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The strange world we live in. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
Isnt it strange that the SF salon where Pelosi broke the law has better TV surveillance than Epstein's jail cell. Or was that intentional? That way the Clinton death squad could do their dirty work.
His murder - that's what it was - is a difficult question for me. Can't feel sorry for that scumball. But...

What if he had the goods on old powerful people no longer really in power or even if still in power - the result of which would be extremely harmful to the USA, the UK and other allies - all benefiting our adversaries and those who attack democracy and capitalism? Bill Clinton is so old he's a dead man walking seeing his appearance without extensive makeup. The old UK royal prince is nobody. Would it REALLY harm a Saudi prince? President Trump openly banned Epstein from all his properties when he learned Epstein "likes them young."

What would be accomplished? Would it REALLY be best for US and our allies?

Simply, maybe in the overall greater question of "what is best for US" maybe he HAD to die as basically a matter of national security? Sometimes having the goods on the powers of government really is nothing but making your own death sentence. If I somehow came up with incriminating video of people of the level of influence implicated by Epstein? I'd tell no one and destroy it. Never saw it. Never had it. My priority in life is my children, not solving one of a billion injustices in the world changing nothing by doing so other than making my children orphans.
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Isnt it strange that the SF salon where Pelosi broke the law has better TV surveillance than Epstein's jail cell. Or was that intentional? That way the Clinton death squad could do their dirty work.

Are the Clinton's in charge of the DOJ?
Isnt it strange that the SF salon where Pelosi broke the law has better TV surveillance than Epstein's jail cell. Or was that intentional? That way the Clinton death squad could do their dirty work.

Does the SF salon or Epstein's jail cell have better TV surveillance than your house? If so, what are you hiding? :mrgreen:

My question makes as much sense as yours.:mrgreen:
Isnt it strange that the SF salon where Pelosi broke the law has better TV surveillance than Epstein's jail cell. Or was that intentional? That way the Clinton death squad could do their dirty work.

My guess is that that they had a camera pointed at that spot because of the step down between rooms so they would have video if someone fell because they weren't paying attention and the salon got sued.
Can't feel sorry for that scumball. But...

But how ****ing creepy is it that powerful people can have you murdered in a high security cell in the year 2020?
The recordings of Epstein's murder were wiped just like Hillary Clinton's email servers. With a magnetic cloth and permanently.
The recordings of Epstein's murder were wiped just like Hillary Clinton's email servers. With a magnetic cloth and permanently.

Because the Clinton's control the DOJ?
Because the Clinton's control the DOJ?

No, because Epstein had recordings of her husband enjoying life on the famous tropical pedo retreat.
No, because Epstein had recordings of her husband enjoying life on the famous tropical pedo retreat.

Cool. So why would Clinton have any control over a facility managed by Barr's DOJ?

You are aware that Trump, Barr's boss, has lots of ties to Epstein, flew on his plane, and visited his island, right?
Isnt it strange that the SF salon where Pelosi broke the law has better TV surveillance than Epstein's jail cell. Or was that intentional? That way the Clinton death squad could do their dirty work.

Bill Barr is with the Clintons now?

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