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The true meaning of the BIBLE (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
There is only one true meaning of the Bible, only one message the Bible is saying and it's only one word ...............LOVE!
Billo_Really said:
There is only one true meaning of the Bible, only one message the Bible is saying and it's only one word ...............LOVE!

You mean all those stories about wars and killing people etc are about LOVE? Ahh I see.
Originally Posted by Inuyasha:
You mean all those stories about wars and killing people etc are about LOVE? Ahh I see.
Care to cite a few specific war stories you had in mind?
Billo_Really said:
Care to cite a few specific war stories you had in mind?

Here, for starters
1. God likes Abel's dead animals better than Cain's fruits and vegetables. Why? Well, no reason is given, but it probably has something to do with the amount of pain, blood, and gore involved. 4:3-5
2. Because God liked Abel's animal sacrifice more than Cain's vegetables, Cain kills his brother Abel in a fit of religious jealousy. 4:8
3. God is angry. He decides to destroy all humans, beasts, creeping things, fowls, and "all flesh wherein there is breath of life." He plans to drown them all. 6:7, 17
4. God repeats his intention to kill "every living substance ... from off the face of the earth." But why does God kill all the innocent animals? What had they done to deserve his wrath? It seems God never gets his fill of tormenting animals. 7:4
5. God drowns everything that breathes air. From newborn babies to koala bears -- all creatures great and small, the Lord God drowned them all. 7:21-23
6. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God. According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean" animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. "And the Lord smelled a sweet savor." 8:20
7. To free Lot from captivity, Abram sends an army of slaves to pursue and smite his captors. 14:14-15
8. God tells Abram to kill some animals for him. The needless slaughter makes God feel better. 15:9-10
9. Hagar conceives, making Sarai jealous. Abram tells Sarai to do to Hagar whatever she wants. "And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled." 16:6
10. Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the bunch of angel rapers to "do unto them [his daughters] as is good in your eyes." This is the same man that is called "just" and "righteous" in 2 Pet.2:7-8. 19:7-8
11. God kills everyone (men, women, children, infants, newborns) in Sodom and Gomorrah by raining "fire and brimstone from the Lord out of heaven." Well, almost everyone -- he spares the "just and righteous" Lot and his family. 19:24
12. God threatens to kill Abimelech and his people for believing Abe's lie. 20:3-7
13. God orders Abraham to kill Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham shows his love for God by his willingness to murder his son. But finally, just before Isaac's throat is slit, God provides a goat to kill instead. 22:2-13
14. Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, is "defiled" by a man who seems to love her dearly. Her brothers trick all of the men of the town and kill them (after first having them all circumcised), and then take their wives and children captive. 34:1-31
15. "The terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them." I don't know what the "terror of God" is, but I'll bet it isn't pleasant. 35:5
16. "And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him." What did Er do to elicit God's wrath? The Bible doesn't say. Maybe he picked up some sticks on Saturday. 38:7
17. After God killed Er, Judah tells Onan to "go in unto they brother's wife." But "Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and ... when he went in unto his brother's wife ... he spilled it on the ground.... And the thing which he did displeased the Lord; wherefore he slew him also." This lovely Bible story is seldom read in Sunday School, but it is the basis of many Christian doctrines, including the condemnation of both masturbation and birth control. 38:8-10
Part 3d:
Bible Wars
Old Testament lessons for good Christians
Wars in the Old Testament
Death in the Red See: Moses against the Eyptian Army (Ex.14)
Moses War against the Amalekite (Ex.17)
Joshua: The Walls of Jericho: With the Tabernacle and Trumpets of praise (Jos.6)
The Battle at Gibeon: The sun and moon stand still...for a full day! (Jos.10)
Gideon's Battle: With trumpets, pitchers and torches (Judg.6)
Samson and the Philistines (Judg.13-16)
Part B
David and Goliath (1Sam.17)
Elisha against the Army of Syria... Protected by an Army of Angels (2K.6:8-23)
Ezekiah: One Angel kills 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers... in one night (2K.19:35-36).
The Battle of Jehoshaphat: A Vast Army defeated with Songs of Praise (2Chr.20, 1K.22)
Queen Esther saves All the Jews (Book of Esther)
Judith defeats the Antichrist of the OT (Book of Judith)
Christians: Soldiers of Christ (NT)
The Battle of Armageddon (Rev.19)
Life on Earth is a War

18. After Judah pays Tamar for her services, he is told that she "played the harlot" and "is with child by whoredom." When Judah hears this, he says, "Bring her forth, and let her be burnt." 38:24
19. Joseph interprets the baker's dream. He says that the pharaoh will cut off the baker's head, and hang his headless body on a tree for the birds to eat. 40:19


