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The sex-obsessed Religious Right (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jan 6, 2006
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I have a new theory about the Religious Right. It is that they are sex-obsessed fetishists. All they talk about in their political issues is sex. All they whine about as problems in the world are sexual things. All they do is talk about sex, and how to restrict sex. I think they have a fetish for feeling sexually powerful by restricting other people's sex. I know it sounds odd, but why else would they be sex-obsessed?
Axismaster said:
I have a new theory about the Religious Right. It is that they are sex-obsessed fetishists. All they talk about in their political issues is sex. All they whine about as problems in the world are sexual things. All they do is talk about sex, and how to restrict sex. I think they have a fetish for feeling sexually powerful by restricting other people's sex. I know it sounds odd, but why else would they be sex-obsessed?

You know you are right. :rock :applaud :bravo: They are too afraid of people having a good time.
They're just mad because they're not getting laid as much as the rest of us, so rather than going out and gettin' some, they think we need to slow down to keep pace with their pathetic sex lives :lamo
I have a new theory about the Religious Right. It is that they are sex-obsessed fetishists. All they talk about in their political issues is sex. All they whine about as problems in the world are sexual things. All they do is talk about sex, and how to restrict sex. I think they have a fetish for feeling sexually powerful by restricting other people's sex. I know it sounds odd, but why else would they be sex-obsessed?

Its probably just because they've been brainwashed with years of years of sexual repression since the day they were born.
Stace said:
They're just mad because they're not getting laid as much as the rest of us, so rather than going out and gettin' some, they think we need to slow down to keep pace with their pathetic sex lives :lamo

Actually studies show that conservatives have better sex lives than liberals. They just do it when they are married. Please do not post on things which you have no knowledge.
oracle25 said:
Actually studies show that conservatives have better sex lives than liberals. They just do it when they are married. Please do not post on things which you have no knowledge.

Oh, you're funny.

1. I'll post wherever I like, thanks.

2. How in the world would you prove that? I happen to have an excellent sex life, and my husband and I are both liberal.

3. Since you obviously missed it, I was being SARCASTIC. Look it up.
Actually studies show that conservatives have better sex lives than liberals. They just do it when they are married. Please do not post on things which you have no knowledge

lol? What studies are these?
FinnMacCool said:
lol? What studies are these?

Oh, that's just my friend Yakob, he's ultra-conservative. Of course, if it were true that conservatives had better sex lives, he would... Well, I'm not even going there.

P.S. Don't talk about waiting until marriage Yakob, because I know what you did last weekend. j/k! Actually, the question isn't about sex as much as it is about sexuality, which is a whole other thing.
Axismaster said:
Oh, that's just my friend Yakob, he's ultra-conservative. Of course, if it were true that conservatives had better sex lives, he would... Well, I'm not even going there.

A] I take offense at your dismissive tone.

B] I hop FinnmacCool isn't really a professor.

C] True the issue is sexuality, please also point this out to your liberal friends.

D] I would ask you to point out ONE BAD THING that could come from our view of sexuality?
oracle25 said:
A] I take offense at your dismissive tone.

B] I hop FinnmacCool isn't really a professor.

C] True the issue is sexuality, please also point this out to your liberal friends.

D] I would ask you to point out ONE BAD THING that could come from our view of sexuality?


Spermal Retention Headache
oracle25 said:
A] I take offense at your dismissive tone.

B] I hop FinnmacCool isn't really a professor.

C] True the issue is sexuality, please also point this out to your liberal friends.

D] I would ask you to point out ONE BAD THING that could come from our view of sexuality?

Blue balls caused by all the hot chicks who won't put out until marriage?
How about the psychological trauma endured by homosexuals forced to deny their libido until the day their anal retentive, ultra-conservative parents disown them?
The re-election of George Bush?
Septupled rates of teenage oral sex due to abstinence only sex-ed? (wait a minute, maybe that isn't such a bad thing...)

And that's just off the top of my head, I'm sure that if I sobered up, I could think of a few more.
oracle25 said:
Actually studies show that conservatives have better sex lives than liberals. They just do it when they are married. Please do not post on things which you have no knowledge.


You mean they've discovered positions other than missionary style?
vergiss said:

You mean they've discovered positions other than missionary style?

SSSHHHH.....dont tell them about the...."other"....positions, then they might actually enjoy sex. This might lead to more babies, and indoctination, step one in the end of the world.
Originally Posted by oracle25
A] I take offense at your dismissive tone.

B] I hop FinnmacCool isn't really a professor.

C] True the issue is sexuality, please also point this out to your liberal friends.

D] I would ask you to point out ONE BAD THING that could come from our view of sexuality?
galenrox said:
I find it funny that the people that tend to be pro-life also tend to be the ones opposed to the open frank education that could actually prevent unwanted pregnancies.
I've also found that odd. You'd think if they were really interested in reducing the number of abortions they would want to teach kids about condoms and sex.
D] I would ask you to point out ONE BAD THING that could come from our view of sexuality?

How many people have criminal records, kicked out the military, jailed for sodomy, oral sex, killed for being gay, turned into serial killers due to a perverted sense of sexuality (Joe Kallinger)

How many?

How many?

How many?

Of course we will never know. You care that much about sex? Stop breeding, die out, and leave the world to us.
Originally posted by Valis:
How many people have criminal records, kicked out the military, jailed for sodomy, oral sex, killed for being gay, turned into serial killers due to a perverted sense of sexuality (Joe Kallinger)

How many?

How many?

How many?

Of course we will never know. You care that much about sex? Stop breeding, die out, and leave the world to us.
Temptation has been around since the apple. What makes you think you can legislate that out of people's hearts now.
Temptation has been around since the apple. What makes you think you can legislate that out of people's hearts now.

Eh? You got the wrong dude. I was responding to the Christian who implied nothing bad ever happened due to their (Christians) views on sexuality.
Originally posted by Valis:
Eh? You got the wrong dude. I was responding to the Christian who implied nothing bad ever happened due to their (Christians) views on sexuality.
I'm with you. What do Christians know about sex? They listen to a leader that has never had a date! I should know, I'm one of them.
I heard that.............word!

I'm watching Desperate Housewives right now. This show rocks!
Originally Posted by galenrox
lol, why am I not surprised? Let me guess, you're watching it over a pint of Ben & Jerrys with your best friends so you can gossip about the stars's private lives!
No, actually I'm drinking a Guiness Stout, I just got out of the gym crunching lead and girl is over at her mom's talking to sis.

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