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The Stark Truth About Sanctions Against Russia (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
Last night I was watching an interview with a person very knowledgeable about Russia that stated that Russia is receiving about $1 billion per day in income from Germany, Italy, and Austria in the import of Natural Gas and that the war is costing them about $1 billion per day, meaning that at this time they are able to continue the war unabated.

The interviewee stated that if these 3 countries would stop imports from Russia, that it would cause Putin to fall from power almost immediately.

Unfortunately, at this time, it seems impossible for those 3 countries to stop their imports as they cannot replace the required/needed gas elsewhere.

Why a ban on Russian energy is hard for Germany
Last night I was watching an interview with a person very knowledgeable about Russia that stated that Russia is receiving about $1 billion per day in income from Germany, Italy, and Austria in the import of Natural Gas and that the war is costing them about $1 billion per day, meaning that at this time they are able to continue the war unabated.

The interviewee stated that if these 3 countries would stop imports from Russia, that it would cause Putin to fall from power almost immediately.

Unfortunately, at this time, it seems impossible for those 3 countries to stop their imports as they cannot replace the required/needed gas elsewhere.

Why a ban on Russian energy is hard for Germany

The stark truth is that sanctions, while better than war, are not an efficient way of causing a regime to lose power.

Cuba, North Korea, and Iran— all far weaker countries than Russia— have weathered sanctions for decades, yet their regimes remain firmly in power.
The stark truth is that sanctions, while better than war, are not an efficient way of causing a regime to lose power.

Cuba, North Korea, and Iran— all far weaker countries than Russia— have weathered sanctions for decades, yet their regimes remain firmly in power.
Yep. That's why I only support sanctions as a measure to hamper Russia's ability to wage war.
Last night I was watching an interview with a person very knowledgeable about Russia that stated that Russia is receiving about $1 billion per day in income from Germany, Italy, and Austria in the import of Natural Gas and that the war is costing them about $1 billion per day, meaning that at this time they are able to continue the war unabated.

The interviewee stated that if these 3 countries would stop imports from Russia, that it would cause Putin to fall from power almost immediately.

Unfortunately, at this time, it seems impossible for those 3 countries to stop their imports as they cannot replace the required/needed gas elsewhere.A

Why a ban on Russian energy is hard for Germany
First of all, you can't fault European nations for not destroying their economies to spite Russia. Second, that billion dollar a day income is not all profit. All the exploration, production, shipping and administrative costs must be deducted from that.

While I agree the sanctions should be stronger they are having an effect. However, the Russian people have a history of coping with hardships. They are tough and proud. They won't cave easily.
Last night I was watching an interview with a person very knowledgeable about Russia that stated that Russia is receiving about $1 billion per day in income from Germany, Italy, and Austria in the import of Natural Gas and that the war is costing them about $1 billion per day, meaning that at this time they are able to continue the war unabated.

The interviewee stated that if these 3 countries would stop imports from Russia, that it would cause Putin to fall from power almost immediately.

Unfortunately, at this time, it seems impossible for those 3 countries to stop their imports as they cannot replace the required/needed gas elsewhere.

Why a ban on Russian energy is hard for Germany
Trump warned them. They've put themselves between a rock and a hard place. They are effectively paying Russia to wage war.

Those not on Russia's sanction list probably have a July 4th date in Moscow.... Again.
Last night I was watching an interview with a person very knowledgeable about Russia that stated that Russia is receiving about $1 billion per day in income from Germany, Italy, and Austria in the import of Natural Gas and that the war is costing them about $1 billion per day, meaning that at this time they are able to continue the war unabated.

The interviewee stated that if these 3 countries would stop imports from Russia, that it would cause Putin to fall from power almost immediately.

Unfortunately, at this time, it seems impossible for those 3 countries to stop their imports as they cannot replace the required/needed gas elsewhere.

Why a ban on Russian energy is hard for Germany

Hindsight says they shouldn't have trusted a newly minted Russia in the first place. But hindsight in another universe might say they should have.

It's a bad situation, but it's hard to say whether the tangled ties with Russia that grew up around the effort to welcome a possibly reforming power into the world


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