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The TWENTY-SIX women who have accused Trump do sexual misconduct (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct - Business Insider

Including FOUR who have accused him of outright RAPE.
And goodness knows how many others he has paid off to stay quiet. Has no doubt cost him MILLIONS.
Plus, again, who knows how many abortions this hero of the fundamentalist right has paid for.


Right-winger response: “they can’t be believed”.

Let’s see: 25 women or one LIAR. Who to believe?
Not hard to round up a bunch of liars, if they think they will get money out of the deal. Look at the liar that claimed the SC judge raped her. When nothing came of it, she admitted she lied. Women that do that should spend a minimum of 10 years in jail.
Not hard to round up a bunch of liars, if they think they will get money out of the deal. Look at the liar that claimed the SC judge raped her. When nothing came of it, she admitted she lied. Women that do that should spend a minimum of 10 years in jail.

And it's funny that Trump hasn't sued a single one of them, while he HAS sued others for libel over SMALL things. Sorry, but you can't sue for libel what is TRUE. You've lost Logical1, you've supported a liar in Trump. The fact he doesn't sue on ANY of these shows he is guilty. Chew on that.
Not hard to round up a bunch of liars, if they think they will get money out of the deal. Look at the liar that claimed the SC judge raped her. When nothing came of it, she admitted she lied. Women that do that should spend a minimum of 10 years in jail.

i agree, its to easy to accuse a man
Not hard to round up a bunch of liars, if they think they will get money out of the deal. Look at the liar that claimed the SC judge raped her. When nothing came of it, she admitted she lied. Women that do that should spend a minimum of 10 years in jail.

Point proven. You did exactly as I predicted in my original post.
That was easy.
The 25 women who have accused Trump of sexual misconduct - Business Insider

Including FOUR who have accused him of outright RAPE.
And goodness knows how many others he has paid off to stay quiet. Has no doubt cost him MILLIONS.
Plus, again, who knows how many abortions this hero of the fundamentalist right has paid for.


Right-winger response: “they can’t be believed”.

Let’s see: 25 women or one LIAR. Who to believe?

It's not hard for the DNC to pay unethical women to come forward, As the saying goes, "Drag a $20 bill through a trailer park and you never know what you'll find."
It's not hard for the DNC to pay unethical women to come forward, As the saying goes, "Drag a $20 bill through a trailer park and you never know what you'll find."

And there you have it. The right wingers are all over Kamala Harris for having CONSENSUAL sex with Willie Brown, but insist on making lame excuses for Trump being accused of sexual misconduct with TWENTY SIX women, to include four rapes. So much for the moral high ground of the Repub party.
i'm surprised there's only 26.

he's a rich, spoiled brat from NYC. i'd expect at least 50.
Not hard to round up a bunch of liars, if they think they will get money out of the deal. Look at the liar that claimed the SC judge raped her. When nothing came of it, she admitted she lied. Women that do that should spend a minimum of 10 years in jail.

How many accused obama?
And there you have it. The right wingers are all over Kamala Harris for having CONSENSUAL sex with Willie Brown, but insist on making lame excuses for Trump being accused of sexual misconduct with TWENTY SIX women, to include four rapes. So much for the moral high ground of the Repub party.

Half the accusations were 'he kissed me". Anybody ever see Johnny Carson where a guest came on and and kissed the opposite-sex guests already on the set? That's what these are about. And I love this; At least two of the women's accusations were: "He looked at me in a degrading way". lol. These would be laughed out of court.
Half the accusations were 'he kissed me". Anybody ever see Johnny Carson where a guest came on and and kissed the opposite-sex guests already on the set? That's what these are about. And I love this; At least two of the women's accusations were: "He looked at me in a degrading way". lol. These would be laughed out of court.

He had charges of rape against him related to Epstein before he became president
0bama doesn't like women in that way, so good point.
So Obama does not like to sexually assault women like Trump does?

I would consider that a good thing, so would most good Christians I would think
So Obama does not like to sexually assault women like Trump does?

I would consider that a good thing, so would most good Christians I would think

Apparently 0bama has no sexual interest in women at all as Vegas pointed out.
He had charges of rape against him related to Epstein before he became president

Apparently baseless charges as Epstein went to prison. Just more made up crap by the left to smear this great man, Trump
No, you were the one who implied 0bama was gay.

I just asked you a question about if you saw him when you were at a gay bar.

You sound very defensive
I just asked you a question about if you saw him when you were at a gay bar.

You sound very defensive

I don't understand why you're backtracking from implying 0bama is gay. Now you're somehow making this about me. lol.
I don't understand why you're backtracking from implying 0bama is gay. Now you're somehow making this about me. lol.

Look if you dont want to answer if you saw him in a gay bar then dont answer it
I sense you regret saying 0bama was gay. Why is that?

When did I say that? What an odd lie? I just asked if when you were at a gay bar if you saw Obama
When did I say that? What an odd lie? I just asked if when you were at a gay bar if you saw Obama

You said it when you implied 0bama doesn't like women sexually.

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