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The TikTok Ban Has Begun (1 Viewer)

Biden signed the law to ban it, and then said he wouldn't.

Dementia is a hell of a thing, I guess.
RedNote is like a blend of Pinterest, Instagram and TikTok.

And it’s already showing translations on many spaces.

Duolingo is also free (or has a low annual fee for ad free versions) and has fun Mandarin lessons 🤷‍♀️
Google any cell phone, social media platform, and business platform and see how many time they have been sued for invasive practices and data breaches.

Go ahead......... I'll wait.
Exactly. TikTok posed no greater risk to data than any of the other countless ways American data is already harvested, sold and breached. 🤷‍♀️
it burns our asses that their technology is superior to ours
Have you seen their cars? No wonder why we don’t allow them to be sold here…they’re FAR superior. I saw a hybrid SUV that I’d buy in a heartbeat and trade in the one I currently have

That’s not the real problem with TT, its that the Chinese government can subtly control what people see and can thus manipulate users.
Every social media platform has underlying algorithms that can be manipulated.

TikTok has had one of the most easy to “adjust” from a user content experience. Hit the “not interested” and practically instantly, videos of that nature no longer showed on the “for you page”. Same with ads.

Their algorithm is better than what I’ve seen on Meta or X. Likely why they became so popular, so quickly. (Not to mention, the platform wasn’t inundated with the ads you see on Meta constantly)

We wanted a US company to have the algorithm and ByteDance said “nope”.
RedNote is like a blend of Pinterest, Instagram and TikTok.

And it’s already showing translations on many spaces.

Duolingo is also free (or has a low annual fee for ad free versions) and has fun Mandarin lessons 🤷‍♀️

That's a truely deep level of delusional desperate doubling down.

"Don't engage with the mainstream. Just become more EXTREME. You can just learn mandarin to keep your censorship and safe space."
That's a truely deep level of delusional desperate doubling down.

"Don't engage with the mainstream. Just become more EXTREME. You can just learn mandarin to keep your censorship and safe space."
Learning foreign languages is “desperate or delusional”?

Watching through a window briefly open (because no doubt either the US or China will close it quickly) is “desperate”?

I already have years of formal education in Spanish under my belt. My son is already formally learning both Spanish AND Mandarin in school.

I’m taking this opportunity to learn additional language skills AND to observe what a social media platform in another country is like.

I have no issue with the people in China. I have no issue with people in most countries 🤷‍♀️

The government of any nation is not truly representative of the people in that nation - and that holds universally.

And frankly, I’m tired of the notion that the US is without reproach and the “best”.

We aren’t the “best” at really ANYTHING.

Except perhaps consumerism…and military spending.
Google any cell phone, social media platform, and business platform and see how many time they have been sued for invasive practices and data breaches.

Go ahead......... I'll wait.

It’s not that you don’t have a point, as you certainly do. However, it’s not the point attempting to be made that you’re countering which is Trump has a tendency to do and say things then deny it later. “Gas Lighting” is sort of a Trump thang.

I am not saying others don’t do it too. I’m saying Trump is accused of it a lot and he’s being accused of it again here.

Etc., etc.
Exactly. TikTok posed no greater risk to data than any of the other countless ways American data is already harvested, sold and breached. 🤷‍♀️

I’m not speaking to the validity of it but the argument against tictok was as much fake news and potential pervasive propaganda. Literally suggesting China had a pathway into the youth of America’s minds they could utilize if they wanted (some suggesting they already had wanted).

They suggested tictok was not truly a private enterprise but a covert Chinese Gov’t tool.
As tRump claims he wants to try to restore TikTok, remember that he was against TikTok before he was for it.

Learning foreign languages is “desperate or delusional”?

Watching through a window briefly open (because no doubt either the US or China will close it quickly) is “desperate”?

I already have years of formal education in Spanish under my belt. My son is already formally learning both Spanish AND Mandarin in school.

I’m taking this opportunity to learn additional language skills AND to observe what a social media platform in another country is like.

I have no issue with the people in China. I have no issue with people in most countries 🤷‍♀️

The government of any nation is not truly representative of the people in that nation - and that holds universally.

And frankly, I’m tired of the notion that the US is without reproach and the “best”.

