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The Science of Being First (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Just wanted to be the first poser in the new forum, but there isn't science behind it. You have to move fast, and enough speed and acceleration creates enough oomph, scientifically speaking. To be the first to post in a new forum. Arch Enemy > Me

Thanx for creating it mods. :)

PS: I like spam!
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danarhea said:
Just wanted to be the first poster in the new forum, but there is science behind it. You have to move fast, and enough speed and acceleration creates enough oomph, scientifically speaking, to be the first to post in a new forum. :)

Thanx for creating it mods. :)

Oh...but to bad you were too late. :2razz:
Kelzie said:
Oh...but to bad you were too late. :2razz:

Seems like I embraced a little bad science on my way to the forum. :)
danarhea said:
Just wanted to be the first poser in the new forum, but there isn't science behind it. You have to move fast, and enough speed and acceleration creates enough oomph, scientifically speaking. To be the first to post in a new forum. Arch Enemy > Me

Thanx for creating it mods. :)

PS: I like spam!

LMAO. Ya got me, but you are completely wrong. Spam is delicious. I actually DO like spam. It makes great sandwiches. I also drink prune juice for the taste. :lol:
danarhea said:
LMAO. Ya got me, but you are completely wrong. Spam is delicious. I actually DO like spam. It makes great sandwiches. I also drink prune juice for the taste.

Wow I was about to say you're a little :screwy: for answering your own OP. But than I saw Arch and "improved" it. :mrgreen: Now I just think you're :screwy: for no reason....:lol:
I was most likely the first on land in the US to fully experience Katrina.

I was (as far as I know) the first to use the sig as a changing, annoying, inescapable billboard.

I was the first to crack Ayran Imperium.

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