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The USA Could Be Easy (1 Viewer)

Why is it that humans have to make things so damn hard?

It is like mass people wish to refuse easy and make things so very messed up that it drives those that want more simple to lose their mind and temper.

It is not like we cannot help folks without stripping them of any kind of self respect and what is totally disgusting? Those that laugh from high above at people dwelling in the streets hungry, lice ridden and having no place to go.

Keep laughing as one day you will get yours and you probably could not deal with it with as much grace as some folks.

I have never understood people who are cold hearted to the point where they would much rather see folks sleeping on streets rather than pay more taxes. Shame on you all and one day when the U.S.A. is fair? You are gonna get yours not 10 fold but 100 fold and that is that.
Do you donate money to the government? No? Yeah, I didn't think so. How do I know? Well, the coffers have only ever had at one time about $25,000. Meaning no one really donates, but all the while people like yourself tell people they should pay more, when you don't.

If you weren't aware of the fact that the government takes donations and you want to donate, call them and ask for information on how to donate. Then feel free to donate, donate, and donate to your hearts content. You want to pay 100%? Do it! Nothing is stopping you.
This is the revelation that was had in ancient Athens, when a flat tax was being imposed and the poor were exiled (ie: more or less killed) if they couldn't pay. Thye instituted progressive tax on the principle that the accumulation of wealth is impossible without civilization, and therefore those with greater wealth should pay more to sustain it.

In my opinion the best economic policy is one that makes spending decisions first, based on how reasonable the program is, then tax the population progressively to as close as possible to a nil balance. Spend too little and you go into debt, spend too much and you're taking people's money for unjustified means.

Peace :)

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