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The Trump taxes thing seems kind of petty. For optics the left should probably let it go. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 29, 2016
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What are you going to find that the IRS didn't? Do you hope to find out he's worth less than he said so you can taunt a man that is still far wealthier than you? Nothing meaningful will come of it. It's a whole lot of energy mustered up to accomplish nothing.
seeing his finances could shed some light on how compromised he is, and to whom.

but my guess is that we might already know.
What are you going to find that the IRS didn't? Do you hope to find out he's worth less than he said so you can taunt a man that is still far wealthier than you? Nothing meaningful will come of it. It's a whole lot of energy mustered up to accomplish nothing.

Its no longer an issue of politics. It the people Donald has ripped off that are after his tax returns now....State of NY AG and Manhattan DA have taken the lead.
seeing his finances could shed some light on how compromised he is, and to whom.

but my guess is that we might already know.

Do you think the release of his taxes could lead to legal trouble for him, or is it probably safe to assume a billionaire with tax lawyers that are millionaires in their own right probably has his taxes squared away?
Its no longer an issue of politics. It the people Donald has ripped off that are after his tax returns now....State of NY AG and Manhattan DA have taken the lead.

Can that not be handled through the IRS, or does it have to be a public spectacle?
Do you think the release of his taxes could lead to legal trouble for him, or is it probably safe to assume a billionaire with tax lawyers that are millionaires in their own right probably has his taxes squared away?

i haven't seen his financials, so i don't know.
i haven't seen his financials, so i don't know.

What does your gut tell you? Do you think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers has a bunch of legal problems with his taxes?
Can that not be handled through the IRS, or does it have to be a public spectacle?

Nope, the IRS does not deal with State Taxes though whatever is uncovered in NY will be forwarded on to the IRS. Plus currently, the IRS is in shambles or haven't you noticed.

In addition there is a difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. One is not a crime and the other is. Tax evasion in the Trump family is a tradition starting with Fred. The difference was that Fred was smart enough to keep his head below the grass line which is how you avoid prosecution in this country. Donnie Boy has stuck his head way above the grass line and has put a big target on it.

They have their teeth into him now and are not going to let go.
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Nope, the IRS does not deal with State Taxes though whatever is uncovered in NY will be forwarded on to the IRS. Plus currently, the IRS is in shambles or haven't you noticed.

It just doesn't seem like the kind of thing that needs to be/should be a public spectacle. If Trump owes some taxes then Trump, NY and the IRS can figure that out. It's not an excuse for forcing Trump to make his taxes public. It seems like y'all don't actually know anything. You assume a guy as corrupt as Trump must be hiding something heinous in his taxes. I don't know. I know I can't get through to you guys but I really think this angle is making the left look petty and childish.
It just doesn't seem like the kind of thing that needs to be/should be a public spectacle. If Trump owes some taxes then Trump, NY and the IRS can figure that out. It's not an excuse for forcing Trump to make his taxes public. It seems like y'all don't actually know anything. You assume a guy as corrupt as Trump must be hiding something heinous in his taxes. I don't know. I know I can't get through to you guys but I really think this angle is making the left look petty and childish.

Its not just the owing of taxes. Does a bank robber make things right just by giving back the money? NOPE. Oh so Law and Order only applies to rioting in the streets. Never mind little niceties like tax evasion. That can't have anything to do with Law and Order, can it?
Its not just the owing of taxes. Does a bank robber make things right just by giving back the money? NOPE. Oh so Law and Order only applies to rioting in the streets. Never mind little niceties like tax evasion. That can't have anything to do with Law and Order, can it?

So are we going after all of the rich people that immorally manipulate the system for their gain or just Donald Trump? I'm all about a reckoning. The powers that be aren't going to allow y'all to set that kind of precedent. Our system has been getting molested by the rich since long before Trump.

EDIT: And again, you're operating on speculation. There's a good chance you'll gain nothing from his taxes and that his failure to release them so far is just due to his own spite and stubbornness.
So are we going after all of the rich people that immorally manipulate the system for their gain or just Donald Trump? I'm all about a reckoning. The powers that be aren't going to allow y'all to set that kind of precedent. Our system has been getting molested by the rich since long before Trump.

EDIT: And again, you're operating on speculation. There's a good chance you'll gain nothing from his taxes and that his failure to release them so far is just due to his own spite and stubbornness.

Its out of my hands. Its in the hands of the NY AG and the Manhattan DA. As for why Trump, I already told you why Don Trump and not Fred Trump.

As for speculation, I am not "speculating" that Donnie boy is under investigation now am I. As to the result, we will just to wait and see. As for the Manhattan DA and the NY AG just sort of disappearing....don't count on it.
What are you going to find that the IRS didn't? Do you hope to find out he's worth less than he said so you can taunt a man that is still far wealthier than you? Nothing meaningful will come of it. It's a whole lot of energy mustered up to accomplish nothing.

They desperately need the spin fodder. Nothing else is working.
What does your gut tell you? Do you think a billionaire with millionaire lawyers has a bunch of legal problems with his taxes?

my gut tells me that there's a lot of shady **** there that he doesn't want the public to see for multiple reasons. however, i don't know, as i have never seen his financials.
What are you going to find that the IRS didn't? Do you hope to find out he's worth less than he said so you can taunt a man that is still far wealthier than you? Nothing meaningful will come of it. It's a whole lot of energy mustered up to accomplish nothing.

Typical Lawless Mentality of Republican.... again, talking about give the "white man a pass".... because he's wealthy and white.
He shouldn't have any trouble releasing his financial records if there's nothing to hide.

I'm unclear what you are asking for, this is financial disclosure as is required by law and what you indicated you've never seen.
Trump/Trump supporters pray that they let it go.
What are you going to find that the IRS didn't? Do you hope to find out he's worth less than he said so you can taunt a man that is still far wealthier than you? Nothing meaningful will come of it. It's a whole lot of energy mustered up to accomplish nothing.

He's a known and admitted criminal. Heard of Trump U, and The Donald J. Trump Foundation "charity". FFS, watch something other than Fox News.
I'm unclear what you are asking for, this is financial disclosure as is required by law and what you indicated you've never seen.

i understand that you're scared of what we'll find out from his financial records. that's pretty smart. i would be, too.
i understand that you're scared of what we'll find out from his financial records. that's pretty smart. i would be, too.

Nonsense, I don't care. You said you've never seen them, so I sent you the link. Think of it as a public service. I'm sorry that you are afraid of primary source reference materials that literally what you asked for.
Nonsense, I don't care. You said you've never seen them, so I sent you the link. Think of it as a public service. I'm sorry that you are afraid of primary source reference materials that literally what you asked for.

fake news. let's see the long form.

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