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The War on Chanukah!! (1 Viewer)

Is there a war on Chanukah?

  • YES!

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • NO!

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Is there a war on Chanukah?
Not from what I can tell.

Are you trying to imply that there is a war on Christmas?
Maybe this is more of a tongue-in-cheek type topic?
SixStringHero said:
Not from what I can tell.

Are you trying to imply that there is a war on Christmas?
Maybe this is more of a tongue-in-cheek type topic?

No, there IS a war on Chanukah.
The Secular ACLU and godless corporations are removing the phrase "Happy Chanukah" from advertisements and signs and replacing it with a generic "Happy Holidays" and these corporations are requiring that Employees say Happy Holidays instead of Happy Chanukah when greeting customers.

The ACLU is fighting to remove all mentions and displays of Chanukah from the public square.

If we don't stop these people Chanukah will disapear forever!
Caine said:
Is there a war on Chanukah?

This is the ridiculous "distraction du jour" nature of the so called war against christmas.

Every second spent debating this pointless item is a win for the neo-con men.

Imagine a 60 foot dradel paid for by your tax dollars in city hall.
No, there IS a war on Chanukah.
The Secular ACLU and godless corporations are removing the phrase "Happy Chanukah" from advertisements and signs and replacing it with a generic "Happy Holidays" and these corporations are requiring that Employees say Happy Holidays instead of Happy Chanukah when greeting customers.

The ACLU is fighting to remove all mentions and displays of Chanukah from the public square.

If we don't stop these people Chanukah will disapear forever!

Aren't they doing the same thing with Christmas?
FinnMacCool said:
Aren't they doing the same thing with Christmas?
I dont know, I don't pay attention to Christmas!!
I think you guys are missing the point of this thread. When Christian moralists make these absurd claims about Christmas, this is how they sound to sane people.
Kandahar said:
I think you guys are missing the point of this thread. When Christian moralists make these absurd claims about Christmas, this is how they sound to sane people.

SHHHHHHH!!!!!! (wink)
Kandahar said:
I think you guys are missing the point of this thread. When Christian moralists make these absurd claims about Christmas, this is how they sound to sane people.

I thought I touched on that in my first post.
SixStringHero said:
I thought I touched on that in my first post.

Well, I figured if they are saying "Happy Holidays" its an attack on Chanukah too!!!

And since there are people attacking public displays of Menorahs, thats an attack on Chanukah!

How can one say that "Happy Holidays" is an attack on Christmas without being an attack on Chanukah?
There is a war on Chanukah for the simple fact that groups like "Jews for Jesus" want to truly be the majority religion in this nation, they want the rest of us to buy into their propaganda and forget that any other religion exists, so they are trying to suppress all other religions and displays thereof.
Caine, I want to have your Jewbabies.
Stace said:
There is a war on Chanukah for the simple fact that groups like "Jews for Jesus" want to truly be the majority religion in this nation, they want the rest of us to buy into their propaganda and forget that any other religion exists, so they are trying to suppress all other religions and displays thereof.
Eventually, the Chanukah Wars will be looked back on as our darkest hour.
The ACLU:3oops: is, and all men should know this , the "atheist civil liberties union".. wherever they do should be no surprise...

I am pro Jewish:smile: , anti Islamic:confused: ..., and anti " being told what to say" !!

Merry Christmas:mrgreen: !!
vergiss said:
Caine, I want to have your Jewbabies.

Haha, his Jewbabies? That's awesome....but I thought you didn't want to have kids for another 10 years? :confused: :2razz: Is the great Caine persuasive enough to change your mind?
Stace said:
Haha, his Jewbabies? That's awesome....but I thought you didn't want to have kids for another 10 years? :confused: :2razz: Is the great Caine persuasive enough to change your mind?
The rest of us feel so inadequate.
steen said:
The rest of us feel so inadequate.

Poor Steen....unfortunately, I am already spoken for, and will eventually have his babies...when he lets me, anyway. :(
BTW Steen, I see you have switched over to our side......hooray!!!
Stace said:
BTW Steen, I see you have switched over to our side......hooray!!!
Well, I finally figured out how to set it up. :lol:
earthworm said:
The ACLU:3oops: is, and all men should know this , the "atheist civil liberties union".. wherever they do should be no surprise...

I am pro Jewish:smile: , anti Islamic:confused: ..., and anti " being told what to say" !!

Merry Christmas:mrgreen: !!

Nope its the American Atheist Society that's officially atheist. ACLU is just an atheist poser, nah'mean?
Stace said:
Haha, his Jewbabies? That's awesome....but I thought you didn't want to have kids for another 10 years? :confused: :2razz: Is the great Caine persuasive enough to change your mind?

Oh, indeed. *swoon*
Che said:
Nope its the American Atheist Society that's officially atheist. ACLU is just an atheist poser, nah'mean?

The ACLU is leading the charge against teaching ID in biology class (Dover), getting the information out on American torture of prisoners, getting to the bottom of domestic spying by the government, and reforming the Patriot Act.

Of course the neo-con men hate them but I'm proud to be a card carrying member of the ACLU.
As a member of FSM, I thought I would share what is quickly becoming a holiday tradition in the noodly appendage family.

'Away in a saucepan' (sung to the tune of "away in a manger")

Away in a saucepan,
No dish for His bed
The little spaghetti monster
Laid down His meatball head

The cheese from the grater
Looked down at the plate
The marinara sauce
will always taste great

The pirates growth is slowing
The salt cellar shakes
but with meatballs for his eyes
No crying He makes

I love cheese, FSM
Look down from the sky
beer volcano is erupting,
'Til morning is nigh.

Be near me, FSM,
I ask Thee to stay
take your noodly apendage
And touch me I pray


Penn and Teller vs. the Bible here

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