We aren’t the “best” at really ANYTHING.

Except perhaps consumerism…and military spending.


Wow that sounds pretty triggered.

Just so we are clear, learning isn't the problem nor is having a skill. I specifically mentioned your motivation for them.

My point remains and has been personified via your reaction.

Don't engage with the mainstream. Just become more EXTREME. You can just learn mandarin to keep your censorship and safe space.
Google any cell phone, social media platform, and business platform and see how many time they have been sued for invasive practices and data breaches.

Go ahead......... I'll wait.

For real 💯

People are way, way, waaaay too trusting of domestic technology. I don't doubt for a moment that TikTok does everything people claim it does. I'm sure it does know what you took out of your fridge this morning and last night and how many bowel movements you've had in the last 72 hours, but a lot of our own tech is just as creepy -- or at least it tries to be. I think that's the rub. TikTok is better at what all social media intend to do, which is to treat all human data and the human collective brain as a commodity.

The significance of the TT ban is that it's a deeper, sharper pivot away from China. There's a real de-coupling that's taking place. The banning of TikTok is just part of an overall movement, which started with blanket tariffs in Trump 1.0, continued with technology restrictions, EV tariffs, and tech re-shoring efforts under Biden, and will now continue to escalate into the U.S. shoving China out of our markets and pressuring our partners to do the same.

This is not going to be without consequence, however. China has already signaled restrictions on rare-earth elements, precious minerals and resources, etc. in retaliation, and they will continue to counter-escalate as we continue to escalate.
Have you seen their cars? No wonder why we don’t allow them to be sold here…they’re FAR superior. I saw a hybrid SUV that I’d buy in a heartbeat and trade in the one I currently have

Biden wanted to protect the Tesla and Rivian brands, and more significantly, he wanted to protect U.S. auto-manufacturing labor. Unfortunately, even had he won, I don't know what he or any president can do on that second front, but even on the former, I don't see how protecting inferior brands per se makes our brands more competitive globally. I do think we can - and should - confront China when it comes to over-production and dumping, but tariffs should remain focused on solving that problem and others that are legitimate concerns, not just providing blanket protections for U.S. industry unless there's a nation security issue (e.g., increasing naval ship, army weapons, air force or space force industrial production capacity).
As tRump claims he wants to try to restore TikTok, remember that he was against TikTok before he was for it.

Remember kids, when your news sources won't report the news and have to lay off their staff, we can have some benevolent foundation or billionaire hire them as "fact checkers" and affirm that the legacy news, whom no one pays attention to since they don't do their job, are actually right and everyone else is wrong.

It's called the DOUBLE DOWN on FAILURE.

Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu is a staff writer with PolitiFact based in Washington, D.C. He previously covered national politics at the Los Angeles Times and global religion at the Associated Press.

Samantha Putterman is the Florida government reporter for PolitiFact. She also writes about public health and abortion. Previously, she reported for the Bradenton Herald and the Tampa Bay Times.

Amy Sherman is a senior correspondent with PolitiFact based in South Florida. She previously worked as a staff writer for the Miami Herald and the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

Let's all remember kids, when journalists tell you that other journalists are telling the truth, that isn't circular reasoning it's just a "FACT." When 3-6 journalists have proclaimed it is a "fact" with three being journalists and another three being "fact checking" journalists then it has to be true. If you don't believe us we will have another 2-3 journalists who we also now call super duper fact checkers tell you that you are wrong.
This is what I get when I open the app. Now where am I going to get the perfect recipe of cat videos, dog videos, and more cat videos?

Fourteen hours of each day just opened up. Christ on a cracker.
Looks like China will have to come up with a new way to gather information on the people of this country. Don't worry it wont take long for them to figure out how to let you give them all your information.
Remember kids, when your news sources won't report the news and have to lay off their staff, we can have some benevolent foundation or billionaire hire them as "fact checkers" and affirm that the legacy news, whom no one pays attention to since they don't do their job, are actually right and everyone else is wrong.

It's called the DOUBLE DOWN on FAILURE.

Kwasi Gyamfi Asiedu is a staff writer with PolitiFact based in Washington, D.C. He previously covered national politics at the Los Angeles Times and global religion at the Associated Press.

