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The rise and fall of dumbazz MOTT (1 Viewer)

ManOfTrueTruth...transexual fluffer or respectable human being?

  • transexual fluffer

    Votes: 16 100.0%
  • respectable human being

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Political Leaning
let's put the poll up, the BITCH Kelzie and the ASSHOLE cnredd. Here is a nice warm **** YOU cnredd.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

ManOfTrueTruthII said:
let's put the poll up, the BITCH Kelzie and the ASSHOLE cnredd. Here is a nice warm **** YOU cnredd.

Dearest moron,

You were a joke when you were attempting to be intelligent and you are an even more joke now. Your posts were largely based on ignorance and emotion. I proved this everytime you attempted to use history to back your silly twists of reality. I replied with a more exact truth to history (and not a select point) and you continually shyed away. It was a good source of entertainment for all when they came and got me and asked me to set your ignorance straight. It was like clock work. Were they all in a room, they would have placed bets on how fast you would ignore my posts and move onto another thread to practice said ignorance.

You proved to be ignorant about:

Radical Islam
Bin Laden
American foreign policy in the Middle East
American foreign policy during the "Cold War"
the Middle East

With all of this ignorance, your opinions were worth nothing. That is why you weren't taken serious and why people like me, Tashah, and everyone else who has studied the subject have more truth to say than someone like you. "ManOfTruth?" More like "ManOfEmotionAndIgnorance."
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Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

GySgt said:
Dearest moron,

You were a joke when you were attempting to be intelligent and you are an even more joke now. Your posts were largely based on ignorance and emotion. I proved this everytime you attempted to use history to back your silly twists of reality. I replied with a more exact truth to history (and not a select point) and you continually shyed away. It was a good source of entertainment for all when they came and got me and asked me to set your ignorance straight. It was like clock work. Were they all in a room, they would have placed bets on how fast you would ignore my posts and move onto another thread to practice said ignorance.

You proved to be ignorant about:

Radical Islam
Bin Laden
American foreign policy in the Middle East
American foreign policy during the "Cold War"
the Middle East

With all of this ignorance, your opinions were worth nothing.

Gunny, if I saw you laying on the side of the road bleeding to death, I would keep walkin'. If you died, I would pull out vodka or Jack and start drinking and celebrating.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

This will be in the basement in no time... if your lucky.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

Hey the mods started all this.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

Wow, someone is upset.:shock:
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

I also see some bannings in the near future, as suspicion has me thinking a certain someone created multiple IDs.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

Deegan said:
Wow, someone is upset.:shock:

They wouldn't be having these problems if the mods learned the language of decency and respect. I shall continue to fight and be assertive no matter what.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

CnreddIsAJackAss said:
Hey the mods started all this.

And that's only part of the suspiciousness....how would someone with only four posts, that just joined TODAY, know anything at all about the mods and what they did or did not "start"? :rofl
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

Of course, it's obvious that it's me, the one who is banned I freely, openly and honestly admit. I demand the mods treat people with respect and stop their bullying.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

Sometimes folks have trouble dealing with authority, this seems to be one of those times. I hope you learn from this, there are others ways of expressing your anger, and this is certainly not an appropriate option. I always try to just take a break from the forum if I am feeling this upset and angry, it's not an attractive way to conduct yourself. I know we all lose it sometimes, and God knows I have, but I have found an apology works wonders.

Just a tip.;)
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

Deegan said:
Sometimes folks have trouble dealing with authority, this seems to be one of those times. I hope you learn from this, there are others ways of expressing your anger, and this is certainly not an appropriate option.

I don't have problems with fair and legitimate authority, I do have problems with authority that is abused. I prefer to keep authority as limited and as out of my life as possible, but some forms of authority are necessary for survival.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

But then again, authority can also be part of the problem rather than the solution.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

Anyway, I am finished, I just wanted to show cnredd that their will be no surrender or backing down from him and his cronies.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

CnreddIsAJackAss said:
Of course, it's obvious that it's me, the one who is banned I freely, openly and honestly admit. I demand the mods treat people with respect and stop their bullying.

