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The Satanic Temple sues Pennsylvania school over after school club denial (1 Viewer)


MAGA Free Since 2016
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Mar 30, 2021
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This is why government should not be involved with religion, period. You have to treat them all the same. Hell, if Scientology can be a religion, so can the Satanic Temple.

This is why government should not be involved with religion, period. You have to treat them all the same. Hell, if Scientology can be a religion, so can the Satanic Temple.

Not being involved with religion meaning govt should not interfere with a school's decision on accepting or not a self-designated religion's after-school activity on campus? Or what? Please clarify.
Not being involved with religion meaning govt should not interfere with a school's decision on accepting or not a self-designated religion's after-school activity on campus? Or what? Please clarify.
The school is part of the government. There should really be no religious clubs sponsored by the school.
Not being involved with religion meaning govt should not interfere with a school's decision on accepting or not a self-designated religion's after-school activity on campus? Or what? Please clarify.
It means public schools can't play favorites.
If you allow one religious group to have school funding you have to allow them all. If you want, we could have other stipulations (such as minimum member size so that you don’t have one kid sitting by himself wasting school money).

But allowing religion into schools is Pandora’s box.

Funny thing is that if they just gave them the funding, the Satan club would probably not be at school. The members of just look for something else to push because it’s attention seeking behavior more than anything else.

This is why government should not be involved with religion, period. You have to treat them all the same. Hell, if Scientology can be a religion, so can the Satanic Temple.

I hope they win.

If there is any justice in the US they should win.

While I don't agree with satanists they have a right to have a club just as much as any other faith.

Freedom of religion is for everyone. Not just religion you agree with.
The school is part of the government. There should really be no religious clubs sponsored by the school.

But there are religious clubs sponsored by schools.

If christians can have a club sponsored by schools so can satanists.

Equal protection.
But there are religious clubs sponsored by schools.

If christians can have a club sponsored by schools so can satanists.

Equal protection.
I'm saying that there should be no Christian clubs sponsored by schools. But absolutely if there are any religious clubs sponsored by schools, all need to be sponsored, regardless of the "government's" feelings about those clubs.
I'm saying that there should be no Christian clubs sponsored by schools. But absolutely if there are any religious clubs sponsored by schools, all need to be sponsored, regardless of the "government's" feelings about those clubs.

I can't agree with you more.

Thank the Supreme Court. They ruled that religious clubs can be sponsored by schools. I thought it was a horrible idea at the time and still do.

However if christians can have a club, so can satanists.
Maybe things have changed over the years but it used to be in order to have an after school club you had to have a teacher or staff sponsor the club. I didn’t see, may have missed it, if this club had a teacher to sponsor it. If they win the case does that mean the district would have to force some staff member to be the sponsor and what can of legal worms would that raise
Maybe things have changed over the years but it used to be in order to have an after school club you had to have a teacher or staff sponsor the club. I didn’t see, may have missed it, if this club had a teacher to sponsor it. If they win the case does that mean the district would have to force some staff member to be the sponsor and what can of legal worms would that raise
So no club for Jewish students unless there is a Jewish teacher willing to run it? No club for gay students if every single teacher is against gays or simply too busy to be involved?

Too bad, so sad if your school is filled with bigoted or selfish teachers, no clubs for you.
Maybe things have changed over the years but it used to be in order to have an after school club you had to have a teacher or staff sponsor the club. I didn’t see, may have missed it, if this club had a teacher to sponsor it. If they win the case does that mean the district would have to force some staff member to be the sponsor and what can of legal worms would that raise
So sorry, Satanists. None of the teachers want to sponsor your club, so you're out of luck. Sucks to be you, huh?

Hey Jews! Guess what?
So no club for Jewish students unless there is a Jewish teacher willing to run it?
Noone said the sponsoring teacher has to be a member of their group just willing to be a a sponsor.
No club for gay students if every single teacher is against gays or simply too busy to be involved?

Too bad, so sad if your school is filled with bigoted or selfish teachers, no clubs for you.
How much power should a school district have in forcing a teacher to sponsor an after school group them may disagree with?
So sorry, Satanists. None of the teachers want to sponsor your club, so you're out of luck. Sucks to be you, huh?

Hey Jews! Guess what?
Ok Nazis we have an environmental club so we will force Mr Goldstein to sponsor your group. Maybe the school can force the shop class into making crosses for the after school Klan club to burn because everyone gets an after school group even if noone wants to be associated with them
Noone said the sponsoring teacher has to be a member of their group just willing to be a a sponsor.

