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The TikTok Ban Has Begun (1 Viewer)


Loudest mime on the block
DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
Very Liberal
This is what I get when I open the app. Now where am I going to get the perfect recipe of cat videos, dog videos, and more cat videos?

Fourteen hours of each day just opened up. Christ on a cracker.


  • Screenshot_20250118-222342_Chrome.jpg
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Still working in SEA.
I don't use it but my Wife, Daughter, and nearly everyone I know constantly want to show me something they find interesting on it.
This is what I get when I open the app. Now where am I going to get the perfect recipe of cat videos, dog videos, and more cat videos?

Fourteen hours of each day just opened up. Christ on a cracker.

Looks like TikTok is going to be redpilling all the cool kids.
Has anyone tried using a proxy or VPN?
Looks like TikTok is going to be redpilling all the cool kids.
I am babysitting my grand niece while my sister and brother in law are in England for my brother in law's mother's funeral. She is already not happy. 13 year olds are addicted to that thing.
I guess everyone has to migrate to Red Note now.
What is that?
An actual Chinese app many TikTokers has fled to.

The great social media migration: Sudden influx of US users to RedNote connects Chinese and Americans like never before

Now Red Note is completely Chinese, it does not have a Western office and a separate Western App that in theory is independent from the Chinese mother company. It follows all PRC's censorship laws because it's the same app that is live in China.
An actual Chinese app many TikTokers has fled to.

The great social media migration: Sudden influx of US users to RedNote connects Chinese and Americans like never before

Now Red Note is completely Chinese, it does not have a Western office and a separate Western App that in theory is independent from the Chinese mother company. It follows all PRC's censorship laws because it's the same app that is live in China.

I've always been suspicious of TikTok.
That suspicion combined with vacuous inanity of the content makes a rather unsettling combination.
The entire TikTok vs. various US and State Governments is beyond stupid.

1. Being addictive, and exposing kids to adult content? Yeah, like kids can't Google up a porn video elsewheres. :rolleyes:

2. Being addictive...... like the addicted kids who have their faces stuck in a video game 24/7/365 ? :rolleyes:

3. Yeah, the US government is really doing us a service when they don't hold Reddit and X to the same standards in regards to porn being splattered through their sites.

4. TikTok isn't unique in data harvesting either.

Jillian Wilson over at the HuffPost put out a good piece on this 3 days ago.

Olivia Powell over at Tom's Guide wrote another good piece.
So, TikTok is far from alone in the extremity of its data harvesting. In fact, you could argue that its data privacy practices are better than those of Meta or X. It has not fed user content into its generative AI models, at least. But, for TikTok, the data harvesting is said to be a matter of national security. If that same finger was pointed at the likes of Meta and X, it would be hard to see that they're doing much that's different.
The entire TikTok vs. various US and State Governments is beyond stupid.

1. Being addictive, and exposing kids to adult content? Yeah, like kids can't Google up a porn video elsewheres. :rolleyes:

2. Being addictive...... like the addicted kids who have their faces stuck in a video game 24/7/365 ? :rolleyes:

3. Yeah, the US government is really doing us a service when they don't hold Reddit and X to the same standards in regards to porn being splattered through their sites.

4. TikTok isn't unique in data harvesting either.

Jillian Wilson over at the HuffPost put out a good piece on this 3 days ago.

Olivia Powell over at Tom's Guide wrote another good piece.
So, TikTok is far from alone in the extremity of its data harvesting. In fact, you could argue that its data privacy practices are better than those of Meta or X. It has not fed user content into its generative AI models, at least. But, for TikTok, the data harvesting is said to be a matter of national security. If that same finger was pointed at the likes of Meta and X, it would be hard to see that they're doing much that's different.

What part of "spyware" and "national security" did you miss in all this?

Or do MAGAs just all of a sudden not give a hoot about that anymore because Dump has literally just dropped the issue...so everything must be okay?

...brought to you by the "do your research" and "never just blindly trust the government" crowd...holy shit.
The NSA is a bigger threat than all of them combined and they have access to everything, so...

So the bottom line is...

Yes, MAGAs have done a 180 and now believe China is cool and Chinese spyware on TikTok is cool and really just no comparison to, you, know, other stuff, so (shrug) it's all good. Because Dump said so, and the appropriate thing is to blindly believe him and change your minds whenever he changes his.

Okay, got all that.
See post #21.

Ah, the blind obedience of the MAGA.

When Dump says jump, you be ready with your sneakers on. 👍

Every single social media platform can take your data and sell it to the Chinese on the ****ing street 24/7/365.

Oh, it seems that you are a little slow on the uptake because I despise Trump.

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