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The war in numbers: From WMD to the victims (1 Viewer)


Dec 3, 2005
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The war in numbers: From WMD to the victims

$204.4billion The cost to the US of the war so far. The UK's bill up until March 2005 was £3.1 billion

2,339 Allied troops killed

98 UK troops killed

30,000 Estimated Iraqi civilian deaths

0 Number of WMDs found

8 per cent of Iraqi children suffering acute malnutrition

$35,819m World Bank estimated cost of reconstruction

53,470 Iraqi insurgents killed

67 per cent Iraqis who feel less secure because of occupation

$343 Average monthly salary for an Iraqi soldier. Average monthly salary for an American soldier in Iraq: $4,160.75

66 journalists killed in Iraq. Journalists killed during Vietnam war: 63

5 foreign civilians kidnapped per month

47 per cent Iraqis who never have enough electricity

20 casualties per month from unexploded mines

20 per cent Inflation rate 2005

25-40 per cent Estimated unemployment rate, Nov 2005

251 Foreigners kidnapped

70 per cent of Iraqi's whose sewage system rarely works

183,000 British and American troops are still in action in Iraq. There are 162,000 US troops and 8,000 British with 13,000 from other nations

90 Daily attacks by insurgents in Nov '05. In Jun '03: 8

82 per centIraqis who are "strongly opposed" to presence of coalition troops

15,955 US troops wounded in action

Saddam facing execution and a free Iraq.....priceless. :cool:
White said:
The war in numbers: From WMD to the victims
$204.4billion The cost to the US of the war so far. The UK's bill up until March 2005 was £3.1 billion
2,339 Allied troops killed
98 UK troops killed
30,000 Estimated Iraqi civilian deaths
0 Number of WMDs found
8 per cent of Iraqi children suffering acute malnutrition
$35,819m World Bank estimated cost of reconstruction
53,470 Iraqi insurgents killed
67 per cent Iraqis who feel less secure because of occupation
$343 Average monthly salary for an Iraqi soldier. Average monthly salary for an American soldier in Iraq: $4,160.75
66 journalists killed in Iraq. Journalists killed during Vietnam war: 63
5 foreign civilians kidnapped per month
47 per cent Iraqis who never have enough electricity
20 casualties per month from unexploded mines
20 per cent Inflation rate 2005
25-40 per cent Estimated unemployment rate, Nov 2005
251 Foreigners kidnapped
70 per cent of Iraqi's whose sewage system rarely works
183,000 British and American troops are still in action in Iraq. There are 162,000 US troops and 8,000 British with 13,000 from other nations
90 Daily attacks by insurgents in Nov '05. In Jun '03: 8
82 per centIraqis who are "strongly opposed" to presence of coalition troops
15,955 US troops wounded in action

Whats your point?
You're link does not work for me.

"53,470 Iraqi insurgents killed"
Where did you get this number from? I remember the days when the Bush Admin. said there were only a few thousand insurgents.
scottyz said:
You're link does not work for me.

"53,470 Iraqi insurgents killed"
Where did you get this number from? I remember the days when the Bush Admin. said there were only a few thousand insurgents.

I think our presence there created... I would say... A few thousand more....
KCConservative said:
Saddam facing execution and a free Iraq.....priceless. :cool:

We will see how free it is when the newly elected government asks us to leave and we refuse....... That is occupation.. not free.
M14 Shooter said:
Whats your point?

Darn... You USUALLY have some weird witty comeback... none this time?
Caine said:
I think our presence there created... I would say... A few thousand more....
Assuming the number is accurate we either horribly misjudged(again) their numbers or we have created thousands of them. I remember the Bush admin. assured us they only numbered between 1,000 and 4,000 and we would wipe them all out quickly.
scottyz said:
Assuming the number is accurate we either horribly misjudged(again) their numbers or we have created thousands of them. I remember the Bush admin. assured us they only numbered between 1,000 and 4,000 and we would wipe them all out quickly.

My unit had a mission during the "invasion" to secure a small town called.. damnit.. lemme look at my "Iraqi Freedom" t-shirt..lol......

Rumaythah.. that was it....

Anyways.. we were told that there were an estimated 2 to 2,000 Fedayeen soldiers in that town....

Tells you how good we are at estimating the numbers of our enemies.
scottyz said:
Assuming the number is accurate we either horribly misjudged(again) their numbers or we have created thousands of them. I remember the Bush admin. assured us they only numbered between 1,000 and 4,000 and we would wipe them all out quickly.