How much power should a school district have in forcing a teacher to sponsor an after school group them may disagree with?
They should ask if an outside person can be the sponsor, leader, etc who is willing, and simply have them get the necessary background check.

But you seem to be assuming, since from what I can find, they have "vacant" listed for 3 of their club "Advisors" now. Nor is there any indication that they need a teacher sponsor/advisor.

Now, I will say, I'm not seeing where they have any religious clubs here though, at least not the ES.
So no club for Jewish students unless there is a Jewish teacher willing to run it? No club for gay students if every single teacher is against gays or simply too busy to be involved?

Too bad, so sad if your school is filled with bigoted or selfish teachers, no clubs for you.
He didn’t say that at all. It was about supervision not needing to be associated with the club.

I don’t even know how you read that into it
So sorry, Satanists. None of the teachers want to sponsor your club, so you're out of luck. Sucks to be you, huh?

Hey Jews! Guess what?
You’re acting like public funding for schools is unlimited. If I was a teacher I wouldn’t wanna have anything to do with my students as much as I could. Maybe that’s why I’m not a teacher though.
He didn’t say that at all. It was about supervision not needing to be associated with the club.

I don’t even know how you read that into it
The rule would be wrong if they had to have a teacher or staff sponsor simply because that absolutely can lead to a highly unfair policy, as there are always going to be more students than staff, including obscure students who may want to start a club that no teacher who is able to be a school sponsor/advisor would be willing to do so simply because of the religion not being their own or the interests not being their own.

There should at least be the available exception that outside advisors are allowed or advisors not needed at all, so long as it is while some staff member is there during the club meeting times (which should fall during a time when this would be true, a staff member would be there).
The school is part of the government. There should really be no religious clubs sponsored by the school.

But is the school sponsoring them? The school may be liable for some aspect of activity by an organization they accept onto campus for an after-school activity, but the school is not pledging support to that activity. A religious org would be no diff than any other org that is non-religious under the Equal Access Act. If space becomes competitive, apportion the space fairly. If schools don't have the funds to provide the space, then don't provide it to anybody or approve those funds for that purpose.
Why do these people, who try to have just Christianity in the United States, always end up biting themselves in the ass?

And does anyone live in a Southern town where every once in a while a church will rent a school on Sunday morning to have services?
It means public schools can't play favorites.

Yup. I understand the Equal Access Act. I'm trying to better understand the poster's POV, which is somewhat more nuanced than your answer.
I think the children get enough of this training straight out of the pit of hell during regular school hours.
They should be able to get a break from it after school for goodness sakes.

New Jersey parents outraged at plan for first-graders to be given sex education lessons dubbed 'Pink, Blue and Purple' on gender identity while second-graders will learn you can 'have boy parts but feel like a girl'​

So no club for Jewish students unless there is a Jewish teacher willing to run it? No club for gay students if every single teacher is against gays or simply too busy to be involved?

Too bad, so sad if your school is filled with bigoted or selfish teachers, no clubs for you.
Why would there have to be a Jewish teacher to agree to sponsor a club for Jewish students? If there was only one gay teacher, would they be required to sponsor any and all gay student clubs? I think you’re making this way too complicated.
Why are these adult democrats so obsessed with foisting this satanic training on the kiddies in the first place?

Bill requiring sex education to begin with kindergarten to be filed in Illinois Legislature​

by Greg Bishop, The Center Square
| February 03, 2021 07:00 PM
These democrats just need to give the kids a break from the satanic worship for goodness sakes.
The kids cannot even get away from these democrats and their satanic training at theme parks these days .

Disney’s Child-Predator Problem​

Instead of promoting gender ideology, the company would be better served by addressing a longstanding history among its employees.
Christopher F. Rufo
March 31, 2022
The Social Order
The Walt Disney Company has long presented itself as the voice for America’s children. According to company lore, the animation studio was founded by a wise and kindly father figure, and its theme parks are “the happiest place on Earth” for kids. In recent weeks, the company has entered the political debate about Florida’s Parental Rights in Education legislation and sought to establish itself as a moral arbiter on children’s education and sexuality.
But behind its meticulously curated self-image, Disney has had a long-standing problem with child predators gaining employment within the company and exploiting minors. In 2014, reporters at CNN published a bombshell six-month investigation that discovered at least 35 Disney employees had been arrested for sex crimes against children, attempting to meet minors for sex, and possession of child pornography over the previous eight years.

So what is the deal with this sexual proclivity that highly educated , White privilege, progressive, democratic Disney employees have with small children, in your opinion ?

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