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The Thought Police (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
Don't know how or where to start this debate, so I will let this thread run it's own course. What are your views on the the Thought Police and their methods of thought control?
Can you please further explain your views?

Are you talking about the book 1984 by George Orwell, or some other distopian novel where thought police are the norm?

Or - are you talking about certain dictatorships that have actaually existed?

Or - and this is the last option - are you one of those people who believe that the thought police are are in the United States today. If this is your opinion, who are the thought police, and what methods of mind control do we have to watch out for?

If you tell me what category you're in, we can continue this discussion.
Connecticutter said:
Can you please further explain your views?

Are you talking about the book 1984 by George Orwell, or some other distopian novel where thought police are the norm?

Or - are you talking about certain dictatorships that have actaually existed?

Or - and this is the last option - are you one of those people who believe that the thought police are are in the United States today. If this is your opinion, who are the thought police, and what methods of mind control do we have to watch out for?

If you tell me what category you're in, we can continue this discussion.

Orwell's depiction of the thought police in his book 1984 apply to the US media. Oceania and the US are practically the same nation, don't you think? The thought police is the norm here in the US and are here today.
I think the US is the totiltarian country Oceania that Orwell described in his book.
Originally posted by TimmyBoy:
Orwell's depiction of the thought police in his book 1984 apply to the US media. Oceania and the US are practically the same nation, don't you think? The thought police is the norm here in the US and are here today.
It's pretty obvious when you run into one of these "Thought-Cops". They all have the same, lame rap!

Take care. And Welcome to Debate Politics.
Billo_Really said:
It's pretty obvious when you run into one of these "Thought-Cops". They all have the same, lame rap!

Take care. And Welcome to Debate Politics.

Hey, nice to meet you man. I like your name, "The O'REALLY Factor" heh heh.
TimmyBoy said:
Orwell's depiction of the thought police in his book 1984 apply to the US media. Oceania and the US are practically the same nation, don't you think? The thought police is the norm here in the US and are here today.

I think this might be a little off the wall for some people, but if you don't like what's on your television, TURN IT OFF. Nobody's making you watch it.
Kelzie said:
I think this might be a little off the wall for some people, but if you don't like what's on your television, TURN IT OFF. Nobody's making you watch it.

The thought police is not just the television, it's the books, it's word of mouth. Not necessarily the news or the television. I have found that some books are good sources of information though. It's many different ways of controlling people's perceptions and thoughts and preventing them from seeing the truth or getting them to do what you want without physically forcing them to do it. The thought police in the US accomplish the same goals of control as any dictator accomplishes with the sword.
TimmyBoy said:
The thought police is not just the television, it's the books, it's word of mouth. Not necessarily the news or the television. I have found that some books are good sources of information though. It's many different ways of controlling people's perceptions and thoughts and preventing them from seeing the truth or getting them to do what you want without physically forcing them to do it. The thought police in the US accomplish the same goals of control as any dictator accomplishes with the sword.

What? Give me a break. The US government isn't forcing you to read a particular book, or watch a particular news show. If you don't like what a book is saying, you can throw it away and read another one. You're comparing this to someone forcing you to do something with physical violence?
TimmyBoy said:
I think the US is the totiltarian country Oceania that Orwell described in his book.

Oceania isn't the U.S., democracy is the antithesis of Oceania, Orwell was talking about communism and fascism the book was written in the late forties early fifty's during a time in which the free world was almost overrun by tyrants and in which the Iron curtain descended on half the world the axis powers and the U.S.S.R. were the inspiration for 1984 and not the U.S. If anything it was a warning not to become communist or sacrifice our freedoms.
Kelzie said:
What? Give me a break. The US government isn't forcing you to read a particular book, or watch a particular news show. If you don't like what a book is saying, you can throw it away and read another one. You're comparing this to someone forcing you to do something with physical violence?

Nobody is forcing me to do anything. That's the whole beauty of it. You can give people free choice and still manipulate and control their throughts by limiting the information that is available to them. This is a method of thought control. If they don't have all the information and only part of the information, people's thoughts and perceptions can be controlled. Newspapers do it all the time.
Originally Posted by Kelzie
I think this might be a little off the wall for some people, but if you don't like what's on your television, TURN IT OFF. Nobody's making you watch it.
I agree with that. But what do you think about these skumbags that try to control thought?
Billo_Really said:
I agree with that. But what do you think about these skumbags that try to control thought?

What you mean the aliens? I mean, their skins a little green, but other than that they're pretty decent folks. :aliens1:
TimmyBoy said:
Nobody is forcing me to do anything. That's the whole beauty of it. You can give people free choice and still manipulate and control their throughts by limiting the information that is available to them. This is a method of thought control. If they don't have all the information and only part of the information, people's thoughts and perceptions can be controlled. Newspapers do it all the time.

