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The state of Black youth (1 Viewer)

The legend

New member
May 12, 2005
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Black people all over the world are in a state of poorness.
Afro-americans are at the bottom of the economic ladder in america. Black kids are failing schools and a bravadoistic image of what it means to be black frequents the community and it is only to the detriment of black people. The first Black secretary of state Donald rumsfeld is a prime example of this. He is a politician because he is openly gay not because he is Black.
this is my point
what do u think?
The first Black secretary of state Donald rumsfeld is a prime example of this. He is a politician because he is openly gay not because he is Black.
Whoa whoa....what?
The legend said:
what do u think?

I think your smoking crack.

Gandhi>Bush might be right - you could be a robot.
If Rumsfeld was gay, that would make things more interesting I think.

"Okay, girls! We're elevating the terror alert system from lavender to baby seal eyes! Look out for anyone with a ghastly beard."

Hell, just hearing him talk while waving his hands around and dealing with that list would make things more interesting.
Gandhi>Bush said:
If Rumsfeld was gay, that would make things more interesting I think.

"Okay, girls! We're elevating the terror alert system from lavender to baby seal eyes! Look out for anyone with a ghastly beard."

Hell, just hearing him talk while waving his hands around and dealing with that list would make things more interesting.
Are you implying that Rumsfeld hid the WMDS up his arse? Because that would be funny. ;)
wow.. I've got an idea, lets play a game... lets see who can put the blunt down long enough to look up their information.
Arch Enemy said:
wow.. I've got an idea, lets play a game... lets see who can put the blunt down long enough to look up their information.


Donald Rumsfeld is not Black...

On a sober note...Today's youth is a sad lot (not just our young Black children) maybe less video games and more community activities would help. Although if you send your child to the kind little lady/man down the street to help them with shopping or yard work they may molest or use your child to perform a Satanic ritual. (no I'm not a sicko...I work for the police department...people are crazy)

Oh well...Support Prayer!

Obviously, the state of the the young crop of blacks/African-Americans/Afro-Americans/Negroes/colored/<insert racist sounding word here> is not good.
Me being mixed with black, I've seen loads of them, and many of them are in a trend that shows drug use, teen pregnacies, and the like. Nor does it help that many of them, being poor, see crime and illegal drug use as the only way to make money or escape life. Also, none of it helps that they take advantage of a welfare system that is supposed to help only temporarily. So, yeah, I don't like the direction of it.
neccy60 said:

Obviously, the state of the the young crop of blacks/African-Americans/Afro-Americans/Negroes/colored/<insert racist sounding word here> is not good.
Me being mixed with black, I've seen loads of them, and many of them are in a trend that shows drug use, teen pregnacies, and the like. Nor does it help that many of them, being poor, see crime and illegal drug use as the only way to make money or escape life. Also, none of it helps that they take advantage of a welfare system that is supposed to help only temporarily. So, yeah, I don't like the direction of it.

True enough (Don't forget the rise of AIDS, in the High Schools)....but what is to be done.

I personally make sure that I ask all and any adult who knows my child if they have ever heard him/her cuss. Thankfully (to God of course) I have always been told NO. Even when my children are out of my sight I've heard good reports. I also make sure that my son(s) know if you see a woman (especially elderly) in need of a seat. Get your butt up!

But mine are mine what is to be done to encourage the rest of the youth.
neccy60 said:

Obviously, the state of the the young crop of blacks/African-Americans/Afro-Americans/Negroes/colored/<insert racist sounding word here> is not good.
Me being mixed with black, I've seen loads of them, and many of them are in a trend that shows drug use, teen pregnacies, and the like. Nor does it help that many of them, being poor, see crime and illegal drug use as the only way to make money or escape life. Also, none of it helps that they take advantage of a welfare system that is supposed to help only temporarily. So, yeah, I don't like the direction of it.
So true. :(

I think a lot of ignorant whites consider those facts and assume blacks are bringing it on themselves. The cause and effect are mixed up.

I also think when people hear the word "racism" they only think of individual prejudice. But today racism transcends the individual and is now most prevalent in the system itsself.

For example, the percentage of blacks sentenced to death is more than twice the number of whites. Also, death is awarded more than twice as often if the victim is white.


And, according to at least one study, white people with a felony conviction are more likely to be hired for a job than a black man with a clean criminal record.


I'm white and this makes me sick.
If those are true, and I trust those sources, that is most distressing. I can't believe that a felon vs. someone who is black has a better chance at getting the job. That's terrible.
GetVictd said:
True enough (Don't forget the rise of AIDS, in the High Schools)....but what is to be done.

I personally make sure that I ask all and any adult who knows my child if they have ever heard him/her cuss. Thankfully (to God of course) I have always been told NO. Even when my children are out of my sight I've heard good reports. I also make sure that my son(s) know if you see a woman (especially elderly) in need of a seat. Get your butt up!

But mine are mine what is to be done to encourage the rest of the youth.

I respect your wanting your child not to cuss, it's a dirty habit.. but cussing doesn't lead to more illegal activities. In my case, I know I do cuss (not alot) and I've never even had the idea of drinking or using drugs.. they don't appeal to me.

I think older people might be a bit misled on the youths. I know, it seems like they're screwed up, but that isn't the case.

Black Youths seem a bit more uneasy then the White Youths. This is because they have a different system of respect, they tend to compete against each other for a type of Alpha Male. I got to a 79% Black School and I've been in the Black Youth respect system, believe me, it's not pretty at all, that's just because it's different.
I think that if we quit trying to baby them, they'll grow up on their own and have a better chance at a successful life, down the road. The NAACP and Affirmative Action are out of control, I think this needs to stop.. soon.
Arch Enemy said:
The NAACP and Affirmative Action are out of control, I think this needs to stop.. soon.

While I can appreciate this idea, in some respects, since it has the ring of Welfare, where once the program was instituted to be a "hand up" but after many years became a "hand out." The funny/sad thing was that some people thought it was their right to receive assistance. Overheard (by me) one woman said, "AND I TOLD THAT B**** YOU BETTER HAVE MY F-ING CHECK." I sat there and wondered, “Where did this lady get off thinking she could tell her caseworker something like that?” BTW before anyone thinks I could have misjudged this woman, yes she could have been destitute. My point is that her attitude stunk and put her in the stereo typical...lazy (won't divulge ethnicity) single mother blah blah blah.

Still Black Americans still need institutions like the NAACP and rights like Affirmative Action...not to hold their hands but to walk alongside/encourage them. There are many young Black men/women who are going to make something of themselves two of my son’s friends received scholarships this year one for $2,000.00 and one for $5,000.00. Since both of their parents receive some sort of government assistance (not complete government assistance) I know these bright children are going to need some type of help getting to college. Institutions like the NAACP are there just for that.

:roll: sigh I'm a two sided debater (lol) :roll: :3oops: hope I don't get booted.

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