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The TikTok Ban Has Begun (1 Viewer)

Maybe it isn’t China - or any particular country - that is the problem 🤷‍♀️

Maybe it’s all the incredibly wealthy middlemen who have huge financial stakes in keeping the status quo in place 🤷‍♀️

Technology has made it so that people from around the globe have insight into lives of other people from around the globe….in ways never before possible or accessible by many.

The more folks look around and talk to each other - the more obvious it becomes that there is but a small fraction that are REALLY profiting while the rest of us all share relatively common and generic experiences.

Can’t have that! So, as technology has made the world “smaller”, we have also sectioned it off.

Because we can’t have all these…people…looking around and talking to each other and going “wait…what?”

That’s the real “security risk”, isn’t it?

Same game that’s always been played - divide and conquer - now in digital!

They made a claim. The claim is that your boy tRump flip-flopped.

Did he or did he not? Simple question that you have repeatedly dodged.

A journalist can make a claim. That doesn't prove the claim. When they don't the claim citing a "fact checking journalist" still doesn't prove it.

At least you have calmed down a bit. Maybe there is the tiniest bit of understanding that you haven't proven anything.
I used to talk to this Chinese kid (he was about 17 or 18) when I was STANning Ariana Grande on Twitter a few years back.

He was far more thoughtful and reasoned than most people I know here.

He used to ask me why the USA started so many wars and tries to dominate the world. He was no dummy.
A journalist can make a claim. That doesn't prove the claim. When they don't the claim citing a "fact checking journalist" still doesn't prove it.

Irrelevant. They were either right or not. Were they right? Why do you keep dodging this question? Are you afraid of it?

At least you have calmed down a bit. Maybe there is the tiniest bit of understanding that you haven't proven anything.

Upset? No, I'm amused by your dishonesty. 😄 It's a preview of what we can expect from your ilk for the next four years.

They made a claim. The claim is that your boy tRump flip-flopped.

Did he or did he not? Simple question that you have repeatedly dodged.

Yes, of course he flip-flopped, for self serving reasons.

Bottom line,
- Trump is the one who started the banning of TikTok.
- Trump acolytes praised and supported Trump banning TikTok.
- Trump discovers he can personally benefit from TikTok and flip-flops.
- Trump acolytes flip-flop.
- Trump praised for saving TikTok by acolytes while rewriting history and pretending #1 never happened.

Wash…rinse…repeat for the next four years…no matter what the situation.
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Irrelevant. They were either right or not. Were they right? Why do you keep dodging this question? Are you afraid of it?

So you want your claim DISPROVEN. You said they were either right or not.

You haven't proven your claim at all. You haven't even sourced it. No one has to disproven what you haven't proven.

Upset? No, I'm amused by your dishonesty. 😄 It's a preview of what we can expect from your ilk for the next four years.

Calling everything you can't understand a lie sounds like a bad way to live. Enjoy yourself.
So you want your claim DISPROVEN. You said they were either right or not.

You haven't proven your claim at all. You haven't even sourced it. No one has to disproven what you haven't proven.

Calling everything you can't understand a lie sounds like a bad way to live. Enjoy yourself.

Again with the dodge. Again with the failure to put forth a simple answer. Why is that so difficult for you? Why are you struggling with this? They put forth a claim, backed by sources, and they were either right or wrong about it. Which was it, trumptman?
This is one of the dumbest traps that the Democrats have fallen into. FFS, get them a flashlight and a Rand McNally so that they can find their asses.
Again with the dodge. Again with the failure to put forth a simple answer. Why is that so difficult for you? Why are you struggling with this? They put forth a claim, backed by sources, and they were either right or wrong about it. Which was it, trumptman?

Backed by sources? Really.... do tell.

Go read on the appeal to authority fallacy. You've made it worse because your "authority" are just laid off journalists covering for other journalists.
This is one of the dumbest traps that the Democrats have fallen into. FFS, get them a flashlight and a Rand McNally so that they can find their asses.

TikTok votes.jpg

Backed by sources? Really.... do tell.

Go read on the appeal to authority fallacy. You've made it worse because your "authority" are just laid off journalists covering for other journalists.

Yes or no, trumptman, yes or no, was this fact-checking article correct?
I'm not worried about your fact-checkers. You are because you think they prove something. The problem is yours to solve.

Yes or no, trumptman, yes or no, was this fact-checking article correct?
Why did Trump flip flop on tick tok (and China)?
Trump has always done business in and with China 🤷‍♀️

Trump is as much of a globalist as every other billionaire.

What amazes me is that he’s somehow sold the persona of being “America first” - still can’t wrap my brain around that considering all the actual evidence to the contrary.
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Yes or no, trumptman, yes or no, was this fact-checking article correct?
Biden signed it. That makes it his fault for banning something that half of the country enjoys daily. And guess who gets to save the day now? Trump, and possibly Elon if it goes that way. FFS. If I had been a Biden advisor, I would have threatened to quit over this.

This was done in April of an election year. Again, FFS.
Yes or no, trumptman, yes or no, was this fact-checking article correct?

You can concern yourself with what you imagine your fact checkers say. No one else has to be bothered with them or with you for that matter. The adults have real matters to get to while the children like yourself who imagine they have power cry and scream louder.
For future reference, I called it here :

and here :

and here :

Probably other places, too. However, that's enough told you so for one post. It can become a bad look.
You can concern yourself with what you imagine your fact checkers say. No one else has to be bothered with them or with you for that matter. The adults have real matters to get to while the children like yourself who imagine they have power cry and scream louder.

Why are you so afraid of a simple question? Why do you keep dodging it over and over? What's the holdup to you're admitting that I was right all along?
Ur not going to get an answer.. Just more tap - dancing..

Yes well when children ask endless questions thinking they are clever, eventually the adults just say "because I said so" because life has to move on past the children and their tantrums. That's not tapdancing, that's reality.

TikTok posted on their website that help was on the way and that help was in the form of Donald Trump.

Trump posted his own response to the matter which was posted in this thread.

So we have TikTok as a primary source and we have Donald Trump as a primary source.

We don't need or care about the concern trolling or opinions of some laid off journalists calling themselves "fact checkers" and what they imagine is important about this matter.

We have the primary sources. They are the answer. The questions or claims of the fact checkers, no one cares about them.

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