Please. No one is bullying anyone, and these mods are some of the most respectful people I've had the privilege of conversing with. If YOU Have a problem with the authority here, then find somewhere else to post your musings, it's that simple. Do you really think that YOUR opinion is going to change the way someone on the internet thinks and acts? NOT LIKELY. So here's a hint: Grow up and move on with your life.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

CnreddIsAJackAss said:
But then again, authority can also be part of the problem rather than the solution.

Well these forums are much like life, you have to follow certain rules, and we have all learned that hard lesson. This is one of the most open and free forums you will find, but it's not a democracy, and you have to abide by the rules set forth, one of those being, respecting the authority of this site.

I hope you cool off, and are prepared to apologize, it's the right thing to do, even if it is hard to imagine at this time.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

You dumb fuc*ker, you suck. Oh I know, I think I'll tell Tashah she knows nothing about Islam. I'll tell the mods they suck. I think I'll eat some more of my own boggers. What a ****ing jerk. Hey spaz, there's one thing you can't deny, I whuped you and you ran off. "Oh, speaking to teacher is beneth me." Whatever, nice excuse. I whuped you in two polls threads and whupped you in "Now what". I played you like a harp you tool. I called you on your service, you said you wouldn't and didn't have to answer that question. I rode you until you were literally begging me to send me pictures of you in Bosnia and your DD 214. Then you started in on the name calling upstairs. Which was a frenzy I drove you to. That got much attention to the "Now what" thread. Which of course was the beggining of your demise. You little Arabs sucking fag, you blow camels. You are traitor and a swine, pork eater. You want to have some fun, go to the "Son of Top Ten lists and teacher Abuse", I've got some nice cartoons of Mohamed there for you to riot over. I abused you and you had no answer but to run away you fuc*king *****. Oh yea, this will be moved to the basement in no time. But then you are used to that aren't you camel-jockey wannabe.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?


See ya! :2wave:

Happy trails!

You dumb fuc*ker, you suck.

you fuc*king *****.

Looks like Teach may be going with you. Maybe you two could car pool?

Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

LOL, if that was not a case of "good cop, bad cop" I don't know what is?:rofl
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

CnreddIsAJackAss said:
They wouldn't be having these problems if the mods learned the language of decency and respect. I shall continue to fight and be assertive no matter what.

"Continue to fight?" I don't know whether to call you a nerd or to call you a dork. Perhaps both....hmmmmmm...yes...I think both.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

CnreddIsAJackAss said:
Of course, it's obvious that it's me, the one who is banned I freely, openly and honestly admit. I demand the mods treat people with respect and stop their bullying.

DP posters,

I introduce to you the Bin Laden of Debatepolitics.com. He "demands" justice as he breaks every rule, lies, and terrorizes the innocent (The thread title is open to people that do not wish to see such words like "Bitch" and "asshole" and are forever damaged). You are truley the combination of a dork and a nerd...I shall call you nork.
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Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

CnreddIsAJackAss said:
Anyway, I am finished, I just wanted to show cnredd that their will be no surrender or backing down from him and his cronies.
Moderator's Warning:

Yes you certainly are finished, aren't you? Permanently banned for mulitple user ids.

Forum Rules said:
12. Multiple accounts - Multiple accounts of the same user will not be tolerated and you will be banned.**
**If you are having issues with your account, please contact us by using this form before creating another.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

mixedmedia said:
Moderator's Warning:

Yes you certainly are finished, aren't you? Permanently banned for mulitple user ids.

I love it when mixedmedia gets tough. :lol:
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

aps said:
I love it when mixedmedia gets tough. :lol:
She is seksy when she is p*ssed.
Re: Is Kelzie a BITCH and cnredd an ASSHOLE?

aps said:
I love it when mixedmedia gets tough. :lol:

cnredd has banned this retard twice already for multiple users.

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