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The ultimate in Governmental stupidity (1 Viewer)

Old and wise

Active member
Aug 28, 2005
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New England
Political Leaning
Portland, Maine TV station reports that 220 trailer trucks full of ice were shipped from New Orleans to Maine for storage. Truck drivers are being paid $800 per day. Like they really need ice in Maine.

Is there no end to the stupidity of our Government?

Old and wise said:
Portland, Maine TV station reports that 220 trailer trucks full of ice were shipped from New Orleans to Maine for storage. Truck drivers are being paid $800 per day. Like they really need ice in Maine.

Is there no end to the stupidity of our Government?


So they have done a much better than expected job of getting people out of shelters and the local suppliers have gotten up and running faster than expected and the power companies are getting power going and an extodinary pace and they don't need the ice here right now. What should they do with all that ice which maybe needed in the next disaster?

Personally I'm glad it was here in case we needed, of course I am more glad I didn't have to go 3 weeks without power. You guys complain when they don't stage things and people have to wait two days, and then you complain when they do stage things and because people are doing one heck of a job getting things back up and running it's not needed.

Give them break else get out there and help.
Just a small update on this from the evening news on the Maine station.

Some of the truckers could be waiting as long as 30 days before they are off loaded. And some of them have been told that they could lose their contract if they talked to the media.

One trucker made a comment that a $1 bag of ice is now worth about $10.

Is this really America?
Old and wise said:
Just a small update on this from the evening news on the Maine station.

Some of the truckers could be waiting as long as 30 days before they are off loaded. And some of them have been told that they could lose their contract if they talked to the media.

One trucker made a comment that a $1 bag of ice is now worth about $10.

Is this really America?

Man, I got a whole freezer of that stuff. Want some? I'll give it away for $9....
Stinger said:
So they have done a much better than expected job of getting people out of shelters and the local suppliers have gotten up and running faster than expected and the power companies are getting power going and an extodinary pace and they don't need the ice here right now. What should they do with all that ice which maybe needed in the next disaster?

Personally I'm glad it was here in case we needed, of course I am more glad I didn't have to go 3 weeks without power. You guys complain when they don't stage things and people have to wait two days, and then you complain when they do stage things and because people are doing one heck of a job getting things back up and running it's not needed.

Give them break else get out there and help.

Are you suggesting it actually pays off, financially speaking?Keeping the ice?
Elektra said:
Are you suggesting it actually pays off, financially speaking?Keeping the ice?

I'm saying the as I would hope they ordered more than they needed, and when it wasn't need and another hurricane popped up they waited to divert it. I'm saying that a bunch of truckers sitting around complaining are probably not the best source to use to gauge what was actually going on.

And yes a semi-truck load of ice is nothing to sneeze about.

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