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The US is withdrawing from a nuclear arms treaty with Russia. An arms race might be next. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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new its official, we have the new arms race with Muscovite empire . which we will win easily (1991 N2 :lol:) , for how many year can putler´s Muscovy ("russia") keep going ?

"The US is withdrawing from a nuclear arms treaty with Russia. An arms race might be next."



Putin has wanted the treaty to be suspended for quite a few years now. Take Trump at his word. He IS a Russian asset.
Putin has wanted the treaty to be suspended for quite a few years now. Take Trump at his word. He IS a Russian asset.

Source for your accusation, please. From another article on The Hill: "In his statement, Trump pledged the United States would “move forward with developing our own military response options” to Russia’s violations and work with allies to “deny Russia any military advantage from its unlawful conduct.”

Why would any country stay in a treaty that the other side is accused of violating?
Source for your accusation, please. From another article on The Hill: "In his statement, Trump pledged the United States would “move forward with developing our own military response options” to Russia’s violations and work with allies to “deny Russia any military advantage from its unlawful conduct.”

Why would any country stay in a treaty that the other side is accused of violating?

I don't disagree with the idea of withdrawing from a treaty Russia is violating. Whether or not this triggers another arms race remains to be seen, but I can't imagine Putin being oblivious to the fall out from an arms race. The other question is how the EU/NATO will respond. I'm hoping we don't end up with more displays of power we witnessed during the last Cold War.
I don't disagree with the idea of withdrawing from a treaty Russia is violating. Whether or not this triggers another arms race remains to be seen, but I can't imagine Putin being oblivious to the fall out from an arms race. The other question is how the EU/NATO will respond. I'm hoping we don't end up with more displays of power we witnessed during the last Cold War.

I would hope that both sides decide that it is better to have the treaty than not.
Putin has wanted the treaty to be suspended for quite a few years now. Take Trump at his word. He IS a Russian asset.

at least now we can speculate about what was probably discussed at the secret meetings.
Well didn't Trump have that private meeting with Putin not too long ago, guess he told Trump to scrap the arms treaty, lol.
I don't disagree with the idea of withdrawing from a treaty Russia is violating. Whether or not this triggers another arms race remains to be seen, but I can't imagine Putin being oblivious to the fall out from an arms race. The other question is how the EU/NATO will respond. I'm hoping we don't end up with more displays of power we witnessed during the last Cold War.

The last arms race broke the Soviet Union.

Putin is fielding new first strike weapons. The latest supposedly being rolled out next year is a maneuverable warhead to avoid anti - missile weapons prior to it's MIRV package being released. And he is also fielding tactical nukes for the battlefield. He apparently feels when he takes country the US won't have an answer to that. And we don't. It's either big boom, or no boom.

There was talk about a "cruise submarine" - a nuclear bomb that lumbers along, unmanned, and ends up in a harbor somewhere like New York or San Francisco.

China just launched a "scientific" missile off of a remote controlled submarine. You can bet your last donut, a nuclear platform is next, or at least the threat of one. Russia at least lets us know what they are doing, China keeps it secret.

Times have changed, and we have to change with them.
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The last arms race broke the Soviet Union.

Putin is fielding new first strike weapons. The latest supposedly being rolled out next year is a maneuverable warhead to avoid anti - missile weapons prior to it's MIRV package being released. And he is also fielding tactical nukes for the battlefield. He apparently feels when he takes a NATO country the US won't have an answer to that. And we don't. It's either big boom, or no boom.

There was talk about a "cruise submarine" - a nuclear bomb that lumbers along and ends up in a harbor somewhere like New York or San Francisco.

China just launched a "scientific" missile off of a remote controlled submarine. You can bet your last donut, a nuclear platform is next, or at least the threat of one. Russia at least lets us know what they are doing, China keeps it secret.

Times have changed, and we have to change with them.

Right, which is why I don't think Putin or China are going to make that same mistake.
I am completely in favor in ramping up our nuclear warhead program. I have been in favor of it for a long time. Its overdue. Everytime somebody builds one we should build 10 of our own.

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Most people here here seem to ignore the historical background of the arms race and are willing to put the blame on Putin.
I disagree! It was G.W. Bush who made decisions which opened the door of the arms race when he challenged Russia's nuclear deterrence by installing Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense radars near the Russian borders.


Bush Pulls Out of ABM Treaty; Putin Calls Move a Mistake

There is a reason why the US and the Soviet Union made an Anti-ballistic Treaty during the Cold War. From the same link above:

"The grim theory was that neither side would launch a nuclear attack because it knew the other would respond, thereby destroying both.

When someone tries to build an effective anti-ballistic missile defense, he essentially tries to monopolize the capability of strike (since the ABM defense will counter the enemy's missile response). Thus, it was natural to expect that the Russians would respond by upgrading the capabilities of their nuclear missiles which is easier technologically than developing a system which can shoot at missiles coming to you. Sure, the idea of defense is noble, but capable politicians should understand that good intentions may still trigger unfortunate developments!

Here is more information for a Polish governmental site


Polish-U.S. missile defence negotiations
Talks on the Polish participation in the construction of the U.S. Missile Defense System in Europe started at the request of the U.S. in spring 2007. The finale was the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the United States of America regarding the deployment on Polish territory of anti-ballistic missile interceptors signed in Warsaw on 20 August 2008. On the same day, the Declaration on Strategic Cooperation between the Republic of Poland and the United States of America was proclaimed.

Obama and Trump did not reverse any politics, so, as it was predictable, the Russians responded. By the way, I am not a Putin supporter in any way. I do agree with the Democrats and the US Intelligence services about his role in the 2016 elections.
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I just looked it up and am shocked to learn that SCOTUS has never weighed in on the President's right to pull out of a treaty without Senate consent. It makes no sense that a President can unilaterally undo something that required the consent of 2/3 of the Senate to implement.
I am completely in favor in ramping up our nuclear warhead program. I have been in favor of it for a long time. Its overdue. Everytime somebody builds one we should build 10 of our own.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

I feel deeply insecure knowing we only have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the earth fifty times over. Only when we can destroy the only inhabitable planet we have a hundred times over will I rest easy.

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