would instead be dealing with a different elite.