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The Victorious Party Army in iraq ( we will use biological weapons unless .....) (1 Viewer)


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Sep 11, 2005
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Deleted by Simon W. Moon


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Originally posted by wiseman:
Deleted by Simon W. Moon


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Welcome to debate politics. I've read this whole thing and I'm not sure what the hell your point is. Could you be a little more succinct?
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Billo_Really said:
Welcome to debate politics. I've read this whole thing and I'm not sure what the hell your point is. Could you be a little more succinct?

I think this guy is claiming to be mujahadeen! He's threatening the use of biological weapons within 24 hours.
wiseman said:
Deleted by Simon W. Moon


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We aint hard to find **** head! just follow the signs to deaths tree.
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All that and we got nothing. was At least expecting a small gas attack..
I bet this Otto octavious or some other pig****er. As far as I can see most of the responces on these threads are identical except the screen name. I wonder how many are really just the same guy.

Only stupid ****ers like Otto would take **** like this Victorious party thing as reality. They think it gives them more opurtunnity to spout there dumbass racist ranting.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
We aint hard to find **** head! just follow the signs to deaths tree.

nefarious_plot said:
I bet this Otto octavious or some other pig****er. As far as I can see most of the responces on these threads are identical except the screen name. I wonder how many are really just the same guy.

Only stupid ****ers like Otto would take **** like this Victorious party thing as reality. They think it gives them more opurtunnity to spout there dumbass racist ranting.

[mod mode]
Can the ad homs. This is still the regular forum.

Furthermore, it'd be helpful if questionable posts weren't repeatedly quoted in full.
[/mod mode]
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Oh ****!!

This is the Basement!

ummm, nevermind

Coffee first. Coffee first. Coffee first.

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