Originally Posted by Inuyasha
Here, for starters
1. God likes Abel's dead animals better than Cain's fruits and vegetables. Why? Well, no reason is given, but it probably has something to do with the amount of pain, blood, and gore involved. 4:3-5
2. Because God liked Abel's animal sacrifice more than Cain's vegetables, Cain kills his brother Abel in a fit of religious jealousy. 4:8
3. God is angry. He decides to destroy all humans, beasts, creeping things, fowls, and "all flesh wherein there is breath of life." He plans to drown them all. 6:7, 17
4. God repeats his intention to kill "every living substance ... from off the face of the earth." But why does God kill all the innocent animals? What had they done to deserve his wrath? It seems God never gets his fill of tormenting animals. 7:4
5. God drowns everything that breathes air. From newborn babies to koala bears -- all creatures great and small, the Lord God drowned them all. 7:21-23
6. Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God. According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean" animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. "And the Lord smelled a sweet savor." 8:20
7. To free Lot from captivity, Abram sends an army of slaves to pursue and smite his captors. 14:14-15
8. God tells Abram to kill some animals for him. The needless slaughter makes God feel better. 15:9-10
9. Hagar conceives, making Sarai jealous. Abram tells Sarai to do to Hagar whatever she wants. "And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled." 16:6
10. Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the bunch of angel rapers to "do unto them [his daughters] as is good in your eyes." This is the same man that is called "just" and "righteous" in 2 Pet.2:7-8. 19:7-8
11. God kills everyone (men, women, children, infants, newborns) in Sodom and Gomorrah by raining "fire and brimstone from the Lord out of heaven." Well, almost everyone -- he spares the "just and righteous" Lot and his family. 19:24
12. God threatens to kill Abimelech and his people for believing Abe's lie. 20:3-7
13. God orders Abraham to kill Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham shows his love for God by his willingness to murder his son. But finally, just before Isaac's throat is slit, God provides a goat to kill instead. 22:2-13
14. Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, is "defiled" by a man who seems to love her dearly. Her brothers trick all of the men of the town and kill them (after first having them all circumcised), and then take their wives and children captive. 34:1-31
15. "The terror of God was upon the cities that were round about them." I don't know what the "terror of God" is, but I'll bet it isn't pleasant. 35:5
16. "And Er, Judah's firstborn, was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him." What did Er do to elicit God's wrath? The Bible doesn't say. Maybe he picked up some sticks on Saturday. 38:7
17. After God killed Er, Judah tells Onan to "go in unto they brother's wife." But "Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and ... when he went in unto his brother's wife ... he spilled it on the ground.... And the thing which he did displeased the Lord; wherefore he slew him also." This lovely Bible story is seldom read in Sunday School, but it is the basis of many Christian doctrines, including the condemnation of both masturbation and birth control. 38:8-10
Part 3d:
Bible Wars
Old Testament lessons for good Christians
Wars in the Old Testament
Death in the Red See: Moses against the Eyptian Army (Ex.14)
Moses War against the Amalekite (Ex.17)
Joshua: The Walls of Jericho: With the Tabernacle and Trumpets of praise (Jos.6)
The Battle at Gibeon: The sun and moon stand still...for a full day! (Jos.10)
Gideon's Battle: With trumpets, pitchers and torches (Judg.6)
Samson and the Philistines (Judg.13-16)
Part B
David and Goliath (1Sam.17)
Elisha against the Army of Syria... Protected by an Army of Angels (2K.6:8-23)
Ezekiah: One Angel kills 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers... in one night (2K.19:35-36).
The Battle of Jehoshaphat: A Vast Army defeated with Songs of Praise (2Chr.20, 1K.22)
Queen Esther saves All the Jews (Book of Esther)
Judith defeats the Antichrist of the OT (Book of Judith)
Christians: Soldiers of Christ (NT)
The Battle of Armageddon (Rev.19)
Life on Earth is a War

18. After Judah pays Tamar for her services, he is told that she "played the harlot" and "is with child by whoredom." When Judah hears this, he says, "Bring her forth, and let her be burnt." 38:24
19. Joseph interprets the baker's dream. He says that the pharaoh will cut off the baker's head, and hang his headless body on a tree for the birds to eat. 40:19


If you noticed, in every case, if the killers would have lived their life in love, instead of fear, none of that would have happened.
OK we'll just put the Bible on the Dale Carnegie reading list... along with the Koran and The Memoirs of Attila the Hun.
Billo_Really said:
If you noticed, in every case, if the killers would have lived their life in love, instead of fear, none of that would have happened.

You have GOT to be kidding here.....please tell me you're kidding....please....tell me.....kidding
Originally posted by tecoyah
You have GOT to be kidding here.....please tell me you're kidding....please....tell me.....kidding
The only point I am making is that fear is the opposite of love, not hate.
Well so much for "on the lighter side".

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