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The truth comes out about the FL math books. (1 Viewer)


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Dec 27, 2017
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1 publisher allowed for math books in FL. A publisher that used to belong to now governor Youngkin (R VA) and that he still has strong ties to. Youngkin, if you'll remember, signed an executive order to "end the use of inherently divisive concepts, including critical race theory, and restoring excellence in K-12 public education in the commonwealth," a measure that's comparable to DeSantis' "Stop WOKE Act" about 5 minutes after taking office.

1 publisher allowed for math books in FL. A publisher that used to belong to now governor Youngkin (R VA) and that he still has strong ties to. Youngkin, if you'll remember, signed an executive order to "end the use of inherently divisive concepts, including critical race theory, and restoring excellence in K-12 public education in the commonwealth," a measure that's comparable to DeSantis' "Stop WOKE Act" about 5 minutes after taking office.

Sounds like Florida has its very own Ministry of Truth now. Finally silencing those wrong-thinking people whose dangerous ideas are corrupting the youth.
1 publisher allowed for math books in FL. A publisher that used to belong to now governor Youngkin (R VA) and that he still has strong ties to. Youngkin, if you'll remember, signed an executive order to "end the use of inherently divisive concepts, including critical race theory, and restoring excellence in K-12 public education in the commonwealth," a measure that's comparable to DeSantis' "Stop WOKE Act" about 5 minutes after taking office.

This is an OP why?
The Florida DOE rejected more than 50 mathematics textbooks — about 40% of those submitted — for failing to meet Florida’s new learning standards or because they “contained prohibited topics” that included references to critical race theory.

"Prohibited topics" in a math textbook? What?
Sounds like Florida has its very own Ministry of Truth now. Finally silencing those wrong-thinking people whose dangerous ideas are corrupting the youth.
Yes they are afraid that students might think for themselves and become Democrats. They can't abide independent thought.
"Prohibited topics" in a math textbook? What?
Naturally, you might ask a simple question: What were the offending passages?
The answer from the state: None of your business.
In its announcement last week, the state did not provide any specific examples of objectionable content from the books, nor when asked did officials fill in the obvious omission. No, no, no. Floridians can’t handle that kind of truth. How’s that for transparency?

The announcement — as transparent as a Russian press release — made it seem like state education officials were hiding something. Could that be? If the books were so offensive, if they were so chock-full of “prohibited topics,” plucking out a few examples of offending passages for us all to see would hardly have taken much effort. Instead we are left to imagine the possibilities, like these two we made up:

Offending question: A woman who committed a felony has served her time and wants to vote again, but first she wants to pay all her fines and fees, as the Legislature requires. How much does she owe? (Answer: Good question. Often, no one can say for sure.)

Offending question: At the end of March, the state had 5,145,983 registered Republicans and 5,034,448 registered Democrats. There are 28 congressional districts. How many seats should Republicans be favored to win? (Answer: 14. Wrong! You mistook this for a math question. It’s all about politics. Under Gov. Ron DeSantis’ personal congressional maps, Republicans would likely win 20 seats and Democrats 8.)

It’s unlikely the passages the state education officials found offensive were that obvious, but why oh why did they want to keep the evidence to themselves? Could it be that their case was as flimsy as a damp paper towel? Could it be that they wanted to score political points without having to play any defense? Maybe they have their own definition of transparency?

So we find out Desantis is corrupt and a liar like Trump supporters are. Gee who was it on this board that was saying they were like DeSantis...........I wonder. :ROFLMAO:
Death Sentence is our own little Putin so don't cross him. He will get his army to take you away in the middle of the night.
So we find out Desantis is corrupt and a liar like Trump supporters are. Gee who was it on this board that was saying they were like DeSantis...........I wonder. :ROFLMAO:
Where did DeSantis "lie"?
Where did DeSantis "lie"?

Saying that the math book rejection was due to not conforming to his "Nazi" like "Don't say Gay" bill and instead it is a money scheme. I take it you didn't even read the OP? Come back when you do. I have no time for folks like you who don't bother to read.
The tallahassee Democrat... yeah no bias to that source, huh?
1 publisher allowed for math books in FL. A publisher that used to belong to now governor Youngkin (R VA) and that he still has strong ties to. Youngkin, if you'll remember, signed an executive order to "end the use of inherently divisive concepts, including critical race theory, and restoring excellence in K-12 public education in the commonwealth," a measure that's comparable to DeSantis' "Stop WOKE Act" about 5 minutes after taking office.

To Republicans: Grift and criminal activity is ok, as long as it's being done by Republicans.
1 publisher allowed for math books in FL. A publisher that used to belong to now governor Youngkin (R VA) and that he still has strong ties to. Youngkin, if you'll remember, signed an executive order to "end the use of inherently divisive concepts, including critical race theory, and restoring excellence in K-12 public education in the commonwealth," a measure that's comparable to DeSantis' "Stop WOKE Act" about 5 minutes after taking office.

I'm not sure there's much of a connection here between DeSantis and Youngkin. Abbott copies DeSantis all the time, too.

I'm not sure what Florida has against the Common Core standards, but if this company really tailored their series to the Florida standards and there's a legitimate difference in pedagogy, I can see why they would want to use them. I never heard of a state only approving one publisher before, though.

It's kind of creepy the way Florida is dictating to teachers and schools now. I was just reading how the Russians are sending Ukranian teachers in occupied areas to 'requalification camps' to train them to teach like Russians. This is not a good path to start down, imo.

It's pretty rich that conservatives screamed about Common Core because the govt shouldn't be dictating what schools teach. Then the Republicans turn around and start dictating what schools teach.
The tallahassee Democrat... yeah no bias to that source, huh?
A tad right-center. High factual reporting.



  • Overall, we rate the Tallahassee Democrat Right-Center Biased based on editorial positions that slightly favor the right. We also rate them High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record.
Saying that the math book rejection was due to not conforming to his "Nazi" like "Don't say Gay" bill and instead it is a money scheme. I take it you didn't even read the OP? Come back when you do. I have no time for folks like you who don't bother to read.
I read the OP and the link. I see no lies. Please list one from the link.
Do you really not get this?
What is it I am supposed to get? Please explain.

DeSantis rejects textbooks that are for MATH and go into CRT? Only one publisher was selected because he didn't trust the others? What?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Oh, WAIT! He is supposed to Kowtow to the radical left teachers union. My bad.
What is it I am supposed to get? Please explain.

DeSantis rejects textbooks that are for MATH and go into CRT? Only one publisher was selected because he didn't trust the others? What?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Oh, WAIT! He is supposed to Kowtow to the radical left teachers union. My bad.
Sorry, you may be beyond help at this point.
Sorry, you may be beyond help at this point.
Gotcha. The OP was poorly generated and DeSantis didn't lie but another poster in your group said he did, so you will agree but don't know why.

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