So read a different newspaper! There's literally thousands of sources of news on the internet. If a person doesn't want to put the energy into finding a better source, I could care less.
Kelzie said:
So read a different newspaper! There's literally thousands of sources of news on the internet. If a person doesn't want to put the energy into finding a better source, I could care less.

Their is alot of information out their. But all information is slanted to a certain point of view, which is not necessarily objective. So, it's hard to find the "the truth" when sorting through all that information and sometimes you can believe something to be the truth when in reality it's a falsehood. I can think of a few things which I know "the truth" to but no newspaper or news media ever reported it accurately and correctly. I have read some books that have though. And even some books, I think didn't completely and totally tell it correctly. But a few did.
Originally Posted by Kelzie:
What you mean the aliens? I mean, their skins a little green, but other than that they're pretty decent folks.
Don't change the subject, just answer the question. It's a debate forum. Now debate, dammit! I'm mean, dammit, mam.
TimmyBoy said:
Their is alot of information out their. But all information is slanted to a certain point of view, which is not necessarily objective. So, it's hard to find the "the truth" when sorting through all that information and sometimes you can believe something to be the truth when in reality it's a falsehood. I can think of a few things which I know "the truth" to but no newspaper or news media ever reported it accurately and correctly. I have read some books that have though. And even some books, I think didn't completely and totally tell it correctly. But a few did.

The truth is always subjective. Is it true that almost 2,000 American soldiers have died defending democracy in Iraq? Yes, just ask GySgt. Is it true that almost 2,000 American soldiers have died in an empty, un-winnable war for people that don't even want us there? Yes, just ask Billo (although he might still think it's 9,000). The truth is different for everyone. You can't change that.
TimmyBoy said:
Their is alot of information out their. But all information is slanted to a certain point of view, which is not necessarily objective. So, it's hard to find the "the truth" when sorting through all that information and sometimes you can believe something to be the truth when in reality it's a falsehood. I can think of a few things which I know "the truth" to but no newspaper or news media ever reported it accurately and correctly. I have read some books that have though. And even some books, I think didn't completely and totally tell it correctly. But a few did.

journalism code of ethics:


the goal of the media is to be as objective as possible.
Originally Posted by TimmyBoy:
Their is alot of information out their. But all information is slanted to a certain point of view, which is not necessarily objective. So, it's hard to find the "the truth" when sorting through all that information and sometimes you can believe something to be the truth when in reality it's a falsehood. I can think of a few things which I know "the truth" to but no newspaper or news media ever reported it accurately and correctly. I have read some books that have though. And even some books, I think didn't completely and totally tell it correctly. But a few did.
Being cognizant of this fact while receiving information is half the battle. You make a good point. And it's a lot more valid than people will admit too.
Kelzie said:
The truth is always subjective. Is it true that almost 2,000 American soldiers have died defending democracy in Iraq? Yes, just ask GySgt. Is it true that almost 2,000 American soldiers have died in an empty, un-winnable war for people that don't even want us there? Yes, just ask Billo (although he might still think it's 9,000). The truth is different for everyone. You can't change that.

I am not sure if I agree that the truth is strictly subjective.
Billo_Really said:
Don't change the subject, just answer the question. It's a debate forum. Now debate, dammit! I'm mean, dammit, mam.

Wait, you were serious? Billo, nobody's trying to contol your thoughts. Now shut up and watch the swinging clock.
TimmyBoy said:
I am not sure if I agree that the truth is strictly subjective.

Nothing in the world is always anything. Especially when you throw humans into the mix.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
journalism code of ethics:


the goal of the media is to be as objective as possible.

I would argue that the goal of the media is to serve their own interests. Telling the truth or reporting all the facts doesn't always serve the interests of the media. The media has been threatenned with lawsuits that sometimes prevent them from telling the whole truth. And their are alot of economic interests behind the media as well.
Originally Posted by Kelzie:
The truth is always subjective. Is it true that almost 2,000 American soldiers have died defending democracy in Iraq? Yes, just ask GySgt. Is it true that almost 2,000 American soldiers have died in an empty, un-winnable war for people that don't even want us there? Yes, just ask Billo (although he might still think it's 9,000). The truth is different for everyone. You can't change that.
Your much kinder plagiarizing my name than the other guy [figuratively speaking]. Which you may do so with my blessing. Just remember chickie, I'm not the Pope!
Originally Posted by Kelzie:
Wait, you were serious? Billo, nobody's trying to contol your thoughts. Now shut up and watch the swinging clock.
Of all the things I've lost, it's my mind I miss the most.

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