Samantha Putterman is the Florida government reporter for PolitiFact. She also writes about public health and abortion. Previously, she reported for the Bradenton Herald and the Tampa Bay Times.

Amy Sherman is a senior correspondent with PolitiFact based in South Florida. She previously worked as a staff writer for the Miami Herald and the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

Let's all remember kids, when journalists tell you that other journalists are telling the truth, that isn't circular reasoning it's just a "FACT." When 3-6 journalists have proclaimed it is a "fact" with three being journalists and another three being "fact checking" journalists then it has to be true. If you don't believe us we will have another 2-3 journalists who we also now call super duper fact checkers tell you that you are wrong.

Instead of going on a stupid rant, explain what was wrong with this fact check. Cite your sources.
What, specifically, do you think that even is meant to convey?

I wonder what Trump’s stake will be?


I’m asking companies not to let TikTok stay dark! I will issue an executive order on Monday to extend the period of time before the law’s prohibitions take effect, so that we can make a deal to protect our national security. The order will also confirm that there will be no liability for any company that helped keep TikTok from going dark before my order.

Americans deserve to see our exciting Inauguration on Monday, as well as other events and conversations.

I would like the United States to have a 50% ownership position in a joint venture. By doing this, we save TikTok, keep it in good hands and allow it to say up. Without U.S. approval, there is no Tik Tok. With our approval, it is worth hundreds of billions of dollars - maybe trillions.

Therefore, my initial thought is a joint venture between the current owners and/or new owners whereby the U.S. gets a 50% ownership in a joint venture set up between the U.S. and whichever purchase we so choose.

I did you one better. I showed you YOUR sources.

You went on a juvenile rant that tried to ad hom the fact-check.

Let's try this again. What is factually inaccurate about that fact-check? Can you provide a specific answer?

The cool kid lunch table gets it.
You went on a juvenile rant that tried to ad hom the fact-check.

Let's try this again. What is factually inaccurate about that fact-check? Can you provide a specific answer?

You ask me to DISPROVE what you haven't PROVEN.

You're really quite slow at this.

Something isn't right because a JOURNALIST says it is right.

Your "fact checkers" are laid off journalists.

To help you clarify a journalists is not supposed to be the source, they are supposed to CITE sources.

Let me break it down for you super simple.

If a journalists writes that the Earth goes around the Sun, they could use as a source, an astronomer.

However in this day and age the legacy journalists will write the Earth is flat. When no one will believe them they will have a "fact checker" aka a laid off journalist affirm that the first journalist is correct.

A journalist citing a journalist isn't sourcing anything. It's just wrong.

Hope you can keep up now.
You ask me to DISPROVE what you haven't PROVEN.

You're really quite slow at this.

Something isn't right because a JOURNALIST says it is right.

Your "fact checkers" are laid off journalists.

To help you clarify a journalists is not supposed to be the source, they are supposed to CITE sources.

Let me break it down for you super simple.

If a journalists writes that the Earth goes around the Sun, they could use as a source, an astronomer.

However in this day and age the legacy journalists will write the Earth is flat. When no one will believe them they will have a "fact checker" aka a laid off journalists affirm that the first journalists is correct.

A journalist citing a journalist isn't sourcing anything. It's just wrong.

Hope you can keep up now.

Another shitty rant that doesn't address my point, because deep down you know you're wrong about this. :)

Let's try again: Why was tRump's flip-flop on TikTok not a flip-flop?
Another shitty rant that doesn't address my point, because deep down you know you're wrong about this. :)

Let's try again: Why was tRump's flip-flop on TikTok not a flip-flop?

You still don't get it.

Why does PolitiFact get to determine if Trump has flip-flopped at all?

As I said you haven't proven anything. You think you have because you cited a "fact checker". Fact checkers are just shitty, laid off journalists.
You still don't get it.

Why does PolitiFact get to determine if Trump has flip-flopped at all?

As I said you haven't proven anything. You think you have because you cited a "fact checker". Fact checkers are just shitty, laid off journalists.


They made a claim. The claim is that your boy tRump flip-flopped.

Did he or did he not? Simple question that you have repeatedly dodged.

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