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The Reverend Jackson strikes again (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I listened to President Bush's speech last night and the pundit commenting on it afterward.........Most of the pundits were complimentary on the comments the President made with the exception of the Reverend (and I use the term loosely) who immediately got on FOX with Greta and immediately starting criticizing the speec and playing the race card......

What a shocker.........:roll:
Navy Pride said:
I listened to President Bush's speech last night and the pundit commenting on it afterward.........Most of the pundits were complimentary on the comments the President made with the exception of the Reverend (and I use the term loosely) who immediately got on FOX with Greta and immediately starting criticizing the speec and playing the race card......

What a shocker.........:roll:

I don't believe you.. Are you telling me that Jackson started ranting about race **GASPPPP**. Who would ever have thought that he of all people would go right to the race card. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.00. I think the biggest surprise is that sharpton didn't beat him to it. youthink that have races to see who gets to say it first. Kind of like a standing bet?
Sharpton and Jackson are both play actors. Prejudice exists, yes, but they are what you might call hypocrites cause they are just about as prejudiced as the people whom they attack. They try to make themselves out to be Martin Luther King JR figures but they act more like corrupt politicans.
FinnMacCool said:
Sharpton and Jackson are both play actors. Prejudice exists, yes, but they are what you might call hypocrites cause they are just about as prejudiced as the people whom they attack. They try to make themselves out to be Martin Luther King JR figures but they act more like corrupt politicans.
Good post...we'll make you a Conservative yet!

In his Darth Vader voice...(breathing heavily)...Welcome...to the Dark Side...:2wave:
I could easily adapt as a conservative. All I need is an ak-47, some country music, and a hummer.

But Cnredd, though I know you are just joking this is the problem with politics right now. Conservatives will view liberals as people like Sharpton and Jackson but they are just morons. Same goes with Michael Moore.
FinnMacCool said:
I could easily adapt as a conservative. All I need is an ak-47, some country music, and a hummer.

But Cnredd, though I know you are just joking this is the problem with politics right now. Conservatives will view liberals as people like Sharpton and Jackson but they are just morons. Same goes with Michael Moore.

No...there was no deep thinking about them representing the whole Liberal movement...

Coincidentally, I just recently wrote about that in another thread...


BTW - Stop capitalizing my name!!!!!:2wave:
Navy Pride said:
I listened to President Bush's speech last night and the pundit commenting on it afterward.........Most of the pundits were complimentary on the comments the President made with the exception of the Reverend (and I use the term loosely) who immediately got on FOX with Greta and immediately starting criticizing the speec and playing the race card......

What a shocker.........:roll:

Does anyone listen to that clown anymore?
"I could easily adapt as a conservative. All I need is an ak-47, some country music, and a hummer."

FinnMacCool said:
I could easily adapt as a conservative. All I need is an ak-47, some country music, and a hummer.
Some of us don't like country music and can't afford a Hummer.

I'll keep you guessing about the AK-47.
MiamiFlorida said:
Does anyone listen to that clown anymore?

Sadly a lot of African Americans still drink the kool aid
Navy Pride said:
Sadly a lot of African Americans still drink the kool aid
Yes, most African Americans are free but jackholes like Jessie Jackson want to enslave their minds and their spirits.

If I had a choice, I’d choose to be a slave in body but remain a free spirit and a free thinker.
Originally posted by GPS_Flex:
If I had a choice, I’d choose to be a slave in body but remain a free spirit and a free thinker.
What the hell does that mean?
Navy Pride said:
Sadly a lot of African Americans still drink the kool aid

My guess is that cool aid is better to them then the poison that the Repubs want to give them!
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taxpayer said:
My guess is that cool aid is better to them then the poison that the Repubs want to give them!

Please! You actually believe what you are saying?

Poision :roll:

If the Republicans are such racists then why didn't we just nuke New Oreleans during Katrina instead of just blowing the levies or better yet making a hurricane right out of thin air to make a direct land fall on New Oreleans.

Knowing Bush, if we Repubs were such racists we would have just bombed the place. Much easier. :roll:

Jessie Jackson is a worthless RACIST. He is the black version of the KKK...

It is absolutely discusting. This political and racial division needs to stop or America is going end up like Russia.
Not a Democrat said:
If the Republicans are such racists then why didn't we just nuke New Oreleans during Katrina instead of just blowing the levies or better yet making a hurricane right out of thin air to make a direct land fall on New Oreleans.

Wow, I didn't know the Republicans blew the levies. They are so kind hearted. :rofl

Anyhow, Jackson has his head up his ass right along with Bill O'Reiley.
Old and wise said:
Wow, I didn't know the Republicans blew the levies. They are so kind hearted. :rofl

Anyhow, Jackson has his head up his ass right along with Bill O'Reiley.

The difference is Conservatives know that Oreilly is......Most African Americans don't realize what charlatans Jackson and Sharpton are......More and more see them for what the frauds they are every day and that is good to see.......

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