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The Satanic Temple sues elementary school as after-school club rejected (1 Viewer)


Requested Profile Delete. Bye
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Mar 27, 2022
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The Satanic Temple has filed a lawsuit against a Pennsylvanian elementary school after the school board voted to deny the establishment of the After School Satan club.

Northern Elementary School in York, Pa., is being sued on the grounds of constitutional violation. The Satanic Temple intends to prove the school board discriminated against the temple by barring the creation of the After School Satan club, despite other organizations being allowed to operate their own programs.

Mathew Kezhaya, the general counsel for The Satanic Temple, told ABC the litigation could take up to two years to complete — potentially longer if the case were moved to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“The First Amendment prohibits a government from considering the popularity of communicative activity when determining whether to facilitate that communicative activity on equal terms with other, similarly situated, groups,” he told ABC.

“The First Amendment prohibits a government from considering the popularity of communicative activity when determining whether to facilitate that communicative activity on equal terms with other, similarly situated, groups,” he told ABC.
This may be true in various contexts, but a school can decline to establish a club based on lack of popularity without it being a First Amendment issue.

The Satanic Temple has filed a lawsuit against a Pennsylvanian elementary school after the school board voted to deny the establishment of the After School Satan club.

Northern Elementary School in York, Pa., is being sued on the grounds of constitutional violation. The Satanic Temple intends to prove the school board discriminated against the temple by barring the creation of the After School Satan club, despite other organizations being allowed to operate their own programs.

Mathew Kezhaya, the general counsel for The Satanic Temple, told ABC the litigation could take up to two years to complete — potentially longer if the case were moved to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“The First Amendment prohibits a government from considering the popularity of communicative activity when determining whether to facilitate that communicative activity on equal terms with other, similarly situated, groups,” he told ABC.



perhaps it's not about religion.
It's about what it teaches., what it symbolizes, what it is.

Read this part:

According to ABC, Northern Elementary School officials made “discrete statements” informing the temple if they removed “Satan” from the club’s name, their chances of being permitted
as an after-school program would increase.

What is Satan known for?

I'm sure an after-school club that calls itself, "The Jihadist of Mohammad," will also be rejected.
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Freedom of religion is freedom of religion. It’s either this or we have people in government telling you how you can and cannot believe.

perhaps it's not about religion.
It's about what it teaches., what it symbolizes, what it is.

Read this part:

According to ABC, Northern Elementary School officials made “discrete statements” informing the temple if they removed “Satan” from the club’s name, their chances of being permitted
as an after-school program would increase.

What is Satan known for?

I'm sure an after-school club that calls itself, "The Jihadist of Mohammad," will also be rejected.
Satanism is a recognized religion. Either the school allows all religions equally or none at all. Allowing one over another is a violation of the constitution.

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