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The War of Ideologies (1 Viewer)


May 23, 2005
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The Bush administration has launched a high-level internal review of its efforts to battle international terrorism, aimed at moving away from a policy that has stressed efforts to capture and kill al Qaeda leaders since Sept. 11, 2001, and toward what a senior official called a broader "strategy against violent extremism."

A new campaign targeting "violent extremism" could also prove controversial, given disputes in the Middle East about how to categorize groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank that act as political parties while also supporting what the United States calls terrorist activities. "You can't start drawing very precise lines -- security/counterterrorism versus the broader efforts to deal with the roots of terrorism," the intelligence official said.


Secularism vs Religious Rule

World War III
Gamago25 said:

The Bush administration has launched a high-level internal review of its efforts to battle international terrorism, aimed at moving away from a policy that has stressed efforts to capture and kill al Qaeda leaders since Sept. 11, 2001, and toward what a senior official called a broader "strategy against violent extremism."

A new campaign targeting "violent extremism" could also prove controversial, given disputes in the Middle East about how to categorize groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank that act as political parties while also supporting what the United States calls terrorist activities. "You can't start drawing very precise lines -- security/counterterrorism versus the broader efforts to deal with the roots of terrorism," the intelligence official said.


Secularism vs Religious Rule

World War III

Bravo its about time the Bush admin admitted that it can't defeat terrorism. Most of the world was with u when 9/11 happened. But when the US said it was going to wipe out evil and terrorism, most of the world just laughed.
Who said we cant defeat it, I believe we are actually going to expand to take on alot more radical Islamic terrorist groups not just Al Queda.

Secularism vs Religious Rule.

World War III

Gamago25 said:
Who said we cant defeat it, I believe we are actually going to expand to take on alot more radical Islamic terrorist groups not just Al Queda.

Secularism vs Religious Rule.

World War III


What evidence makes you think that?
"""a new campaign targeting "violent extremism" could also prove controversial, given disputes in the Middle East about how to categorize groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank that act as political parties while also supporting what the United States calls terrorist activities. "You can't start drawing very precise lines -- security/counterterrorism versus the broader efforts to deal with the roots of terrorism," the intelligence official said. """

why u worried we might go after your favorite terrorist groups?

It also falls into play with overthrowing Iran since its public knowledge they help finance those groups.

I mean really, you think the US is going to give up and give in to islamic terrorists?

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Gamago25 said:
"""a new campaign targeting "violent extremism" could also prove controversial, given disputes in the Middle East about how to categorize groups such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the West Bank that act as political parties while also supporting what the United States calls terrorist activities. "You can't start drawing very precise lines -- security/counterterrorism versus the broader efforts to deal with the roots of terrorism," the intelligence official said. """

why u worried we might go after your favorite terrorist groups?

It also falls into play with overthrowing Iran since its public knowledge they help finance those groups.


So does Saudi Arabia. Why not invade them and correct their ways of government? Oh wait they supply us with most of our oil. DOH!
What proof you have of the saudi arabia gov't funding Hamas or Hezbollah?

Iran's clerical regime has been cited for funding Hamas and Hezbollah numerous times.

I think your scared.

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Gamago25 said:
What proof you have of the saudi arabia gov't funding Hamas or Hezbollah?

Iran's clerical regime has been cited for funding Hamas and Hezbollah numerous times.

I think your scared.


Oh yeah, I'm terrified.
Especially since anytime Iran is mentioned you bring up Saudi Arabia as a distraction.

besides Saudi Arabia is ruled by a secular gov't, Iran is not.

We coming for your friends and thier financiers.

Gamago25 said:
Especially since anytime Iran is mentioned you bring up Saudi Arabia as a distraction.

besides Saudi Arabia is ruled by a secular gov't, Iran is not.

We coming for your friends and thier financiers.


Wait, sorry Saudi Arabia ruled by a secular government? You on acid? Or coke? Or Heroin?

Boom bada boom. The sad thing is these aren't all liberal websites.

Yup, The Crown Prince is still more Secular than the Ayatollah will ever be.

But once again you prove my case that you would rather overthrow Saudi Arabia than Iran.

Too bad for you Iran and it's cronies are next.

Gamago25 said:

But once again you prove my case that you would rather overthrow Saudi Arabia than Iran.

Explain where in my text I said anything like this?
GarzaUK said:
Bravo its about time the Bush admin admitted that it can't defeat terrorism. Most of the world was with u when 9/11 happened. But when the US said it was going to wipe out evil and terrorism, most of the world just laughed.

I didnt get that message at all.

"""NEW YORK - FBI agents in Florida and New York arrested two men who prosecutors said were secretly recorded during a two-year sting operation pledging their support and loyalty to al-Qaida.

Authorities said Sunday that Rafiq Abdus Sabir, 50, a Boca Raton physician, and Tarik Shah, 42, a self-described martial arts expert in New York, conspired to treat and train terrorists. Both are American citizens.""

Some more of your friends Garza, one at a time, one at a time.

Finding people like you is so easy.

The great thing about the US is that unlike Europeans we have people (just like your friends the radical islamists) willing to die and the ammunition to put people into submission.

Either they will submit to secularism or they will die.


How else did we subdue the Japanese and others?

How many people died in WWII to defeat Facism?

How many people died in the cold war to defeat Communist expansion?

Sometimes there is a cause worth dieing for and thats what i believe in.

already did 1 tour, re-signing for another.

Secularism vs Religious Rule

World War III

to quote Kerry: Bring It On!

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The British may have a stiff upperlip, but Americans have the backbone.

Gamago25 said:
The great thing about the US is that unlike Europeans we have people (just like your friends the radical islamists) willing to die and the ammunition to put people into submission.

Either they will submit to secularism or they will die.


How else did we subdue the Japanese and others?

Bombing civilians.

How many people died in WWII to defeat Facism?

Bombing civilians.

Sometimes there is a cause worth dieing for and thats what i believe in.

To die for something is noble. To kill for something is simply killing.

already did 1 tour, re-signing for another.

Good luck and God Bless.

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