Sounds like your thinking of the early estimates of the number of "foreign fighters". But that number has most likely increased since those early days.
oldreliable67 said:
Sounds like your thinking of the early estimates of the number of "foreign fighters". But that number has most likely increased since those early days.
In November of 2003, US Central Command estimated there were no more than 5,000 insurgents.
Caine said:
We will see how free it is when the newly elected government asks us to leave and we refuse....... That is occupation.. not free.
Wow, where can I get a crystal ball like that?
KCConservative said:
Wow, where can I get a crystal ball like that?

Oh... what... I can't use the almighty power of prediction like all the neo-cons on this site seem to know what the SCOTUS will rule on things???
Caine said:
Oh... what... I can't use the almighty power of prediction like all the neo-cons on this site seem to know what the SCOTUS will rule on things???
Predict away, my friend. Have a good time. By the way, and I know this really pisses you off, but the Iraq election was a giant success yesterday. Over 70% turnout. :lol:
KCConservative said:
Predict away, my friend. Have a good time. By the way, and I know this really pisses you off, but the Iraq election was a giant success yesterday. Over 70% turnout. :lol:

No. unlike you neo-cons who are trying to make it seem like Democrats want the US troops to die and the US to fail.... I am....


happy that the Iraq elections went well. This is a step towards our job being complete in Iraq so that our troops can come home, which includes many of my friends that I served with before I got out of the Army.

See.. your partisan blindness makes you say some really dumb things.
Caine said:
No. unlike you neo-cons who are trying to make it seem like Democrats want the US troops to die and the US to fail.... I am....


happy that the Iraq elections went well. This is a step towards our job being complete in Iraq so that our troops can come home, which includes many of my friends that I served with before I got out of the Army.

See.. your partisan blindness makes you say some really dumb things.

To be honest, I doubt you served at all.....but hey, that's just my instinct.
KCConservative said:
To be honest, I doubt you served at all.....but hey, that's just my instinct.

Hey... you know is that other thread where you asked when you attacked me.....

Well, this is an excellent example...

And what, may I ask, you prompt you to doubt my service if not your pathetic partisanship????
Caine said:
Hey... you know is that other thread where you asked when you attacked me.....

Well, this is an excellent example...

And what, may I ask, you prompt you to doubt my service if not your pathetic partisanship????

You're confusing my honest gut feeling with attacking. But that's fine. I never called you a name or even asked to engage in this discussion with you. Until you started whining about my signature, I didn;t even know you existed. Trust me, I only attack those I care about. ;)
KCConservative said:
You're confusing my honest gut feeling with attacking. But that's fine. I never called you a name or even asked to engage in this discussion with you. Until you started whining about my signature, I didn;t even know you existed. Trust me, I only attack those I care about. ;)

Well.... your gut feeling is wrong... I hope you don't work in a job where you have to depend on it.
well.allow me to give the discussion of you two a good end.

That is :

the US,just get out of Iraq,as soon as you can.
rainfox said:
the US,just get out of Iraq,as soon as you can.
We're trying, but they keep blowing each other up!
Caine said:
We will see how free it is when the newly elected government asks us to leave and we refuse....... That is occupation.. not free.

What makes you think we will not leave?
Caine said:
And what, may I ask, you prompt you to doubt my service if not your pathetic partisanship????

Understand that I, personally, am not questioning your claim -- but since it came up...

I usually ask people that claim to be servicemen one question, should I question the veracity of their claim. This is an especially powerful question, should you claim to be a Marine (whicu you have not, to mey knowledge):

On what side of the M16A2 upper is the bolt release?
M14 Shooter said:
What makes you think we will not leave?
Not that I completely agree with him, but the new Iraqi government has asked the U.S. for an exit timeline and President Bush has argued against it. I guess that can be taken either way.
M14 Shooter said:
Understand that I, personally, am not questioning your claim -- but since it came up...

I usually ask people that claim to be servicemen one question, should I question the veracity of their claim. This is an especially powerful question, should you claim to be a Marine (whicu you have not, to mey knowledge):

On what side of the M16A2 upper is the bolt release?

umm....should be the same as the M4 bolt release... on the right.
Don't remember the M16 that well anymore, since I only used it in basic training.

82nd ABN uses M4s.

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