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The TRUTH about the 14th amendment! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 4, 2005
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Palm Beach, Florida
Political Leaning
Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Have any of you ever questioned this amendment? Read it carefully...

I am not a citizen of the United States. I am a Citizen of the sovereign state of Florida.

I am not subject to the jurisdiction thereof. This is a republic, not a monarchy, and I am not a subject.

This amendment is a dirty trick, and we fall for it when we register to vote as a citizen of the United States. That yes or no question they ask us, are you a citizen of the United States?

We the people are above the government, the government serves us. This new entity, this citizen of the United States, is below the government, is subject to government.

If you want more information about this click on my signature and watch the second video of Michael Badnariks Constitution Class.

If you want to know more about the 14th amendment:

he 14th Amendment created a new class of citizenship, the United States citizen. This citizenship applies only to 'persons subject to the jurisdiction' of the federal government. All jurisdiction implies superiority of power. A 'person' is always an artificial corporate entity with it's name spelled in all caps.

YOU are "presumed" to be a U.S. citizen, unless and until you can prove otherwise.

A Sovereign/Citizen of the United States of America (American Citizen), lives in one of the 50 sovereign states, and has inalienable rights secured by state and national constitutions.

The artificial person, U.S. citizen, is a legal fiction that has been created by the federal government, via the social security application, and is a corporate employee of the United States by virtue of being a U.S. citizen. He is subject to the jurisdiction of the federal government and of the state government and subject to the corporate income tax.

The U.S. citizen is created property, created to raise revenue for the government, your employer. You have essentially contracted to be liable for the debts of your master, the federal government.

Melchior said:
I am not a citizen of the United States. I am a Citizen of the sovereign state of Florida.
What? That doesn't make sense. The 14th amendment states:
are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

These are not mutually exclusive, an and/or proposition, or stating that you are a citizen of a state and not a country. I have no interest in sludging through 7 hours of video, so can you explain where this thought is coming from?
shuamort said:
What? That doesn't make sense. The 14th amendment states:
are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

These are not mutually exclusive, an and/or proposition, or stating that you are a citizen of a state and not a country. I have no interest in sludging through 7 hours of video, so can you explain where this thought is coming from?

Throwing the word "State" in at the end of the sentence doesn't help anything at all, it is still the word citizen with a lowercase c and the words United States written beforehand with an Uppercase U. These are not just semantics, this is creating a new entity, an entity that is subject to the jurisdiction thereof as stated in Section 1. I am a Citizen of this sovereign State, not a subject. This amendment needs to be repealed, why do we have it?

It's not 7 hours of video, it's the second video and you can just skip along until he gets to that part, Badnarik can explain it much better than I can. If you don't feel like listening to him I also added a different link to an article.

Just read it.
Melchior, I have watched part one Michael Badnarik constitutional class provided from your sig.

Very interesting, looking forward to getting through them all. Tommorrow will be video 2 and hopefully will have more to actually discuss about this amendment.

Shaumort, it's quite interesting.
The first one defines the difference between a right and a privledge.
Dual citizenship is recognized by the court. That is why you are both a subject (citizen) of your home state and the country as well. It basically also helps out the supremecy clause because it makes everyone fall under one category where they cannot claim immunity because they dont' have to follow fed law because they are in a state and only a citizen of that state.

All of this seems rather interesting, although, I don't give it much credence since it seems some what conspiratorial. Rather, the real "truth" about Amendment 14 that should really concern us is that it gave corporations the justification to become natural persons, or in other words it attributed to them our inalieable rights. Because of this, corporations have been able to attain the power they now have today. Without this amendment, corporations would have never had the ability to legally lobby politicians nor to use the there vast sums of money to influence the media, universites, or think-tanks that shape public opinion so strongly. Basically, it was this Amendment that fueled the growth of corporate power and gave them reason to do so.

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ShamMol said:
Dual citizenship is recognized by the court. That is why you are both a subject (citizen) of your home state and the country as well. It basically also helps out the supremecy clause because it makes everyone fall under one category where they cannot claim immunity because they dont' have to follow fed law because they are in a state and only a citizen of that state.

No. The immunity you are talking about is the part of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution that says you HAVE RIGHTS REGUARDLESS AND YOUR A SOVERIEGN KING. That part that the funding forefathers tried telling us to open our eyes to and that we are going to have to fight to keep em. That they will not be given to us on a silver platter. I think that is the immunity your talking about right?
Melchior said:
We the people are above the government, the government serves us. This new entity, this citizen of the United States, is below the government, is subject to government.
That's *soo* true!

Good to see you here Melchoir!! :2wave:
psholtz said:
That's *soo* true!

Good to see you here Melchoir!! :2wave:

Hey psholtz. Glad you could make it. You too Melchior. Good to see ya. How long you been here?
Melchior said:
Have any of you ever questioned this amendment? Read it carefully...

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

I am not subject to the jurisdiction thereof. This is a republic, not a monarchy, and I am not a subject.


The word "subject" used in the amendment -- "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" is not used in the sense that you are a subject of a monarchy. The phrase "subject to the jurisdiction thereof" is a definitional term as to whom this amendment applies. It is another way of saying that if you are within the jurisdiction of the US or within the legal reach of the United States.
ShamMol said:
Dual citizenship is recognized by the court. That is why you are both a subject (citizen) of your home state and the country as well. It basically also helps out the supremecy clause because it makes everyone fall under one category where they cannot claim immunity because they dont' have to follow fed law because they are in a state and only a citizen of that state.
I beg to differ with you. When I became a citizen of this country many years ago, I swore an oath to, among other things, renounce citizenship in any other country. There is no such thing as dual citizenship in this country.
The 14TH Amendment was a post-civil war amendment. It's text is much more than the original post suggests. And in the context of the entire text you see the logic behind the amendment. I'm sure everyone knows about the civil war in the sense that it was a rebellion.

Before the civil war you were a citizen of your state. Technically you were also a citizen of the United States, however to people here you were a citizen of Virginia or Ohio, that is the way they thought of themselves. So, it was easy to rebel against a "thing"...the U.S. versus a place...Virginia. The U.S was a "thing". People did not travel like today and it was quite common that one would never leave their State. It was home. They had an agreement that created this "thing" the U.S., but rarely the average person dealt with this "thing". State power was enormous. Secession was a threat that was used from time to time by the New England States and The Southern States. The idea was out there and threatened before, and it worked. It got attention and results.

After the civil war the 14TH Amendment was the cure for Secession. It clearly spelled out that not only were you a citizen of one of the States, but also of the United States. A State could no longer vote to remove themselves and U.S. citizens from the Union. That was the major thrust behind the U.S. citizenship section of the amendment. It also removed any doubt that blacks were citizens and that equal protection of the laws would be enforced.

It is said that we became a "nation" after the civil war.

I may disagree with certain aspects of constitutional theory that have arisen because of this amendment. The "incorporation" of the Bill of Rights, it's application to the States of some Amendments. That being one of several.

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