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"The Ugly Truth" (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
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FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
I found this movie refreshingly honest about how men are and the way women want them to be.

"The Ugly Truth is an entertaining romantic comedy about Abby Richter, a romantically challenged morning show producer whose search for Mr. Perfect has left her hopelessly single. She's in for a rude awakening when her bosses team her with Mike Chadway, a hardcore TV personality who promises to spill the ugly truth on what makes men and women tick."

You clearly did not watch all of that film, especially what happened to both of those characters.
I watched the trailer and the ugly truth is I needed a barf bag.
You clearly did not watch all of that film, especially what happened to both of those characters.
The end did not change the facts about male/female differences, it only reinforced the inevitable infatuation that occurs.
I liked the movie. It did highlight a few of the differences between men and women, but I felt it did so more to entertain than inform.

Imho the best explanation I've come across thus far about the differences between men and women (well, husbands and wives - in context) is from a book I recently read called "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggerichs. He nails the differences in men's & women's personalities, needs, and wants in such a simple, easy-to-understand fashion I found quite remarkable; and he does so in a practical, helpful manner. It is Christian in its tone, but the points he makes apply, regardless.

His primary point is this: without love, women react in a disrespectful way; without respect, men react in an unloving way.
To turn that around, into something positive for the relationship, he makes this point: His love motivates her respect; her respect motivates his love.

Anyway, highly recommend. 👍
I liked the movie. It did highlight a few of the differences between men and women, but I felt it did so more to entertain than inform.

Imho the best explanation I've come across thus far about the differences between men and women (well, husbands and wives - in context) is from a book I recently read called "Love and Respect" by Emerson Eggerichs. He nails the differences in men's & women's personalities, needs, and wants in such a simple, easy-to-understand fashion I found quite remarkable; and he does so in a practical, helpful manner. It is Christian in its tone, but the points he makes apply, regardless.

His primary point is this: without love, women react in a disrespectful way; without respect, men react in an unloving way.
To turn that around, into something positive for the relationship, he makes this point: His love motivates her respect; her respect motivates his love.

Anyway, highly recommend. 👍
It's a dumb, useless point because you can just as easily reverse it. Without love, men react in a disrespectful way. Without respect, women react in an unloving way.
It's a dumb, useless point because you can just as easily reverse it. Without love, men react in a disrespectful way. Without respect, women react in an unloving way.
Well, I guess the point is with respect comes love. Doesn't matter who is unloving... ✌️

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