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The single most important anti-Putin measure the world can take now we're not yet doing (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Political Leaning
We need to pressure China not to be Putin's economic savior, making the world's sanctions ineffective by providing Putin money and help. Right now they are dong that. China needs to get attention on this and to have sanctions on them threatened as well if they don't stop aiding Putin. They're trying to ally with Putin, quietly, in order to weaken the west. They need to pick a side and be held accountable.
We need to pressure China not to be Putin's economic savior, making the world's sanctions ineffective by providing Putin money and help. Right now they are dong that. China needs to get attention on this and to have sanctions on them threatened as well if they don't stop aiding Putin. They're trying to ally with Putin, quietly, in order to weaken the west. They need to pick a side and be held accountable.
Sorry, too many Biden pukes and politicians have high dollar ties to China. Those sanctions will never happen.
We need to pressure China not to be Putin's economic savior, making the world's sanctions ineffective by providing Putin money and help. Right now they are dong that. China needs to get attention on this and to have sanctions on them threatened as well if they don't stop aiding Putin. They're trying to ally with Putin, quietly, in order to weaken the west. They need to pick a side and be held accountable.

If Russia grows dependent on China, Russia will no longer be a world player.

I suspect Russia knows this.

The question is
"What quality of life the oligarchs would be able to afford under Chinese hegemony?"
If Russia grows dependent on China, Russia will no longer be a world player.

I suspect Russia knows this.

The question is
"What quality of life the oligarchs would be able to afford under Chinese hegemony?"
It remains to be seen what the effects of Russia owing China are.
More in the bubble lunacy from the far left, how... as in exactly... does anyone propose we "pressure China" over anything Russia related?

Go on, tell me all about our position in being able to accomplish that.
Didn't someone try to tell China what to do?
Considering this, which I just came across
what pressure exactly?
How would you apply pressure to China?
1. Cut off all preferential tax codes for USA industry that are located in China.

2. Forbid all US Industry from doing business with the enemy = bring the jobs back to America.

This would be the most effective. Corporate USA is supporting a communist government as we speak.

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